import os
import time
from io import BytesIO
import torch
import torchvision
import re
import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image
def padded_resize(im, new_shape=(640, 640), stride=32):
shape = im.shape[:2]
r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1])
new_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r))
dw, dh = new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0], new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1]
# dw, dh = np.mod(dw, stride), np.mod(dh, stride)
dw /= 2
dh /= 2
if shape[::-1] != new_unpad: # resize
im = cv2.resize(im, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
top, bottom = int(round(dh - 0.1)), int(round(dh + 0.1))
left, right = int(round(dw - 0.1)), int(round(dw + 0.1))
im = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(114, 114, 114)) # add border
# Convert
im = im.transpose((2, 0, 1))[::-1] # HWC to CHW, BGR to RGB
im = np.ascontiguousarray(im)
im = torch.from_numpy(im)
im = im.float()
im /= 255
im = im[None]
im = im.cpu().numpy() # torch to numpy
return im
def xywh2xyxy(x):
# Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-right
y = x.clone() if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(x)
y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 # top left x
y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 # top left y
y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 # bottom right x
y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 # bottom right y
return y
def box_iou(box1, box2):
Return intersection-over-union (Jaccard index) of boxes.
Both sets of boxes are expected to be in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format.
box1 (Tensor[N, 4])
box2 (Tensor[M, 4])
iou (Tensor[N, M]): the NxM matrix containing the pairwise
IoU values for every element in boxes1 and boxes2
def box_area(box):
# box = 4xn
return (box[2] - box[0]) * (box[3] - box[1])
area1 = box_area(box1.T)
area2 = box_area(box2.T)
# inter(N,M) = (rb(N,M,2) - lt(N,M,2)).clamp(0).prod(2)
inter = (torch.min(box1[:, None, 2:], box2[:, 2:]) - torch.max(box1[:, None, :2], box2[:, :2])).clamp(0).prod(2)
return inter / (area1[:, None] + area2 - inter) # iou = inter / (area1 + area2 - inter)
def non_max_suppression(prediction, conf_thres=0.25, iou_thres=0.45, classes=None, agnostic=False, multi_label=False,
labels=(), max_det=300):
"""Runs Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) on inference results
list of detections, on (n,6) tensor per image [xyxy, conf, cls]
nc = prediction.shape[2] - 5 # number of classes
xc = prediction[..., 4] > conf_thres # candidates
# Checks
assert 0 <= conf_thres <= 1, f'Invalid Confidence threshold {conf_thres}, valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0'
assert 0 <= iou_thres <= 1, f'Invalid IoU {iou_thres}, valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0'
# Settings
min_wh, max_wh = 2, 7680 # (pixels) minimum and maximum box width and height
max_nms = 30000 # maximum number of boxes into torchvision.ops.nms()
time_limit = 10.0 # seconds to quit after
redundant = True # require redundant detections
multi_label &= nc > 1 # multiple labels per box (adds 0.5ms/img)
merge = False # use merge-NMS
t = time.time()
output = [torch.zeros((0, 6), device=prediction.device)] * prediction.shape[0]
for xi, x in enumerate(prediction): # image index, image inference
# Apply constraints
x[((x[..., 2:4] < min_wh) | (x[..., 2:4] > max_wh)).any(1), 4] = 0 # width-height
