Unlock the power of databases with this Mysql course for beginners. Whether you’re new to databases or looking to level up your skills, this course have you covered.
You’ll learn how to create, manage and manipulate data using Mysql. You’ll discover the secrets of keys, learn to write queries like a pro and automate tasks with triggers(触发器自动执行任务), no jargon just practical knowledge(没有术语只有实用知识)
Josh from keepit techie teaches this course, he works as as a SQL Server database administrator, so he is the perfect person to teach this course.
What’s up? guys. This is Gosh from keep techi and welcome to my comprehensive course on Mysql. Mysql is a relational database managemnt system, and in this course I’ll try to explore ins and outs of Mysql on Rocky Linux which is powerful combination for managing your data effectively. Now Mysql is not just any databases(不仅仅是某一个数据库), it’s the fundamental port of the ‘LAMP’ stack which stands for Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP, and then also the limp stack which is Linux engine X Mysql and php.
And these stacks are widely ussed for Content Management like WordPress, Jumer and various other web applications, and I’ll start with basic covering the installation, login procedures and a liitle bit of database menagement.
So whether you’re beginner or have some experience, this course will help you master Mysql on this fantastic Linux distribution, so let’s head over to Rocky Linux 9 server and get started with the installation process. Okay so here we are logged into Rocky 9 ,(omitted ones can not applicable right now)
And that’ll get us into our Mysql server, now we’re in. Let’s explore some basic Mysql commands and functionality, now once you’re inside Mysql prompts,which is what it’s showing right here with mysql and right arrow, you can begin executing commands; so let me walk you guys do a few ones.
The first one you need to know is the help command, so if we type help, and then every command, pretty much every command, you have to type in a semicolon behind, similar to type out a query in order for it to run that statement(申明/语句) for you.
So help will basically give you a whole bunch of information on how to use mysql. If you scroll through here, you’ll see a list of all mysql commands; some of those commands they use that left slash in front of it, and that’s what I was going to show you guys as well after this by typing help. You know, as one word and then the semicolon, there’s another way of actually getting to the help,
That’s the back slash and h, but the other ones are there and they have an explanation of what they actually do, and I won’t go through them, all cuz I typically don’t use a lot of these commands, these Mysql commands. Right here I just want to show you guys where to get that information from if you needed. Now let me go and run that bak slash then h (\h), and that way you guys look at the same thing, and it looks like it didn’t change, because it,
Okay so moving on to the next part of this course, we need a database with lots of data, so you can see example clearly. And I’m going to import a test database named employee, and this is on Github, and let me switch over to my browser
[root@iZ2vc5lqzt23aweti4j777Z ~]# git clone https://github.com/bytebase/employee-sample-database.git
Cloning into 'employee-sample-database'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 141, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (77/77),