ansible 2.6
官方ansible-api文档:Python API — Ansible Documentation
ansibleAPI 常用模块
- 用于读取yaml,json格式的文件
- from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
- #用于管理变量的类,包括主机,组,扩展等变量
- from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager
- #用于创建和管理inventory,倒入inventory文件
- from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryManager
- #ad-hoc 存储着角色列表,任务,处理代码块
- from ansible.playbook.play import Play
- #ad-hoc ansible底层用到的任务队列
- from ansible.executor.task_queue_manager import TaskQueueManager
- #回调基类,用来定义回调事件,比如返回失败成功等信息
- from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
- #执行playbook
- from ansible.executor.playbook_executor import PlaybookExecutor
- #操作单个主机
- from ansible.inventory import host
- #操作单个主机组
- from ansible.inventory import group
- #实例化需要两个参数
- "参数一为读取yml文件的信息,需要实例化 DataLoader"
- "参数二为读取从那个位置读取资产配置文件,多个可逗号分割"
- intertory = InventoryManager(loader='',sources='')
- #以字典的方式打印出主机和主机组相关信息
- intertory.get_group_dict()
- #获取所有的主机
- inventory.get_hosts()
- #添加主机到指定主机组
- "参数一指定主机地址"
- "参数二指定主机端口"
- "参数三指定主机群组,必须存在的群组"
- inventory.add_host(host='',port=2222,group='game_group')
- #获取指定的主机对象
- inventory.get_host(hostname='')
- #实例化需要两个参数
- "参数一为读取yml文件的信息,需要实例化 DataLoader"
- "参数二为资产管理配置变量"
- variable = VariableManager(loader=loader,inventory=inventory)
- #获取变量
- variable.get_vars()
- # 查看指定主机的详细变量信息
- "传入的host是inventory.get_host获得的主机对象"
- host = inventory.get_host(hostname='')
- host_vars = variable.get_vars(host=host)
- #设置主机变量方法
- "传入的host是inventory.get_host获得的主机对象"
- host = inventory.get_host(hostname='')
- variable.set_host_variable(host=host,varname='ansible_ssh_pass',value='root')
- variable.set_host_variable(host=host,varname='ansible_ssh_user',value='root')
- #添加扩展变量
- "参数是一个字典多个逗号分割"
- variable.extra_vars={'devops':'best'}
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from collections import namedtuple
- from ansible.executor.task_queue_manager import TaskQueueManager
- from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryManager
- from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
- from ansible.playbook.play import Play
- from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
- from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager
- # Create a callback object so we can capture the output
- class ResultsCollector(CallbackBase):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ResultsCollector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.host_ok = {}
- self.host_unreachable = {}
- self.host_failed = {}
- def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result):
- self.host_unreachable[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
- self.host_ok[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
- self.host_failed[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def main():
- host_list = ['','']
- Options = namedtuple('Options', ['connection', 'module_path', 'forks', 'remote_user',
- 'private_key_file', 'ssh_common_args', 'ssh_extra_args', 'sftp_extra_args',
- 'scp_extra_args', 'become', 'become_method', 'become_user', 'verbosity', 'check',
- 'diff'])
- # required for
- # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/inventory/manager.py#L204
- sources = ','.join(host_list)
- if len(host_list) == 1:
- sources += ','
- # initialize needed objects
- loader = DataLoader()
- options = Options(connection='smart', module_path=['/usr/share/ansible'], forks=100,
- remote_user=None, private_key_file=None, ssh_common_args=None, ssh_extra_args=None,
- sftp_extra_args=None, scp_extra_args=None, become=None, become_method=None,
- become_user=None, verbosity=None, check=False, diff=False,)
- passwords = dict()
- # create inventory and pass to var manager
- inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources=sources)
- variable_manager = VariableManager(loader=loader, inventory=inventory)
- for host in host_list:
- inventory.add_host(host=host,port=65534)
- hostname=inventory.get_host(hostname=host)
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname,varname='ansible_ssh_pass',value='root')
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname,varname='ansible_ssh_user',value='root')
- # create play with tasks
- play_source = dict(
- name="Ansible Play",
- hosts=host_list,
- gather_facts='no',
- #tasks=[dict(action=dict(module='command', args=dict(cmd='/usr/bin/uptime')))]
- #tasks=[dict(action=dict(module='shell', args='/usr/sbin/ip a'))]
- tasks=[
- dict(action=dict(module='setup', args='')),
- # dict(action=dict(module='setup', args=''),register='shell_out'),
- # dict(action=dict(module='debug', args=dict(msg='{{shell_out.stdout}}')))
- ]
- )
- play = Play().load(play_source, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
- # actually run it
- tqm = None
- callback = ResultsCollector()
- try:
- tqm = TaskQueueManager(
- inventory=inventory,
- variable_manager=variable_manager,
- loader=loader,
- options=options,
- passwords=passwords,
- )
- tqm._stdout_callback = callback
- result = tqm.run(play)
- finally:
- if tqm is not None:
- tqm.cleanup()
- print("UP ***********")
