Paper1 Order-preserving Consistency Regularization for Domain Adaptation and Generalization
摘要原文: Deep learning models fail on cross-domain challenges if the model is oversensitive to domain-specific attributes, e.g., lightning, background, camera angle, etc. To alleviate this problem, data augmentation coupled with consistency regularization are commonly adopted to make the model less sensitive to domain-specific attributes. Consistency regularization enforces the model to output the same representation or prediction for two views of one image. These constraints, however, are either too strict or not order-preserving for the classification probabilities. In this work, we propose the Order-preserving Consistency Regularization (OCR) for cross-domain tasks. The order-preserving property for the prediction makes the model robust to task-irrelevant transformations. As a result, the model becomes less sensitive to the domain-specific attributes. The comprehensive experiments show that our method achieves clear advantages on five different cross-domain tasks.
Paper2 Towards Open-Set Test-Time Adaptation Utilizing the Wisdom of Crowds in Entropy Minimization
摘要原文: Test-time adaptation (TTA) methods, which generally rely on the model’s predictions (e.g., entropy minimization) to adapt the source pretrained model to the unlabeled target domain, suffer from noisy signals originating from 1) incorrect or 2) open-set predictions. Long-term stable adaptation is hampered by such noisy signals, so training models without such error accumulation is crucial for practical TTA. To address these issues, including open-set TTA, we propose a simple yet effective sample selection method inspired by the following crucial empirical finding. While entropy minimization compels the model to increase the probability of its predicted label (i.e., confidence values), we found that noisy samples rather show decreased confidence values. To be more specific, entropy minimization attempts to raise the confidence values of an individual sample’s prediction, but individual confidence values may rise or fall due to the influence of signals from numerous other predictions (i.e., wisdom of crowds). Due to this fact, noisy signals misaligned with such ‘wisdom of crowds’, generally found in the correct signals, fail to raise the individual confidence values of wrong samples, despite attempts to increase them. Based on such findings, we filter out the samples whose confidence values are lower in the adapted model than in the original model, as they are likely to be noisy. Our method is widely applicable to existing TTA methods and improves their long-term adaptation performance in both image classification (e.g., 49.4% reduced error rates with TENT) and semantic segmentation (e.g., 11.7% gain in mIoU with TENT).
Paper3 SFHarmony: Source Free Domain Adaptation for Distributed Neuroimaging Analysis
摘要原文: To represent the biological variability of clinical neuroimaging populations, it is vital to be able to combine data across scanners and studies. However, different MRI scanners produce images with different characteristics, resulting in a domain shift known as the ‘harmonisation problem’. Additionally, neuroimaging data is inherently personal in nature, leading to data privacy concerns when sharing the data. To overcome these barriers, we propose an Unsupervised Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) method, SFHarmony. Through modelling the imaging features as a Gaussian Mixture Model and minimising an adapted Bhattacharyya distance between the source and target features, we can create a model that performs well for the target data whilst having a shared feature representation across the data domains, without needing access to the source data for adaptation or target labels. We demonstrate the performance of our method on simulated and real domain shifts, showing that the approach is applicable to classification, segmentation and regression tasks, requiring no changes to the algorithm. Our method outperforms existing SFDA approaches across a range of realistic data scenarios, demonstrating the potential utility of our approach for MRI harmonisation and general SFDA problems. Our code is available at
Paper4 StyleDomain: Efficient and Lightweight Parameterizations of StyleGAN for One-shot and Few-shot Domain Adaptation
摘要原文: Domain adaptation of GANs is a problem of fine-tuning GAN models pretrained on a large dataset (e.g. StyleGAN) to a specific domain with few samples (e.g. painting faces, sketches, etc.). While there are many methods that tackle this problem in different ways, there are still many important questions that remain unanswered. In this paper, we provide a systematic and in-depth analysis of the domain adaptation problem of GANs, focusing on the StyleGAN model. We perform a detailed exploration of the most important parts of StyleGAN that are responsible for adapting the generator to a new domain depending on the similarity between the source and target domains. As a result of this study, we propose new efficient and lightweight parameterizations of StyleGAN for domain adaptation. Particularly, we show that there exist directions in StyleSpace (StyleDomain directions) that are sufficient for adapting to similar domains. For dissimilar domains, we propose Affine+ and AffineLight+ parameterizations that allows us to outperform existing baselines in few-shot adaptation while having significantly less training parameters. Finally, we examine StyleDomain directions and discover their many surprising properties that we apply for domain mixing and cross-domain image morphing. Source code can be found at
