接口type tcpStreamFactory struct {
wg sync.WaitGroup
doHTTP bool
func (factory *tcpStreamFactory) New(net, transport gopacket.Flow, tcp *layers.TCP, ac reassembly.AssemblerContext) reassembly.Stream {
接口type Stream interface {
// 是否接受这个包
Accept(tcp *layers.TCP, ci gopacket.CaptureInfo, dir TCPFlowDirection, nextSeq Sequence, start *bool, ac AssemblerContext) bool
// 用来读取包体
ReassembledSG(sg ScatterGather, ac AssemblerContext)
// 包关闭的处理
ReassemblyComplete(ac AssemblerContext) bool
func main() {
defer util.Run()()
// 1. 打开设备
var handle *pcap.Handle
var err error
handle, err = pcap.OpenLive(*iface, int32(*snaplen), true, pcap.BlockForever)
if err != nil {
// 设置BPF
if err := handle.SetBPFFilter(*filter); err != nil {
// 2. 初始化assembly
streamFactory := &tcpStreamFactory{doHTTP: !*nohttp}
streamPool := reassembly.NewStreamPool(streamFactory)
assembler := reassembly.NewAssembler(streamPool)
log.Println("reading in packets")
// 3.初始化packetSource
packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
packets := packetSource.Packets()
ticker := time.Tick(time.Second)
for {
select {
// 4. 读取包
case packet := <-packets:
// A nil packet indicates the end of a pcap file.
if packet == nil {
if *logAllPackets {
if packet.NetworkLayer() == nil || packet.TransportLayer() == nil || packet.TransportLayer().LayerType() != layers.LayerTypeTCP {
log.Println("Unusable packet")
tcp := packet.TransportLayer().(*layers.TCP)
// 5. tcp直接丢进去
assembler.AssembleWithContext(packet.NetworkLayer().NetworkFlow(), tcp, &c)
case <-ticker:
// 6. 定时书信连接
flushed, closed := assembler.FlushWithOptions(reassembly.FlushOptions{T: ref.Add(-timeout), TC: ref.Add(-closeTimeout)})
Assembler 提供(希望)快速的 TCP 流重组,用于嗅探用 Go 编写的应用程序。Assembler 使用以下方法尽可能快地处理数据包:
type AssemblerOptions struct {
// 等待无序包时要缓冲的page总数最大值
// 一旦达到这个上限值, Assembler将会降级刷新每个连接的,如果<=0将被忽略。
MaxBufferedPagesTotal int
// 单个连接缓冲的page最大值
// 如果达到上限,则将刷新最小序列号以及任何连续数据。如果<= 0,这将被忽略。
MaxBufferedPagesPerConnection int
type Assembler struct {
AssemblerOptions // 选项
ret []byteContainer // 数据包
pc *pageCache // 数据缓存页
connPool *StreamPool // 每个连接的池
cacheLP livePacket
cacheSG reassemblyObject
start bool
func NewAssembler(pool *StreamPool) *Assembler {
return &Assembler{
ret: make([]byteContainer, 0, assemblerReturnValueInitialSize),
pc: newPageCache(),
connPool: pool,
AssemblerOptions: DefaultAssemblerOptions,
AssembleWithContext 将给定的 TCP 数据包重新组合到其适当的Stream中。
传入的时间戳必须是看到数据包的时间戳。对于从网络上读取的数据包,time.Now() 应该没问题。对于从 PCAP 文件读取的数据包,应传入CaptureInfo.Timestamp。此时间戳将影响通过调用 FlushCloseOlderThan 刷新哪些流。
func (a *Assembler) AssembleWithContext(netFlow gopacket.Flow, t *layers.TCP, ac AssemblerContext) {
var conn *connection
var half *halfconnection
var rev *halfconnection
a.ret = a.ret[:0]
key := key{netFlow, t.TransportFlow()}
ci := ac.GetCaptureInfo()
timestamp := ci.Timestamp
// 获取/创建一个conn
conn, half, rev = a.connPool.getConnection(key, false, timestamp, t, ac)
if conn == nil {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v got empty packet on otherwise empty connection", key)
// 锁的范围那么大吗
defer conn.mu.Unlock()
if half.lastSeen.Before(timestamp) {
half.lastSeen = timestamp
a.start = half.nextSeq == invalidSequence && t.SYN
if *debugLog {
if half.nextSeq < rev.ackSeq {
log.Printf("Delay detected on %v, data is acked but not assembled yet (acked %v, nextSeq %v)", key, rev.ackSeq, half.nextSeq)
// 判断是否要直接丢弃该包
if !half.stream.Accept(t, ci, half.dir, half.nextSeq, &a.start, ac) {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("Ignoring packet")
// 连接被关闭不处理
if half.closed {
// this way is closed
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v got packet on closed half", key)
seq, ack, bytes := Sequence(t.Seq), Sequence(t.Ack), t.Payload
if t.ACK {
half.ackSeq = ack
// TODO: push when Ack is seen ??