- for host, result in callback.host_ok.items():
- try:
- print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['stdout']))
- except :
- print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['ansible_facts']))
- print("FAILED *******")
- for host, result in callback.host_failed.items():
- print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['msg']))
- print("DOWN *********")
- for host, result in callback.host_unreachable.items():
- print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['msg']))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
基于上面的内容,自己封装的API 如下:
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- # author : liuyu
- # date : 2018/8/6 0006
- from collections import namedtuple
- from ansible.executor.task_queue_manager import TaskQueueManager
- from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryManager
- from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
- from ansible.playbook.play import Play
- from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
- from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager
- import ansible.constants as C
- def default_taskinfos():
- TaskInfos = {
- "hostinfo": [
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 22,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- ],
- "taskinfo": [
- {
- "module": "setup",
- "args": ""
- },
- ]
- }
- return TaskInfos
- # Create a callback object so we can capture the output
- class ResultsCollector(CallbackBase):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ResultsCollector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.host_ok = {}
- self.host_unreachable = {}
- self.host_failed = {}
- def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result):
- self.host_unreachable[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
- self.host_ok[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
- self.host_failed[result._host.get_name()] = result
- class AnsibleApi(object):
- def __init__(self, TaskInfos):
- self.taskinfo = TaskInfos.get('taskinfo', default_taskinfos()["taskinfo"])
- self.hostinfo = TaskInfos.get('hostinfo', default_taskinfos()["hostinfo"])
- self.resultinfo = []
- def run(self):
- host_list = []
- [host_list.append(i.get("host", '')) for i in self.hostinfo]
- Options = namedtuple('Options', ['connection', 'module_path', 'forks', 'remote_user',
- 'private_key_file', 'ssh_common_args', 'ssh_extra_args', 'sftp_extra_args',
- 'scp_extra_args', 'become', 'become_method', 'become_user', 'verbosity',
- 'check',
- 'diff'])
- # required for
- # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/inventory/manager.py#L204
- sources = ','.join(host_list)
- if len(host_list) == 1:
- sources += ','
- # initialize needed objects
- loader = DataLoader()
- options = Options(connection='smart', module_path=['/usr/share/ansible'], forks=100,
- remote_user=None, private_key_file=None, ssh_common_args=None, ssh_extra_args=None,
- sftp_extra_args=None, scp_extra_args=None, become=None, become_method=None,
- become_user=None, verbosity=None, check=False, diff=False, )
- passwords = dict(sshpass=None, becomepass=None)
- # create inventory and pass to var manager
- inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources=sources)
- variable_manager = VariableManager(loader=loader, inventory=inventory)
- for host in self.hostinfo:
- inventory.add_host(host=host.get('host'), port=host.get('port'))
- hostname = inventory.get_host(hostname=host.get('host'))
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname, varname='ansible_ssh_pass', value=host.get('password'))
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname, varname='ansible_ssh_user', value=host.get('user'))
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname, varname='ansible_ssh_port', value=host.get('port'))
- # print("设置全局管理变量 %s"%host.get('host'))
- # create play with tasks
- tasks = []
- # print(self.taskinfo)
- for task in self.taskinfo:
- # tasks.append(dict(action=dict(module=task.get("module"), args=task.get("args"))))
- play_source = dict(
- name="Ansible API Play",
- hosts=host_list,
- gather_facts='no',
- # tasks=[dict(action=dict(module='command', args=dict(cmd='/usr/bin/uptime')))]
- # tasks=[dict(action=dict(module='shell', args='/usr/sbin/ip a'))]
- tasks=[dict(action=dict(module=task.get("module"), args=task.get("args")))]
- # dict(action=dict(module='setup', args='')),
- # dict(action=dict(module='setup', args=''),register='shell_out'),
- # dict(action=dict(module='debug', args=dict(msg='{{shell_out.stdout}}')))
- )
- play = Play().load(play_source, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
- # actually run it
- tqm = None
- callback = ResultsCollector()
- try:
- tqm = TaskQueueManager(
- inventory=inventory,
- variable_manager=variable_manager,
- loader=loader,
- options=options,
- passwords=passwords,
- )
- tqm._stdout_callback = callback
- result = tqm.run(play)
- finally:
- if tqm is not None:
- tqm.cleanup()
- # print("UP ***********")
- # print(callback.host_ok.items())
- for host, result in callback.host_ok.items():
- try:
