x:delete the current
w: to the begin of the next word
b: to the begin of the last word
word hopping; ctrl + arrow keys
dd or shift + v +d :delete the current line
yy: copy a line
u: undo the last action
p: paste after the current line
shift + p: paste above the current line
shift+g:go to the bottom
i : before the current cursor
shift + i : at the begin of the line
a:after the current cursor
shif t+ a : to the end of the line
o: insert a blank line below
shift + o: insert a new line above
v ; start highlight v
shift + v : hight the currently directly
shift + v +y : copy the line
shif + v + d : delete the selected line & copy the deleted line; move code
h options: all?
tab :auto complete
h something+ ctrl + d:
h + specific name
vim . : default browing of filesystem plugin
:Vex: Vertical explorer split the current view
:Sex : Split exlplorer
ctrl + w —> v : split the same file vertically
ctrl + w —> w/ h j k l: change the focus of the windows
ctrl + w–>o close other winows?