Paper5 Fine-grained Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Gait Recognition
摘要原文: Gait recognition has emerged as a promising technique for the long-range retrieval of pedestrians, providing numerous advantages such as accurate identification in challenging conditions and non-intrusiveness, making it highly desirable for improving public safety and security. However, the high cost of labeling datasets, which is a prerequisite for most existing fully supervised approaches, poses a significant obstacle to the development of gait recognition. Recently, some unsupervised methods for gait recognition have shown promising results. However, these methods mainly rely on a fine-tuning approach that does not sufficiently consider the relationship between source and target domains, leading to the catastrophic forgetting of source domain knowledge. This paper presents a novel perspective that adjacent-view sequences exhibit overlapping views, which can be leveraged by the network to gradually attain cross-view and cross-dressing capabilities without pre-training on the labeled source domain. Specifically, we propose a fine-grained Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) framework that iteratively alternates between two stages. The initial stage involves offline clustering, which transfers knowledge from the labeled source domain to the unlabeled target domain and adaptively generates pseudo-labels according to the expressiveness of each part. Subsequently, the second stage encompasses online training, which further achieves cross-dressing capabilities by continuously learning to distinguish numerous features of source and target domains. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through extensive experiments conducted on widely-used public gait datasets.
中文总结: 这段话主要内容是介绍了一种名为PromptSRC(Prompting with Self-regulating Constraints)的自我正则化框架,用于引导提示(prompts)在微调基础模型(如CLIP)时同时优化特定任务和任务不可知的通用表示。该框架通过三方面的方法来引导提示进行自我正则化:(a)通过最大化与冻结模型的互相一致性来规范提示表示,(b)通过提示的自我集成来编码它们的互补优势,(c)通过文本多样性来规范以减轻样本多样性不平衡。PromptSRC明确引导提示学习一个表示空间,以在下游任务上最大化性能,同时不损害CLIP的泛化能力。作者在4个基准测试上进行了大量实验,结果表明PromptSRC相对于现有方法表现良好。他们的代码和预训练模型已公开发布。
Paper7 Test Time Adaptation for Blind Image Quality Assessment
摘要原文: While the design of blind image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms has improved significantly, the distribution shift between the training and testing scenarios often leads to a poor performance of these methods at inference time. This motivates the study of test time adaptation (TTA) techniques to improve their performance at inference time. Existing auxiliary tasks and loss functions used for TTA may not be relevant for quality-aware adaptation of the pre-trained model. In this work, we introduce two novel quality-relevant auxiliary tasks at the batch and sample levels to enable TTA for blind IQA. In particular, we introduce a group contrastive loss at the batch level and a relative rank loss at the sample level to make the model quality aware and adapt to the target data. Our experiments reveal that even using a small batch of images from the test distribution helps achieve significant improvement in performance by updating the batch normalization statistics of the source model.
Paper8 Label Shift Adapter for Test-Time Adaptation under Covariate and Label Shifts
摘要原文: Test-time adaptation (TTA) aims to adapt a pre-trained model to the target domain in a batch-by-batch manner during inference. While label distributions often exhibit imbalances in real-world scenarios, most previous TTA approaches typically assume that both source and target domain datasets have balanced label distribution. Due to the fact that certain classes appear more frequently in certain domains (e.g., buildings in cities, trees in forests), it is natural that the label distribution shifts as the domain changes. However, we discover that the majority of existing TTA methods fail to address the coexistence of covariate and label shifts. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel label shift adapter that can be incorporated into existing TTA approaches to deal with label shifts during the TTA process effectively. Specifically, we estimate the label distribution of the target domain to feed it into the label shift adapter. Subsequently, the label shift adapter produces optimal parameters for the target label distribution. By predicting only the parameters for a part of the pre-trained source model, our approach is computationally efficient and can be easily applied, regardless of the model architectures. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that integrating our strategy with TTA approaches leads to substantial performance improvements under the joint presence of label and covariate shifts.