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['stdout']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['stdout'],"code":0}})
- except:
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['ansible_facts']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['ansible_facts'],"code":0}})
- # print("FAILED *******")
- for host, result in callback.host_failed.items():
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['msg']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['msg'],"code":1}})
- # print("DOWN *********")
- for host, result in callback.host_unreachable.items():
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['msg']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['msg'],"code":-1}})
- return self.resultinfo
- def Baserun(TaskInfos):
- TaskInfos = {
- "hostinfo": [
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 65534,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 6553,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- ],
- "taskinfo": [
- {
- "module": "shell",
- "args": "hostname"
- },
- {
- "module": "command",
- "args": "/usr/bin/uptime"
- },
- ]
- }
- ansibleapi = AnsibleApi(TaskInfos)
- results = ansibleapi.run()
- print(results)
- def getsysinfo(hostinfo):
- TaskInfos = {
- "hostinfo": [
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 65534,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 6553,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- ],
- "taskinfo": [
- {
- "module": "setup",
- "args": ""
- },
- ]
- }
- TaskInfos["hostinfo"]=hostinfo
- # print(TaskInfos)
- ansibleapi = AnsibleApi(TaskInfos)
- result = ansibleapi.run()
- resultinfo=[]
- # print(result)
- for res in result:
- for k in res:
- data = res[k]["message"]
- code=res[k]["code"]
- sysinfo = {}
- disksize=0
- if code !=0:
- resultinfo.append({k: res[k]})
- else:
- for i in data["ansible_devices"]:
- if i[0:2] in ("vd", "ss", "sd"):
- disksize=disksize+int(data["ansible_devices"][i]["sectors"]) * int(
- data["ansible_devices"][i]["sectorsize"]) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
- sysinfo['disk'] = "{}".format(str(disksize) + str(" GB"))
- sysinfo['mem'] = round(data['ansible_memtotal_mb'] / 1024)
- sysinfo['cpu'] = "{} * {}".format(data['ansible_processor_count'] * data["ansible_processor_cores"],
- data['ansible_processor'][2])
- sysinfo['system'] = data['ansible_distribution'] + " " + data['ansible_distribution_version']
- resultinfo.append({k:{"message":sysinfo,"code":0}})
- return resultinfo
- def execshell(hostinfo, shellcmd):
- TaskInfos = {
- "hostinfo": [
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 65534,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 6553,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- ],
- "taskinfo": [
- {
- "module": "shell",
- "args": ""
- },
- ]
- }
- TaskInfos["hostinfo"]=hostinfo
- TaskInfos["taskinfo"][0]["args"] = shellcmd
- ansibleapi = AnsibleApi(TaskInfos)
- result = ansibleapi.run()
- return result
- # data=getsysinfo([{"host": "","port": 6553,"user": "root","password": "root"}])
- # print(data)
- # [{'': {'disk': '30.0 GB', 'mem': 2, 'cpu': '4 * Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz', 'system': 'CentOS 7.2.1511'}}]
- # data=execshell([{"host": "","port": 6553,"user": "root","password": "root"}], "uptime")
- # print(data)
- # [{'': ' 01:14:30 up 2:24, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05'}]
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- # author : liuyu
- # date : 2018/8/6 0006
- from collections import namedtuple
- from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
- import re
- from ansible.executor.task_queue_manager import TaskQueueManager
- from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryManager
- from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
- from ansible.playbook.play import Play
- from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
- from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager
- import ansible.constants as C
- def default_taskinfos():
- TaskInfos = {
- "hostinfo": [
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 22,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- ],
- "taskinfo": [
- {
- "module": "setup",
- "args": ""
- },
- ]
- }
- return TaskInfos
- # Create a callback object so we can capture the output
- class ResultsCollector(CallbackBase):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(ResultsCollector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.host_ok = {}
- self.host_unreachable = {}
- self.host_failed = {}
- def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result):
- self.host_unreachable[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
- self.host_ok[result._host.get_name()] = result
- def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
- self.host_failed[result._host.get_name()] = result
- class AnsibleApi(object):
- def __init__(self, TaskInfos):
- self.taskinfo = TaskInfos.get('taskinfo', default_taskinfos()["taskinfo"])
- self.hostinfo = TaskInfos.get('hostinfo', default_taskinfos()["hostinfo"])
- self.resultinfo = []
