• 计算系统概论ics第五章习题




    List five addressing modes. Given instructions ADD, JMP, LEA,LDR and NOT, identify whether the instructions are operate instructions, data movement instructions, or control instructions. For each instruction, list the addressing modes that can be used with the instruction.

    A D D ADD ADD操作指令寄存器寻址、立即数寻址
    J M P JMP JMP控制指令寄存器寻址
    L E A LEA LEA数据搬移指令立即数寻址
    L D R LDR LDR数据搬移指令基址+偏移寻址
    N O T NOT NOT操作指令寄存器寻址


    Say we have a memory consisting of 256 locations, and each location contains 16 bits.

    a. How many bits are required for the address?

    256 = 2 8 256=2^{8} 256=28,至少需要 8   b i t s 8\ bits 8 bits

    b.If we use the PC-relative addressing mode, and want to allow control transfer between instructions 20 locations away, how many bits of a branch instruction are needed to specify the PC-relative offset?

    6 b i t 6bit 6bit的补码表示范围为 [ − 32 , 31 ] [-32,31] [32,31],所以要表示 ≥ 20 \ge20 20的范围需要 6 b i t s 6bits 6bits

    c.If a control instruction is in location 3, what is the PC-relative offset of address 10? Assume that the control transfer instructions work the same way as in the LC-3.

    3+1+PCoffset=10 \text{3+1+PCoffset=10} 3+1+PCoffset=10,偏移值为 6 6 6


    Recall the machine busy example from Section 2.6.7. Assuming the BUSYNESS bit vector is stored in R2, we can use the LC-3 instruction 0101 011 010 1 00001 (AND R3, R2, #1) to determine whether machine 0 is busy or not. If the result of this instruction is 0, then machine 0 is busy.

    a. Write an LC-3 instruction that determines whether machine 2 is busy.

    0101 011 010 1 00100 (AND R3, R2, #4) \text{0101 011 010 1 00100 (AND R3, R2, \#4)} 0101 011 010 1 00100 (AND R3, R2, #4)

    b. Write an LC-3 instruction that determines whether both machines 2 and 3 are busy.

    0101 011 010 1 01100 (AND R3, R2, #12) \text{0101 011 010 1 01100 (AND R3, R2, \#12)} 0101 011 010 1 01100 (AND R3, R2, #12)

    c. Write an LC-3 instruction that indicates none of the machines are busy.

    1001 011 010 1 11111 (NOT R3,R2) \text{1001 011 010 1 11111 (NOT R3,R2)} 1001 011 010 1 11111 (NOT R3,R2)

    d. Can you write an LC-3 instruction that determines whether machine 6 is busy? Is there a problem here?

    不能,我们需要对  0000 0000 0100 0000  \text{ 0000 0000 0100 0000 }  0000 0000 0100 0000 执行 A N D AND AND操作,而立即数只有 5 5 5位。


    We would like to have an instruction that does nothing. Many ISAs actually have an opcode devoted to doing nothing. It is usually called NOP, for NO OPERATION. The instruction is fetched, decoded, and executed. The execution phase is to do nothing! Which of the following three instructions could be used for NOP and have the program still work correctly?

    a. 0001 001 001 1 00000

    (ADD R1,R1,#0) \text{(ADD R1,R1,\#0)} (ADD R1,R1,#0),不能用作 N O P NOP NOP,因为 A D D ADD ADD指令会执行 s e t c c ( ) ; setcc(); setcc();

    b. 0000 111 000000001

    B R BR BR指令, n , z , p n,z,p n,z,p均为 1 1 1,会跳转至 P C PC PC增量与 P C o f f s e t PCoffset PCoffset字段的符号扩展之和的地址处。

    c. 0000 000 000000000

    可以用作 N O P NOP NOP n , z , p n,z,p n,z,p均为零, P C PC PC内容不变,在下一个指令周期,将顺序地读取下一条指令。

    What does the ADD instruction do that the others do not do?

    A D D ADD ADD指令存在取操作数操作以及存数操作。


    a. How might one use a single LC-3 instruction to move the value in R2 into R3?

    0001 011 010 1 00000 (ADD R3, R2, #0) \text{0001 011 010 1 00000 (ADD R3, R2, \#0)} 0001 011 010 1 00000 (ADD R3, R2, #0)

    b. The LC-3 has no subtract instruction. How could one perform the following operation using only three LC-3 instructions: R1 ← R2 − R3
    1001 0011 0011 1 11111 (NOT R3,R3) 0001 011 011 1 00001 (ADD R3,R3,#1) 0001 001 010 0 00 011 (ADD R1,R2,R3) \text{1001 0011 0011 1 11111 (NOT R3,R3)}\\ \text{0001 011 011 1 00001 (ADD R3,R3,\#1)}\\ \text{0001 001 010 0 00 011 (ADD R1,R2,R3)} 1001 0011 0011 1 11111 (NOT R3,R3)0001 011 011 1 00001 (ADD R3,R3,#1)0001 001 010 0 00 011 (ADD R1,R2,R3)
    c. Using only one LC-3 instruction and without changing the contents of any register, how might one set the condition codes based on the value that resides in R1?

