• 基于微信小程序的智能停车场管理系统设计与实现-计算机毕业设计源码+LW文档

    摘 要

    关键词:智能停车场管理系统; ssm;MySql数据库;Tomcat


    With the coming of information era, all tend to be intelligent, systematic management system, intelligent parking management system is not exceptional also, but the current domestic market still use manual management, the size of the market is more and more big, at the same time, the amount of information is becoming more and more big, the artificial management has clearly unable to cope with the changes of The Times, and the intelligent parking lot management system can well solve the problem, Easy to cope with the usual work of the parking lot, can not only improve human and material resources and financial resources, but also speed up the efficiency of the work, replacing manual management is an inevitable trend.

    The intelligent parking lot management system uses SSM as the framework, B/S mode and MySql as the background database, and Tomcat as the server of the system. The system mainly includes home page, personal center, user management, parking information management, parking reservation management, system management and other functions, through the realization of these functions can basically meet the daily intelligent parking management operation.

    This paper focuses on the analysis, design and implementation of intelligent parking lot management system, first introduces the development system and environment configuration, database design, then explains the detailed implementation of functional modules, and finally summarizes.

    Key words: intelligent parking lot management system; ssm; MySql database; Tomcat

    目 录
    第一章 绪论    5
    1.1  研究背景    5
    1.2  研究现状    5
    1.3  系统实现的功能    6
    1.4  智能停车场管理系统的特点    6
    1.5  本文的组织结构    6
    第二章 开发技术与环境配置    8
    2.1  Java语言简介    8
    2.2  微信小程序框架    8
    2.3  SSM框架    9
    2.4  MySQL环境配置    9
    2.5  MyEclipse环境配置    9
    2.6  mysql数据库介绍    10
    2.7  B/S架构    11
    第三章 系统分析与设计    12
    3.1 可行性分析    12
    3.1.1 技术可行性    12
    3.1.2 操作可行性    12
    3.1.3经济可行性    12
    3.2  需求分析    13
    3.3  总体设计    13
    3.4  数据库设计与实现    14
    3.4.1  数据库概念结构设计    14
    3.4.2 数据库具体设计    15
    第四章  系统功能的具体实现    19
    4.1小程序端    19
    4.2 后台管理员功能模块    23
    第五章 系统测试    26
    总 结    27
    参考文献    28
    致 谢    29






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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_375279829/article/details/126555449