- def run(self):
- host_list = []
- [host_list.append(i.get("host", '')) for i in self.hostinfo]
- Options = namedtuple('Options', ['connection', 'module_path', 'forks', 'remote_user',
- 'private_key_file', 'ssh_common_args', 'ssh_extra_args', 'sftp_extra_args',
- 'scp_extra_args', 'become', 'become_method', 'become_user', 'verbosity',
- 'check',
- 'diff'])
- # required for
- # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/inventory/manager.py#L204
- sources = ','.join(host_list)
- if len(host_list) == 1:
- sources += ','
- # initialize needed objects
- loader = DataLoader()
- options = Options(connection='smart', module_path=['/usr/share/ansible'], forks=100,
- remote_user=None, private_key_file=None, ssh_common_args=None, ssh_extra_args=None,
- sftp_extra_args=None, scp_extra_args=None, become=None, become_method=None,
- become_user=None, verbosity=None, check=False, diff=False, )
- passwords = dict(sshpass=None, becomepass=None)
- # create inventory and pass to var manager
- inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources=sources)
- variable_manager = VariableManager(loader=loader, inventory=inventory)
- for host in self.hostinfo:
- inventory.add_host(host=host.get('host'), port=host.get('port'))
- hostname = inventory.get_host(hostname=host.get('host'))
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname, varname='ansible_ssh_pass', value=host.get('password'))
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname, varname='ansible_ssh_user', value=host.get('user'))
- variable_manager.set_host_variable(host=hostname, varname='ansible_ssh_port', value=host.get('port'))
- # print("设置全局管理变量 %s"%host.get('host'))
- # create play with tasks
- tasks = []
- # print(self.taskinfo)
- for task in self.taskinfo:
- # tasks.append(dict(action=dict(module=task.get("module"), args=task.get("args"))))
- play_source = dict(
- name="Ansible API Play",
- hosts=host_list,
- gather_facts='no',
- # tasks=[dict(action=dict(module='command', args=dict(cmd='/usr/bin/uptime')))]
- # tasks=[dict(action=dict(module='shell', args='/usr/sbin/ip a'))]
- tasks=[dict(action=dict(module=task.get("module"), args=task.get("args")))]
- # dict(action=dict(module='setup', args='')),
- # dict(action=dict(module='setup', args=''),register='shell_out'),
- # dict(action=dict(module='debug', args=dict(msg='{{shell_out.stdout}}')))
- )
- play = Play().load(play_source, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
- # actually run it
- tqm = None
- callback = ResultsCollector()
- try:
- tqm = TaskQueueManager(
- inventory=inventory,
- variable_manager=variable_manager,
- loader=loader,
- options=options,
- passwords=passwords,
- )
- tqm._stdout_callback = callback
- result = tqm.run(play)
- finally:
- if tqm is not None:
- tqm.cleanup()
- # print("UP ***********")
- # print(callback.host_ok.items())
- for host, result in callback.host_ok.items():
- try:
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['stdout']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['stdout'],"code":0}})
- except:
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['ansible_facts']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['ansible_facts'],"code":0}})
- # print("FAILED *******")
- for host, result in callback.host_failed.items():
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['msg']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['msg'],"code":1}})
- # print("DOWN *********")
- for host, result in callback.host_unreachable.items():
- # print('{0} >>> {1}'.format(host, result._result['msg']))
- self.resultinfo.append({host: {"message":result._result['msg'],"code":-1}})
- return self.resultinfo
- def execshell(hostinfo, shellcmd):
- TaskInfos = {
- "hostinfo": [
- {
- "host": "",
- "port": 65534,
- "user": "root",
- "password": "root"
- },
- ],
- "taskinfo": [
- {
- "module": "shell",
- "args": ""
- },
- ]
- }
- TaskInfos["hostinfo"]=hostinfo
- TaskInfos["taskinfo"][0]["args"] = shellcmd
- ansibleapi = AnsibleApi(TaskInfos)
- result = ansibleapi.run()
- return result
- def setremotenopass(ip,port,username,password,fs):
- #data=execshell([{"host": ip,"port": port,"user": username,"password": password}], "sed -i '/oldauthorized/d' /root/.ssh/authorized_keys")
- data=execshell([{"host": ip,"port": port,"user": username,"password": password}], "echo {} >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys".format(fs))
- child = Popen(["ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no %s 'hostname && ip a| grep global'"%(ip)],shell=True,stdout=PIPE)
- out,err=child.communicate()
- print(data,out)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- password="hostpassword"
- port=15625
- id_rsa_file="/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
- hosts="./ip"
- with open(hosts,'r') as f:
- lines=f.readlines()
- with open(id_rsa_file,'r') as fpub:
- fpubrsa=fpub.readlines()[0].strip('\n')
- for i in lines:
- result = re.findall(r"\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b", i)
- if result:
- for ip in result:
- setremotenopass(ip,port,'root',password,fpubrsa)