x = x[xc[xi]] # confidence
# Cat apriori labels if autolabelling
if labels and len(labels[xi]):
lb = labels[xi]
v = torch.zeros((len(lb), nc + 5), device=x.device)
v[:, :4] = lb[:, 1:5] # box
v[:, 4] = 1.0 # conf
v[range(len(lb)), lb[:, 0].long() + 5] = 1.0 # cls
x = torch.cat((x, v), 0)
# If none remain process next image
if not x.shape[0]:
# Compute conf
x[:, 5:] *= x[:, 4:5] # conf = obj_conf * cls_conf
# Box (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
box = xywh2xyxy(x[:, :4])
# Detections matrix nx6 (xyxy, conf, cls)
if multi_label:
i, j = (x[:, 5:] > conf_thres).nonzero(as_tuple=False).T
x = torch.cat((box[i], x[i, j + 5, None], j[:, None].float()), 1)
else: # best class only
conf, j = x[:, 5:].max(1, keepdim=True)
x = torch.cat((box, conf, j.float()), 1)[conf.view(-1) > conf_thres]
# Filter by class
if classes is not None:
x = x[(x[:, 5:6] == torch.tensor(classes, device=x.device)).any(1)]
# Apply finite constraint
# if not torch.isfinite(x).all():
# x = x[torch.isfinite(x).all(1)]
# Check shape
n = x.shape[0] # number of boxes
if not n: # no boxes
elif n > max_nms: # excess boxes
x = x[x[:, 4].argsort(descending=True)[:max_nms]] # sort by confidence
# Batched NMS
c = x[:, 5:6] * (0 if agnostic else max_wh) # classes
boxes, scores = x[:, :4] + c, x[:, 4] # boxes (offset by class), scores
i = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres) # NMS
if i.shape[0] > max_det: # limit detections
i = i[:max_det]
if merge and (1 < n < 3E3): # Merge NMS (boxes merged using weighted mean)
# update boxes as boxes(i,4) = weights(i,n) * boxes(n,4)
iou = box_iou(boxes[i], boxes) > iou_thres # iou matrix
weights = iou * scores[None] # box weights
x[i, :4] = torch.mm(weights, x[:, :4]).float() / weights.sum(1, keepdim=True) # merged boxes
if redundant:
i = i[iou.sum(1) > 1] # require redundancy
output[xi] = x[i]
if (time.time() - t) > time_limit:
break # time limit exceeded
return output
def xyxy2xywh(x):
# Convert nx4 boxes from [x1, y1, x2, y2] to [x, y, w, h] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-right
y = x.clone() if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(x)
y[:, 0] = (x[:, 0] + x[:, 2]) / 2 # x center
y[:, 1] = (x[:, 1] + x[:, 3]) / 2 # y center
y[:, 2] = x[:, 2] - x[:, 0] # width
y[:, 3] = x[:, 3] - x[:, 1] # height
return y
def is_ascii(s=''):
# Is string composed of all ASCII (no UTF) characters? (note str().isascii() introduced in python 3.7)
s = str(s) # convert list, tuple, None, etc. to str
return len(s.encode().decode('ascii', 'ignore')) == len(s)
def box_label(self, box, label='', color=(128, 128, 128), txt_color=(255, 255, 255)):
# Add one xyxy box to image with label
if self.pil or not is_ascii(label):
self.draw.rectangle(box, width=self.lw, outline=color) # box
if label:
w, h = self.font.getsize(label) # text width, height
outside = box[1] - h >= 0 # label fits outside box
box[1] - h if outside else box[1],
box[0] + w + 1,
box[1] + 1 if outside else box[1] + h + 1), fill=color)
# self.draw.text((box[0], box[1]), label, fill=txt_color, font=self.font, anchor='ls') # for PIL>8.0
self.draw.text((box[0], box[1] - h if outside else box[1]), label, fill=txt_color, font=self.font)
else: # cv2
p1, p2 = (int(box[0]), int(box[1])), (int(box[2]), int(box[3]))
cv2.rectangle(self.im, p1, p2, color, thickness=self.lw, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
if label:
tf = max(self.lw - 1, 1) # font thickness