Paper9 Generalized Lightness Adaptation with Channel Selective Normalization
摘要原文: Lightness adaptation is vital to the success of image processing to avoid unexpected visual deterioration, which covers multiple aspects, e.g., low-light image enhancement, image retouching, and inverse tone mapping. Existing methods typically work well on their trained lightness conditions but perform poorly in unknown ones due to their limited generalization ability. To address this limitation, we propose a novel generalized lightness adaptation algorithm that extends conventional normalization techniques through a channel filtering design, dubbed Channel Selective Normalization (CSNorm). The proposed CSNorm purposely normalizes the statistics of lightness-relevant channels and keeps other channels unchanged, so as to improve feature generalization and discrimination. To optimize CSNorm, we propose an alternating training strategy that effectively identifies lightness-relevant channels. The model equipped with our CSNorm only needs to be trained on one lightness condition and can be well generalized to unknown lightness conditions. Experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of CSNorm in enhancing the generalization ability for the existing lightness adaptation methods. Code is available at
Paper10 Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Retrieval
摘要原文: In text-video retrieval, recent works have benefited from the powerful learning capabilities of pre-trained text-image foundation models (e.g., CLIP) by adapting them to the video domain. A critical problem for them is how to effectively capture the rich semantics inside the video using the image encoder of CLIP. To tackle this, state-of-the-art methods adopt complex cross-modal modeling techniques to fuse the text information into video frame representations, which, however, incurs severe efficiency issues in large-scale retrieval systems as the video representations must be recomputed online for every text query. In this paper, we discard this problematic cross-modal fusion process and aim to learn semantically-enhanced representations purely from the video, so that the video representations can be computed offline and reused for different texts. Concretely, we first introduce a spatial-temporal “Prompt Cube” into the CLIP image encoder and iteratively switch it within the encoder layers to efficiently incorporate the global video semantics into frame representations. We then propose to apply an auxiliary video captioning objective to train the frame representations, which facilitates the learning of detailed video semantics by providing fine-grained guidance in the semantic space. With a naive temporal fusion strategy (i.e., mean-pooling) on the enhanced frame representations, we obtain state-of-the-art performances on three benchmark datasets, i.e., MSR-VTT, MSVD, and LSMDC.
Paper11 A Low-Shot Object Counting Network With Iterative Prototype Adaptation
摘要原文: We consider low-shot counting of arbitrary semantic categories in the image using only few annotated exemplars (few-shot) or no exemplars (no-shot). The standard few-shot pipeline follows extraction of appearance queries from exemplars and matching them with image features to infer the object counts. Existing methods extract queries by feature pooling which neglects the shape information (e.g., size and aspect) and leads to a reduced object localization accuracy and count estimates. We propose a Low-shot Object Counting network with iterative prototype Adaptation (LOCA). Our main contribution is the new object prototype extraction module, which iteratively fuses the exemplar shape and appearance information with image features. The module is easily adapted to zero-shot scenarios, enabling LOCA to cover the entire spectrum of low-shot counting problems. LOCA outperforms all recent state-of-the-art methods on FSC147 benchmark by 20-30% in RMSE on one-shot and few-shot and achieves state-of-the-art on zero-shot scenarios, while demonstrating better generalization capabilities. The code and models are available here:
Paper12 Smoothness Similarity Regularization for Few-Shot GAN Adaptation
摘要原文: The task of few-shot GAN adaptation aims to adapt a pre-trained GAN model to a small dataset with very few training images. While existing methods perform well when the dataset for pre-training is structurally similar to the target dataset, the approaches suffer from training instabilities or memorization issues when the objects in the two domains have a very different structure. To mitigate this limitation, we propose a new smoothness similarity regularization that transfers the inherently learned smoothness of the pre-trained GAN to the few-shot target domain even if the two domains are very different. We evaluate our approach by adapting an unconditional and a class-conditional GAN to diverse few-shot target domains. Our proposed method significantly outperforms prior few-shot GAN adaptation methods in the challenging case of structurally dissimilar source-target domains, while performing on par with the state of the art for similar source-target domains.
