拆机台, 三个控制器。 有点历史的控制器, 先存数据, 那天用上了再来研究。
KK-396 6Pin, pitch 3.96mm
5V 400mA
+12V 40mA
-12V 40mA
The ICM-1460 is an interconnect module available in two versions used to breakout the 37 pin DMC cable to a terminal strip. Special care is needed when wiring the ICM-1460 as the pin-outs on the ICM-1460 are different from the 37 pin DMC cable. Take special care if not using our ICM-1460 to breakout the terminations. Terminal numbers listed below are for the ICM-1460.
ICM-1460-STEPPER w/ DMC-1425/3425-STEPPER Controller two Stepper Motors:
Terminal 4 ACMD x-axis step
Terminal 38 ACMD2 x-axis direction
Terminal 9 ERROR y-axis step
Terminal 3 AMPEN y-axis direction
The DMC-1425/3425 have jumpers that must be configured properly for correct operation. These jumpers are set at the factory but it is advisable to confirm jumper settings before initial use.
DMC-1425/3425: Both JP3 jumpers to MC JP2 SMX jumper off
DMC-1425/3425-XSTEP: Both JP3 jumpers to SD JP2 SMX jumper on
DMC-1425/3425-STEPPER: Both JP3 jumpers to SD JP2 SMX jumper on
DATASHEET 854796120.pdf
Communication Library Reference
DMC-1425_3425 Configuration Options .pdf
Galil DMC-3425
<备份> 收集资料, 仅供参考。
数据剪辑自原厂规格书 ( GALIL https://www.galil.com/ ) , 版权归原所有人拥有。
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