w, h = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=self.lw / 3, thickness=tf)[0] # text width, height
outside = p1[1] - h - 3 >= 0 # label fits outside box
p2 = p1[0] + w, p1[1] - h - 3 if outside else p1[1] + h + 3
cv2.rectangle(self.im, p1, p2, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA) # filled
cv2.putText(self.im, label, (p1[0], p1[1] - 2 if outside else p1[1] + h + 2), 0, self.lw / 3, txt_color,
thickness=tf, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
cls_labels = eval(open("./models/font_lib.txt", "r", encoding="utf8").read())
def return_coordinates(xyxy, conf, cls):
conf = float(conf.numpy())
gain = 1.02
pad = 10
xyxy = torch.tensor(xyxy).view(-1, 4)
b = xyxy2xywh(xyxy) # boxes
b[:, 2:] = b[:, 2:] * gain + pad # box wh * gain + pad
xyxy = xywh2xyxy(b).long()
c1, c2 = (int(xyxy[0, 0]) + 6, int(xyxy[0, 1]) + 6), (int(xyxy[0, 2]) - 6, int(xyxy[0, 3]) - 6)
# print(f"leftTop:{c1},rightBottom:{c2},Confidence:{conf*100}%")
cls = cls_labels[int(cls.numpy())]
result_dict = {"leftTop": c1, "rightBottom": c2, "Confidence": conf, "Cls": cls}
return result_dict
def clip_coords(boxes, shape):
# Clip bounding xyxy bounding boxes to image shape (height, width)
if isinstance(boxes, torch.Tensor): # faster individually
boxes[:, 0].clamp_(0, shape[1]) # x1
boxes[:, 1].clamp_(0, shape[0]) # y1
boxes[:, 2].clamp_(0, shape[1]) # x2
boxes[:, 3].clamp_(0, shape[0]) # y2
else: # np.array (faster grouped)
boxes[:, [0, 2]] = boxes[:, [0, 2]].clip(0, shape[1]) # x1, x2
boxes[:, [1, 3]] = boxes[:, [1, 3]].clip(0, shape[0]) # y1, y2
def scale_coords(img1_shape, coords, img0_shape, ratio_pad=None):
# Rescale coords (xyxy) from img1_shape to img0_shape
if ratio_pad is None: # calculate from img0_shape
gain = min(img1_shape[0] / img0_shape[0], img1_shape[1] / img0_shape[1]) # gain = old / new
pad = (img1_shape[1] - img0_shape[1] * gain) / 2, (img1_shape[0] - img0_shape[0] * gain) / 2 # wh padding
gain = ratio_pad[0][0]
pad = ratio_pad[1]
coords[:, [0, 2]] -= pad[0] # x padding
coords[:, [1, 3]] -= pad[1] # y padding
coords[:, :4] /= gain
clip_coords(coords, img0_shape)
return coords
python export.py --weights yolov5s.pt --include torchscript onnx
import onnxruntime as ort
slider_model = ort.InferenceSession("slider.onnx", providers=['CPUExecutionProvider',])
pred = self.slider_model.run([self.slider_model.get_outputs()[0].name],
{self.slider_model.get_inputs()[0].name: im})[0]
pred = torch.tensor(pred)
pred = non_max_suppression(pred, conf_thres=0.60, iou_thres=0.60, max_det=1000)
coordinate_list = []
for i, det in enumerate(pred):
det[:, :4] = scale_coords(im.shape[2:], det[:, :4], img.shape).round()
for *xyxy, conf, cls in reversed(det):
# 返回坐标和置信度
coordinates = return_coordinates(xyxy, conf, cls)
pip install fastdeploy-gpu-python -f https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/whl/fastdeploy.html
conda config --add channels conda-forge && conda install cudatoolkit=11.2 cudnn=8.2
pip install fastdeploy-python -f https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/whl/fastdeploy.html
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import numpy as np
im = cv2.imread("test.png")
show_img = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
import fastdeploy as fd
model = fd.vision.detection.YOLOv5("runs/train/textclick_jiangxi3/weights/best.onnx")
result = model.predict(im)
for box in result.boxes:
show_img = cv2.rectangle(show_img, (int(box[0]), int(box[1])), (int(box[2]), int(box[3])), (0, 0, 255), 2)