Paper13 Augmenting and Aligning Snippets for Few-Shot Video Domain Adaptation
摘要原文: For video models to be transferred and applied seamlessly across video tasks in varied environments, Video Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (VUDA) has been introduced to improve the robustness and transferability of video models. However, current VUDA methods rely on a vast amount of high-quality unlabeled target data, which may not be available in real-world cases. We thus consider a more realistic Few-Shot Video-based Domain Adaptation (FSVDA) scenario where we adapt video models with only a few target video samples. While a few methods have touched upon Few-Shot Domain Adaptation (FSDA) in images and in FSVDA, they rely primarily on spatial augmentation for target domain expansion with alignment performed statistically at the instance level. However, videos contain more knowledge in terms of rich temporal and semantic information, which should be fully considered while augmenting target domains and performing alignment in FSVDA. We propose a novel SSA2lign to address FSVDA at the snippet level, where the target domain is expanded through a simple snippet-level augmentation followed by the attentive alignment of snippets both semantically and statistically, where semantic alignment of snippets is conducted through multiple perspectives. Empirical results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of SSA2lign across multiple cross-domain action recognition benchmarks.
摘要原文: Low-light conditions not only hamper human visual experience but also degrade the model’s performance on downstream vision tasks. While existing works make remarkable progress on day-night domain adaptation, they rely heavily on domain knowledge derived from the task-specific nighttime dataset. This paper challenges a more complicated scenario with border applicability, i.e., zero-shot day-night domain adaptation, which eliminates reliance on any nighttime data. Unlike prior zero-shot adaptation approaches emphasizing either image-level translation or model-level adaptation, we propose a similarity min-max paradigm that considers them under a unified framework. On the image level, we darken images towards minimum feature similarity to enlarge the domain gap. Then on the model level, we maximize the feature similarity between the darkened images and their normal-light counterparts for better model adaptation. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the pioneering effort in jointly optimizing both aspects, resulting in a significant improvement of model generalizability. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method’s effectiveness and broad applicability on various nighttime vision tasks, including classification, semantic segmentation, visual place recognition, and video action recognition. Our project page is available at
Paper15 DETA: Denoised Task Adaptation for Few-Shot Learning
摘要原文: Test-time task adaptation in few-shot learning aims to adapt a pre-trained task-agnostic model for capturing task-specific knowledge of the test task, rely only on few-labeled support samples. Previous approaches generally focus on developing advanced algorithms to achieve the goal, while neglecting the inherent problems of the given support samples. In fact, with only a handful of samples available, the adverse effect of either the image noise (a.k.a. X-noise) or the label noise (a.k.a. Y-noise) from support samples can be severely amplified. To address this challenge, in this work we propose DEnoised Task Adaptation (DETA), a first, unified image- and label-denoising framework orthogonal to existing task adaptation approaches. Without extra supervision, DETA filters out task-irrelevant, noisy representations by taking advantage of both global visual information and local region details of support samples. On the challenging Meta-Dataset, DETA consistently improves the performance of a broad spectrum of baseline methods applied on various pre-trained models. Notably, by tackling the overlooked image noise in Meta-Dataset, DETA establishes new state-of-the-art results. Code is released at
Paper16 Confidence-based Visual Dispersal for Few-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
摘要原文: Unsupervised domain adaptation aims to transfer knowledge from a fully-labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. However, in real-world scenarios, providing abundant labeled data even in the source domain can be infeasible due to the difficulty and high expense of annotation. To address this issue, recent works consider the Few-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (FUDA) where only a few source samples are labeled, and conduct knowledge transfer via self-supervised learning methods. Yet existing methods generally overlook that the sparse label setting hinders learning reliable source knowledge for transfer. Additionally, the learning difficulty difference in target samples is different but ignored, leaving hard target samples poorly classified. To tackle both deficiencies, in this paper, we propose a novel Confidence-based Visual Dispersal Transfer learning method (C-VisDiT) for FUDA. Specifically, C-VisDiT consists of a cross-domain visual dispersal strategy that transfers only high-confidence source knowledge for model adaptation and an intra-domain visual dispersal strategy that guides the learning of hard target samples with easy ones. We conduct extensive experiments on Office-31, Office-Home, VisDA-C, and DomainNet benchmark datasets and the results demonstrate that the proposed C-VisDiT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art FUDA methods. Our code is available at