action := assemblerAction{
nextSeq: Sequence(invalidSequence),
queue: true,
a.dump("AssembleWithContext()", half)
if half.nextSeq == invalidSequence {
// 一般来说只有第一个包才会nextSeq== invalidSequence
// 然后又
if t.SYN {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v saw first SYN packet, returning immediately, seq=%v", key, seq)
seq = seq.Add(1)
half.nextSeq = seq
action.queue = false
} else if a.start {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v start forced", key)
half.nextSeq = seq
action.queue = false
} else {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v waiting for start, storing into connection", key)
} else {
diff := half.nextSeq.Difference(seq)
if diff > 0 {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v gap in sequence numbers (%v, %v) diff %v, storing into connection", key, half.nextSeq, seq, diff)
} else {
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v found contiguous data (%v, %v), returning immediately: len:%d", key, seq, half.nextSeq, len(bytes))
action.queue = false
action = a.handleBytes(bytes, seq, half, t.SYN, t.RST || t.FIN, action, ac)
if len(a.ret) > 0 {
action.nextSeq = a.sendToConnection(conn, half, ac)
if action.nextSeq != invalidSequence {
half.nextSeq = action.nextSeq
if t.FIN {
half.nextSeq = half.nextSeq.Add(1)
if *debugLog {
log.Printf("%v nextSeq:%d", key, half.nextSeq)
type key [2]gopacket.Flow
func (k *key) Reverse() key {
return key{
func (k *key) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k[0], k[1])
StreamPool 存储由 Assemblers 创建的所有Stream,允许多个Assembler在Stream处理上协同工作,同时强制执行单个Stream串行接收其数据的事实。它对并发是安全的,可供多个Assembler同时使用。
StreamPool 处理一个或多个 Assembler 对象使用的 Stream 对象的创建和存储。当 Assembler 找到一个新的 TCP 流时,它会通过调用 StreamFactory 的 New 方法创建一个关联的 Stream。此后(直到流关闭),该 Stream 对象将通过 Assembler 对流的 Reassembled 函数的调用接收组装的 TCP 数据。
与 Assembler 一样,StreamPool 尝试最小化分配。但是,与 Assembler 不同的是,它确实必须做一些锁定以确保它存储的连接对象可以被多个 Assembler 访问。
type StreamPool struct {
conns map[key]*connection
users int
mu sync.RWMutex
factory StreamFactory
free []*connection
all [][]connection
nextAlloc int
newConnectionCount int64
const initialAllocSize = 1024
func NewStreamPool(factory StreamFactory) *StreamPool {
return &StreamPool{
conns: make(map[key]*connection, initialAllocSize),
free: make([]*connection, 0, initialAllocSize),
factory: factory,
nextAlloc: initialAllocSize,
func (p *StreamPool) connections() []*connection {
conns := make([]*connection, 0, len(p.conns))
for _, conn := range p.conns {
conns = append(conns, conn)
return conns
func (p *StreamPool) remove(conn *connection) {
if _, ok := p.conns[conn.key]; ok {
delete(p.conns, conn.key)
p.free = append(p.free, conn)
func (p *StreamPool) grow() {
conns := make([]connection, p.nextAlloc)
p.all = append(p.all, conns)
for i := range conns {
p.free = append(p.free, &conns[i])
if *memLog {
log.Println("StreamPool: created", p.nextAlloc, "new connections")
p.nextAlloc *= 2
func (p *StreamPool) Dump() {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
log.Printf("Remaining %d connections: ", len(p.conns))
for _, conn := range p.conns {
log.Printf("%v %s", conn.key, conn)
func (p *StreamPool) newConnection(k key, s Stream, ts time.Time) (c *connection, h *halfconnection, r *halfconnection) {
if *memLog {
if p.newConnectionCount&0x7FFF == 0 {