    0001 001 001 1 00000 (ADD R1,R1,#0) \text{0001 001 001 1 00000 (ADD R1,R1,\#0)} 0001 001 001 1 00000 (ADD R1,R1,#0)

    d. Is there a sequence of LC-3 instructions that will cause the condition codes at the end of the sequence to be N = 1, Z = 1, and P = 0? Explain.

    n = 1 , z = 1 n=1,z=1 n=1,z=1说明即是负数又是零,但不存在这样的数,所以不可能。

    e. Write an LC-3 instruction that clears the contents of R2.

    0101 010 010 1 00000 (AND R2,R2,#0) \text{0101 010 010 1 00000 (AND R2,R2,\#0)} 0101 010 010 1 00000 (AND R2,R2,#0)


    The LC-3 does not have an opcode for the logical function XOR. That is, there is no instruction in the LC-3 ISA that performs the XOR operation. However, we can write a sequence of instructions to implement the XOR operation.

    Assume that the reserved instruction 1101 is OR instruction,its addressing mode is the same as AND.

    The following five-instruction sequence performs the XOR of the contents of register 1 and register 2 and puts the result in register 3.

    Fill in the two missing instructions so that the five-instruction sequence will do the job.

    (1): 1001 100 001 111111

    (2): 0101 100 100 0 00 010 (AND R4,R4,R2) \text{0101 100 100 0 00 010 (AND R4,R4,R2)} 0101 100 100 0 00 010 (AND R4,R4,R2)

    (3): 1001 101 010 111111

    (4): 0101 101 101 0 00 001 (AND R5,R5,R1) \text{0101 101 101 0 00 001 (AND R5,R5,R1)} 0101 101 101 0 00 001 (AND R5,R5,R1)

    (5): 1101 011 100 000 101


    State the contents of R1, R2, R3, and R4 after the program starting at location x3100 halts.

    0011 0001 0000 00001110 001 000100000
    0011 0001 0000 00010010 010 000100000
    0011 0001 0000 00101010 011 000100000
    0011 0001 0000 00110110 100 010 000001
    0011 0001 0000 01001111 0000 0010 0101
    0011 0001 0010 00100100 0101 0110 0110
    0011 0001 0010 00110100 0101 0110 0111
    0100 0101 0110 01111010 1011 1100 1101
    0100 0101 0110 10001111 1110 1101 0011

    1110 001 000100000 ( LEA R1, 0x20 ) R1 ← 0x3121 0010 010 000100000 ( LD R2, 0x20 ) R2 ← mem[0x3122] = 0x4566 1010 011 000100001 ( LDI R3, 0x20 ) R3 ← mem[mem[0x3123]] = 0xabcd 0110 100 010 000001 ( LDR R4, R2, 0x1 ) R4 ← mem[R2 + 0x1] = 0xabcd 1111 0000 0010 0101 ( TRAP 0x25 ) \text{1110 001 000100000 ( LEA R1, 0x20 ) R1 ← 0x3121}\\ \text{0010 010 000100000 ( LD R2, 0x20 ) R2 ← mem[0x3122] = 0x4566}\\ \text{1010 011 000100001 ( LDI R3, 0x20 ) R3 ← mem[mem[0x3123]] = 0xabcd}\\ \text{0110 100 010 000001 ( LDR R4, R2, 0x1 ) R4 ← mem[R2 + 0x1] = 0xabcd}\\ \text{1111 0000 0010 0101 ( TRAP 0x25 )}\\ 1110 001 000100000 ( LEA R1, 0x20 ) R1 ← 0x31210010 010 000100000 ( LD R2, 0x20 ) R2 ← mem[0x3122] = 0x45661010 011 000100001 ( LDI R3, 0x20 ) R3 ← mem[mem[0x3123]] = 0xabcd0110 100 010 000001 ( LDR R4, R2, 0x1 ) R4 ← mem[R2 + 0x1] = 0xabcd1111 0000 0010 0101 ( TRAP 0x25 )


    How many times does the LC-3 make a read or write request to memory during the processing of the LD instruction?


    How many times during the processing of the LDI instruction?


    How many times during the processing of the LEA instruction?

    一次:一次取指令操作,不需要evluate address、execute节拍

    Also indicate what phases the instructions don’t need. Processing includes all phases of the instruction cycle.


    Suppose the following LC-3 program is loaded into memory starting at location x30FF:

    x30FF 1110 001 000000001 👉 (LEA R1 x0001) R1←x3101 \text{(LEA R1 x0001) R1←x3101} (LEA R1 x0001) R1←x3101

    x3100 0110 010 001 000010 👉 (LDR R2 R1 ,#2) R2←mem[R1+2] \text{(LDR R2 R1 ,\#2) R2←mem[R1+2]} (LDR R2 R1 ,#2) R2←mem[R1+2]

    x3101 1111 0000 0010 0101 👉 (TRAP x0025) \text{(TRAP x0025)} (TRAP x0025)

    x3102 0001 010 001 0 00 001

    x3103 0001 010 010 0 00 010

    If the program is executed, what is the value in R2 at the end of execution?