Paper17 First Session Adaptation: A Strong Replay-Free Baseline for Class-Incremental Learning
摘要原文: In Class-Incremental Learning (CIL) an image classification system is exposed to new classes in each learning session and must be updated incrementally. Methods approaching this problem have updated both the classification head and the feature extractor body at each session of CIL. In this work, we develop a baseline method, First Session Adaptation (FSA), that sheds light on the efficacy of existing CIL approaches, and allows us to assess the relative performance contributions from head and body adaption. FSA adapts a pre-trained neural network body only on the first learning session and fixes it thereafter; a head based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA), is then placed on top of the adapted body, allowing exact updates through CIL. FSA is replay-free i.e. it does not memorize examples from previous sessions of continual learning. To empirically motivate FSA, we first consider a diverse selection of 22 image-classification datasets, evaluating different heads and body adaptation techniques in high/low-shot offline settings. We find that the LDA head performs well and supports CIL out-of-the-box. We also find that Featurewise Layer Modulation (FiLM) adapters are highly effective in the few-shot setting, and full-body adaption in the high-shot setting. Second, we empirically investigate various CIL settings including high-shot CIL and few-shot CIL, including settings that have previously been used in the literature. We show that FSA significantly improves over the state-of-the-art in 15 of the 16 settings considered. FSA with FiLM adapters is especially performant in the few-shot setting. These results indicate that current approaches to continuous body adaptation are not working as expected. Finally, we propose a measure that can be applied to a set of unlabelled inputs which is predictive of the benefits of body adaptation.
Paper18 DomainAdaptor: A Novel Approach to Test-time Adaptation
摘要原文: To deal with the domain shift between training and test samples, current methods have primarily focused on learning generalizable features during training and ignore the specificity of unseen samples that are also critical during the test. In this paper, we investigate a more challenging task that aims to adapt a trained CNN model to unseen domains during the test. To maximumly mine the information in the test data, we propose a unified method called DomainAdaptor for the test-time adaptation, which consists of an AdaMixBN module and a Generalized Entropy Minimization (GEM) loss. Specifically, AdaMixBN addresses the domain shift by adaptively fusing training and test statistics in the normalization layer via a dynamic mixture coefficient and a statistic transformation operation. To further enhance the adaptation ability of AdaMixBN, we design a GEM loss that extends the Entropy Minimization loss to better exploit the information in the test data. Extensive experiments show DomainAdaptor consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on four benchmarks. Furthermore, our method brings more remarkable improvement against existing methods on the few-data unseen domain. The code is available at
Paper19 CMDA: Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
摘要原文: Most nighttime semantic segmentation studies are based on domain adaptation approaches and image input. However, limited by the low dynamic range of conventional cameras, images fail to capture structural details and boundary information in low-light conditions. Event cameras, as a new form of vision sensors, are complementary to conventional cameras with their high dynamic range. To this end, we propose a novel unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation (CMDA) framework to leverage multi-modality (Images and Events) information for nighttime semantic segmentation, with only labels on daytime images. In CMDA, we design the Image Motion-Extractor to extract motion information and the Image Content-Extractor to extract content information from images, in order to bridge the gap between different modalities (Images to Events) and domains (Day to Night). Besides, we introduce the first image-event nighttime semantic segmentation dataset. Extensive experiments on both the public image dataset and the proposed image-event dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. We open-source our code, models, and dataset at
Paper20 Local Context-Aware Active Domain Adaptation
摘要原文: Active Domain Adaptation (ADA) queries the labels of a small number of selected target samples to help adapting a model from a source domain to a target domain. The local context of queried data is important, especially when the domain gap is large. However, this has not been fully explored by existing ADA works. In this paper, we propose a Local context-aware ADA framework, named LADA, to address this issue. To select informative target samples, we devise a novel criterion based on the local inconsistency of model predictions. Since the labeling budget is usually small, fine-tuning model on only queried data can be inefficient. We progressively augment labeled target data with the confident neighbors in a class-balanced manner. Experiments validate that the proposed criterion chooses more informative target samples than existing active selection strategies. Furthermore, our full method clearly surpasses recent ADA arts on various benchmarks. Code is available at