log.Println("StreamPool:", p.newConnectionCount, "requests,", len(p.conns), "used,", len(p.free), "free")
if len(p.free) == 0 {
index := len(p.free) - 1
c, p.free = p.free[index], p.free[:index]
c.reset(k, s, ts)
return c, &c.c2s, &c.s2c
func (p *StreamPool) getHalf(k key) (*connection, *halfconnection, *halfconnection) {
conn := p.conns[k]
if conn != nil {
return conn, &conn.c2s, &conn.s2c
rk := k.Reverse()
conn = p.conns[rk]
if conn != nil {
return conn, &conn.s2c, &conn.c2s
return nil, nil, nil
func (p *StreamPool) getConnection(k key, end bool, ts time.Time, tcp *layers.TCP, ac AssemblerContext) (*connection, *halfconnection, *halfconnection) {
conn, half, rev := p.getHalf(k)
if end || conn != nil {
return conn, half, rev
s := p.factory.New(k[0], k[1], tcp, ac)
defer p.mu.Unlock()
conn, half, rev = p.newConnection(k, s, ts)
conn2, half2, rev2 := p.getHalf(k)
if conn2 != nil {
if conn2.key != k {
panic("FIXME: other dir added in the meantime...")
// FIXME: delete s ?
return conn2, half2, rev2
p.conns[k] = conn
return conn, half, rev
type connection struct {
key key // client->server
c2s, s2c halfconnection
mu sync.Mutex
func (c *connection) reset(k key, s Stream, ts time.Time) {
c.key = k
base := halfconnection{
nextSeq: invalidSequence,
ackSeq: invalidSequence,
created: ts,
lastSeen: ts,
stream: s,
c.c2s, c.s2c = base, base
c.c2s.dir, c.s2c.dir = TCPDirClientToServer, TCPDirServerToClient
func (c *connection) lastSeen() time.Time {
if c.c2s.lastSeen.Before(c.s2c.lastSeen) {
return c.s2c.lastSeen
return c.c2s.lastSeen
func (c *connection) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("c2s: %s, s2c: %s", &c.c2s, &c.s2c)
type halfconnection struct {
dir TCPFlowDirection
pages int // Number of pages used (both in first/last and saved)
saved *page // Doubly-linked list of in-order pages (seq < nextSeq) already given to Stream who told us to keep
first, last *page // Doubly-linked list of out-of-order pages (seq > nextSeq)
nextSeq Sequence // sequence number of in-order received bytes
ackSeq Sequence
created, lastSeen time.Time
stream Stream
closed bool
// for stats
queuedBytes int
queuedPackets int
overlapBytes int
overlapPackets int
func (half *halfconnection) Dump() string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("pages: %d\n"+
"nextSeq: %d\n"+
"ackSeq: %d\n"+
"Seen : %s\n"+
"dir: %s\n", half.pages, half.nextSeq, half.ackSeq, half.lastSeen, half.dir)
nb := 0
for p := half.first; p != nil; p = p.next {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" Page[%d] %s len: %d\n", nb, p, len(p.bytes))
return s
func (half *halfconnection) String() string {
closed := ""
if half.closed {
closed = "closed "
return fmt.Sprintf("%screated:%v, last:%v", closed, half.created, half.lastSeen)
type pageCache struct {
pagePool *sync.Pool
used int
pageRequests int64
func newPageCache() *pageCache {
pc := &pageCache{
pagePool: &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return new(page) },
return pc
func (c *pageCache) next(ts time.Time) (p *page) {
if *memLog {
if c.pageRequests&0xFFFF == 0 {
log.Println("PageCache:", c.pageRequests, "requested,", c.used, "used,")
p = c.pagePool.Get().(*page)
p.seen = ts
p.bytes = p.buf[:0]
if *memLog {
log.Printf("allocator returns %s\n", p)
return p
func (c *pageCache) replace(p *page) {
if *memLog {
log.Printf("replacing %s\n", p)
p.prev = nil
p.next = nil