mybatis里使用了 > 括号,这样写会报错
- <select id="answerList" parameterType="java.util.Map">
- select tab1.id, tab1.content, tab1.app_id as appId, tab1.title,
- tab1.create_time as createTime, tab1.update_time as updateTime
- from
- <include refid="table_name">include> as tab1
- LEFT JOIN <include refid="table_name_word">include> as tab2
- ON tb1.id != tab2.belong_id
- <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND | OR">
- <if test="downloadCount != null and downloadCount != '' or downloadCount == 0">
- and tab1.download_count < #{downloadCount}
- if>
- select>
- <if test="downloadCount != null and downloadCount != '' or downloadCount == 0">
- and tab1.download_count < #{downloadCount}