Paper21 SUMMIT: Source-Free Adaptation of Uni-Modal Models to Multi-Modal Targets
摘要原文: Scene understanding using multi-modal data is necessary in many applications, e.g., autonomous navigation. To achieve this in a variety of situations, existing models must be able to adapt to shifting data distributions without arduous data annotation. Current approaches assume that the source data is available during adaptation and that the source consists of paired multi-modal data. Both these assumptions may be problematic for many applications. Source data may not be available due to privacy, security, or economic concerns. Assuming the existence of paired multi-modal data for training also entails significant data collection costs and fails to take advantage of widely available freely distributed pre-trained uni-modal models. In this work, we relax both of these assumptions by addressing the problem of adapting a set of models trained independently on uni-modal data to a target domain consisting of unlabeled multi-modal data, without having access to the original source dataset. Our proposed approach solves this problem through a switching framework which automatically chooses between two complementary methods of cross-modal pseudo-label fusion – agreement filtering and entropy weighting – based on the estimated domain gap. We demonstrate our work on the semantic segmentation problem. Experiments across seven challenging adaptation scenarios verify the efficacy of our approach, achieving results comparable to, and in some cases outperforming, methods which assume access to source data. Our method achieves an improvement in mIoU of up to 12% over competing baselines. Our code is publicly available at
Paper22 To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
摘要原文: The goal of Online Domain Adaptation for semantic segmentation is to handle unforeseeable domain changes that occur during deployment, like sudden weather events. However, the high computational costs associated with brute-force adaptation make this paradigm unfeasible for real-world applications. In this paper we propose HAMLET, a Hardware-Aware Modular Least Expensive Training framework for real-time domain adaptation. Our approach includes a hardware-aware back-propagation orchestration agent (HAMT) and a dedicated domain-shift detector that enables active control over when and how the model is adapted (LT). Thanks to these advancements, our approach is capable of performing semantic segmentation while simultaneously adapting at more than 29FPS on a single consumer-grade GPU. Our framework’s encouraging accuracy and speed trade-off is demonstrated on OnDA and SHIFT benchmarks through experimental results.
Paper23 LiDAR-UDA: Self-ensembling Through Time for Unsupervised LiDAR Domain Adaptation
摘要原文: We introduce LiDAR-UDA, a novel two-stage self-training-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) method for LiDAR segmentation. Existing self-training methods use a model trained on labeled source data to generate pseudo labels for target data and refine the predictions via fine-tuning the network on the pseudo labels. These methods suffer from domain shifts caused by different LiDAR sensor configurations in the source and target domains. We propose two techniques to reduce sensor discrepancy and improve pseudo label quality: 1) LiDAR beam subsampling, which simulates different LiDAR scanning patterns by randomly dropping beams; 2) cross-frame ensembling, which exploits temporal consistency of consecutive frames to generate more reliable pseudo labels. Our method is simple, generalizable, and does not incur any extra inference cost. We evaluate our method on several public LiDAR datasets and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by more than 3.9% mIoU on average for all scenarios. Code will be available at
Paper24 Black-Box Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Bi-Directional Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory
摘要原文: Black-box unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) learns with source predictions of target data without accessing either source data or source models during training, and it has clear superiority in data privacy and flexibility in target network selection. However, the source predictions of target data are often noisy and training with them is prone to learning collapses. We propose BiMem, a bi-directional memorization mechanism that learns to remember useful and representative information to correct noisy pseudo labels on the fly, leading to robust black-box UDA that can generalize across different visual recognition tasks. BiMem constructs three types of memory, including sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory, which interact in a bi-directional manner for comprehensive and robust memorization of learnt features. It includes a forward memorization flow that identifies and stores useful features and a backward calibration flow that rectifies features’ pseudo labels progressively. Extensive experiments show that BiMem achieves superior domain adaptation performance consistently across various visual recognition tasks such as image classification, semantic segmentation and object detection.