    0001 0100 1000 0010 = x1482 \text{0001 0100 1000 0010 = x1482} 0001 0100 1000 0010 = x1482


    If the value stored in R0 is 5 at the end of the execution of the following instructions, what can be inferred about R5?

    x2FFF 0101 000 000 1 00000 AND R 0 ← 0 R0←0 R00
    x3000 0101 111 111 1 00000 AND R 7 ← 0 R7←0 R70
    x3001 0001 110 111 1 00001 ADD R 6 ← R 7 + 1 R6←R7+1 R6R7+1
    x3002 0101 100 101 0 00 110 AND R 4 ← R 5 a n d R 6 R4←R5andR6 R4R5andR6
    x3003 0000 010 000000001 BR B R z   x 3005 BRz\ x3005 BRz x3005
    x3004 0001 000 000 1 00001 ADD R 0 ← R 0 + 1 R0←R0+1 R0R0+1
    x3005 0001 110 110 0 00 110 ADD R 6 ← R 6 + R 6 R6←R6+R6 R6R6+R6
    x3006 0001 111 111 1 00001 ADD R 7 ← R 7 + 1 R7←R7+1 R7R7+1
    x3007 0001 001 111 1 11000 ADD R 1 ← R 7 − 8 R1←R7-8 R1R78
    x3008 0000 100 111111001 BR B R n   x 3009 − x 0007 = x 3002 BRn\ x30 09-x0007=x3002 BRn x3009x0007=x3002
    x3009 0101 111 111 1 00000 AND R 7 ← 0 R7←0 R70

    只有当 R 4 R4 R4 0 0 0的时候,才会执行 B R z   x 3005 BRz\ x3005 BRz x3005,此时会跳过 R 0 ← R 0 + 1 R0←R0+1 R0R0+1,要让 R 0 R0 R0增量至 5 5 5 R 4 ← R 5 a n d R 6 R4←R5andR6 R4R5andR6的结果至少有 5 5 5次结果不为 0 0 0,即执行 5 5 5 R 0 ← R 0 + 1 R0←R0+1 R0R0+1,当 R 1 ← R 7 − 8 R1←R7-8 R1R78置状态 ≥ 0 ≥0 0时程序会执行至结束, R 6 : 1 → 10 → … → 1000   0000 R6:1→10→…→1000\ 0000 R61101000 0000,与 R 5 R5 R5做共 8 8 8次与运算,其中 5 5 5次运算结果不为 0 0 0,所以可推出 R 5 R5 R5 8 8 8位中有 5 5 5位为 1 1 1


    The LC-3 macho-company has decided to use opcode 1101 to implement a new instruction. They need your help to pick the most useful one from the following:

    a. MOVE Ri, Rj; The contents of Rj are copied into Ri.

    b. NAND Ri, Rj, Rk; Ri is the bit-wise NAND of Rj, Rk

    c. SHFL Ri, Rj, #2; The contents of Rj are shifted left 2 bits and stored into Ri.

    d. MUL Ri, Rj, Rk; Ri is the product of 2’s complement integers in Rj, Rk.

    Justify your answer.

    a , b , c a,b,c a,b,c可以分别由以下指令代替,所以 M U L MUL MUL是其中最有意义的。

    a. A D D   R i , R j , # 0 ADD\ Ri,Rj,\#0 ADD Ri,Rj,#0

    b. A N D   R i , R j , R k   ;   N O T R i , R i AND\ Ri,Rj,Rk\ ;\ NOT Ri,Ri AND Ri,Rj,Rk ; NOTRi,Ri

    c. M U L   R i , R j , # 4 MUL\ Ri,Rj,\#4 MUL Ri,Rj,#4


    The following diagram describes a 22 by 16-bit memory. Each of the four muxes has four-bit input sources and a four-bit output, and each four-bit source is the output of a single four-bit memory cell.


    a. Unfortunately, the memory was wired by a student, and he got the inputs to some of the muxes mixed up. That is, instead of the four bits from a memory cell going to the correct four-bit input of the mux, the four bits all went to one of the other four-bit sources of that mux. The result was, as you can imagine, a mess. To figure out the mix-up in the wiring, the following sequence of memory accesses was performed:


    Note: On a write, MDR is loaded before the access. On a read, MDR is loaded as a result of the access. Your job is to identify the mix-up in the wiring. Show which memory cells were wired to which mux inputs by filling in their corresponding addresses in the blanks provided. Note that one address has already been supplied for you.

    对于第二个MUX,因为从 M A R = 01 MAR=01 MAR=01读出 C C C,但是向 M A R = 10 MAR=10 MAR=10写入 C C C,所以可知第二个MUX的 01 01 01位置实际接的是 10 10 10,其余依此类推

    b. After rewiring the muxes correctly and initializing all memory cells to xF, the following sequence of accesses was performed. Note that some of the information about each access has been left out. Your job:

    Fill in the blanks.


    Show the contents of the memory cells by putting the hex digit that is stored in each after all the accesses have been performed.

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_56462041/article/details/127863767