摘要原文: Domain adaptation has been vastly investigated in computer vision but still requires access to target images at train time, which might be intractable in some uncommon conditions. In this paper, we propose the task of ‘Prompt-driven Zero-shot Domain Adaptation’, where we adapt a model trained on a source domain using only a general description in natural language of the target domain, i.e., a prompt. First, we leverage a pretrained contrastive vision-language model (CLIP) to optimize affine transformations of source features, steering them towards the target text embedding while preserving their content and semantics. To achieve this, we propose Prompt-driven Instance Normalization (PIN). Second, we show that these prompt-driven augmentations can be used to perform zero-shot domain adaptation for semantic segmentation. Experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms CLIP-based style transfer baselines on several datasets for the downstream task at hand, even surpassing one-shot unsupervised domain adaptation. A similar boost is observed on object detection and image classification. The code is available at .
摘要原文: Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) is a popular unsupervised domain adaptation method where a pre-trained model from a source domain is adapted to a target domain without accessing any source data. Despite rich results in this area, existing literature overlooks the security challenges of the unsupervised SFDA setting in presence of a malicious source domain owner. This work investigates the effect of a source adversary which may inject a hidden malicious behavior (Backdoor/Trojan) during source training and potentially transfer it to the target domain even after benign training by the victim (target domain owner). Our investigation of the current SFDA setting reveals that because of the unique challenges present in SFDA (e.g., no source data, target label), defending against backdoor attack using existing defenses become practically ineffective in protecting the target model. To address this, we propose a novel target domain protection scheme called secure source-free domain adaptation (SSDA). SSDA adopts a single-shot model compression of a pre-trained source model and a novel knowledge transfer scheme with a spectral-norm-based loss penalty for target training. The proposed static compression and the dynamic training loss penalty are designed to suppress the malicious channels responsive to the backdoor during the adaptation stage. At the same time, the knowledge transfer from an uncompressed auxiliary model helps to recover the benign test accuracy. Our extensive evaluation on multiple dataset and domain tasks against recent backdoor attacks reveal that the proposed SSDA can successfully defend against strong backdoor attacks with little to no degradation in test accuracy compared to the vulnerable baseline SFDA methods. Our code is available at
Paper27 Class-Aware Patch Embedding Adaptation for Few-Shot Image Classification
摘要原文: “A picture is worth a thousand words”, significantly beyond mere a categorization. Accompanied by that, many patches of the image could have completely irrelevant meanings with the categorization if they were independently observed. This could significantly reduce the efficiency of a large family of few-shot learning algorithms, which have limited data and highly rely on the comparison of image patches. To address this issue, we propose a Class-aware Patch Embedding Adaptation (CPEA) method to learn “class-aware embeddings” of the image patches. The key idea of CPEA is to integrate patch embeddings with class-aware embeddings to make them class-relevant. Furthermore, we define a dense score matrix between class-relevant patch embeddings across images, based on which the degree of similarity between paired images is quantified. Visualization results show that CPEA concentrates patch embeddings by class, thus making them class-relevant. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CIFAR-FS, and FC-100, indicate that our CPEA significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at
Paper28 Look at the Neighbor: Distortion-aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation
摘要原文: Endeavors have been recently made to transfer knowledge from the labeled pinhole image domain to the unlabeled panoramic image domain via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA). The aim is to tackle the domain gaps caused by the style disparities and distortion problem of the non-uniformly distributed pixels of equirectangular projection (ERP). Previous works typically focus on transferring knowledge based on geometric priors with specially designed multi-branch network architectures. As a result, considerable computational costs are induced, and meanwhile, their generalization abilities are profoundly hindered by the variation of distortion among pixels. In this paper, we find that the pixels’ neighborhood regions of the ERP indeed introduce less distortion. Intuitively, we propose a novel UDA framework that can effectively address the distortion problems for panoramic semantic segmentation. In comparison, our method is simpler, easier to implement, and more computationally efficient. Specifically, we propose distortion-aware attention (DA) capturing the neighboring pixel distribution without using any geometric constraints. Moreover, we propose a class-wise feature aggregation (CFA) module to iteratively update the feature representations with a memory bank. As such, the feature similarity between two domains can be consistently optimized. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance while remarkably reducing 80% parameters.