• 羽夏看Linux内核——环境搭建




      严格的说,Bochs是一个模拟器。它是一个以LGPL许可证发放的开放源代码的x86x86-64IBM PC兼容机模拟器和调试工具。它支持处理器(包括保护模式)、内存、硬盘、显示器、以太网、BIOSIBM PC兼容机的常见硬件外设的仿真,主要用于操作系统开发。
      说了这么有关Bochs一大堆,它有一个十分优秀的地方,它具有配套的调试工具,只要在编译期间开启了对应的开关,就可以实现调试的图形界面化,这在 Linux 上是可遇不可求的,如下图所示:

      这个和我系统主题相关,看起来比较丑一点,但这已经很不错了,在开发与 Linux 相关应用的同志会深有体会。
      下面我们来开始编译Bochs,为 Linux 内核的学习开始新的旅程。

    编译 Bochs


    sudo apt install build-essential
    sudo apt install libgtk2.0-dev 


    ./configure --with-x11 --with-wx --enable-disasm --enable-all-optimizations --enable-readline  --enable-debugger-gui --enable-x86-debugger --enable-a20-pin --enable-fast-function-calls --enable-debugger --enable-iodebug

      --后面跟着字母的参数就是我所谓的开关,开启这些开关之后,就支持反汇编、内置调试、io 接口调试以及图形界面。

    LIBS =  -lm -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -latk-1.0 -lcairo -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lpthread

      如果不这么修改,在编译的过程中就会报错。因为pthread库不是Linux系统默认的库,连接时需要使用静态库 libpthread.a,所以在使用pthread_create创建线程,以及调用pthread_atfork函数建立fork处理程序时,需要链接该库。
      然后我们输入make回车,不到一分钟就能编译完。如果编译无报错,我们再输入sudo make install将其安装在系统当中。
      如果以后要卸载,请保留编译过后留下的内容,只需要MakeFile文件夹下,进入终端,输入sudo make uninstall即可卸载。

    配置 Bochs


    # MEGS
    # Set the number of Megabytes of physical memory you want to emulate. 
    # The default is 32MB, most OS's won't need more than that.
    # The maximum amount of memory supported is 2048Mb.
    # The 'MEGS' option is deprecated. Use 'MEMORY' option instead.
    megs: 32
    # The display library is the code that displays the Bochs VGA screen.  Bochs 
    # has a selection of about 10 different display library implementations for 
    # different platforms.  If you run configure with multiple --with-* options, 
    # the display_library command lets you choose which one you want to run with.
    # If you do not write a display_library line, Bochs will choose a default for
    # you.
    display_library: x, options="gui_debug" # use GTK debugger gui
    # The ROM BIOS controls what the PC does when it first powers on.
    # Normally, you can use a precompiled BIOS in the source or binary
    # distribution called BIOS-bochs-latest. The ROM BIOS is usually loaded
    # starting at address 0xf0000, and it is exactly 64k long. Another option
    # is 128k BIOS which is loaded at address 0xe0000.
    # You can also use the environment variable $BXSHARE to specify the
    # location of the BIOS.
    # The usage of external large BIOS images (up to 512k) at memory top is
    # now supported, but we still recommend to use the BIOS distributed with
    # Bochs. The start address optional, since it can be calculated from image size.
    romimage: file=/usr/local/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest
    # You now need to load a VGA ROM BIOS into C0000.
    vgaromimage: file=/usr/local/share/bochs/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
    # BOOT:
    # This defines the boot sequence. Now you can specify up to 3 boot drives,
    # which can be 'floppy', 'disk', 'cdrom' or 'network' (boot ROM).
    # Legacy 'a' and 'c' are also supported.
    #boot: floppy
    boot: disk
    # LOG:
    # Give the path of the log file you'd like Bochs debug and misc. verbiage
    # to be written to. If you don't use this option or set the filename to
    # '-' the output is written to the console. If you really don't want it,
    # make it "/dev/null" (Unix) or "nul" (win32). :^(
    #log: /dev/null
    log: bochsout.txt
    # MOUSE:
    # The Bochs gui creates mouse "events" unless the 'enabled' option is
    # set to 0. The hardware emulation itself is not disabled by this.
    # Unless you have a particular reason for enabling the mouse by default,
    # it is recommended that you leave it off. You can also toggle the mouse
    # usage at runtime (control key + middle mouse button on X11, SDL,
    # wxWidgets and Win32).
    # With the mouse type option you can select the type of mouse to emulate.
    # The default value is 'ps2'. The other choices are 'imps2' (wheel mouse
    # on PS/2), 'serial', 'serial_wheel' and 'serial_msys' (one com port requires
    # setting 'mode=mouse'). To connect a mouse to an USB port, see the 'usb_uhci'
    # or 'usb_ohci' option (requires PCI and USB support).
    mouse: enabled=0
    # This enables a remap of a physical localized keyboard to a 
    # virtualized us keyboard, as the PC architecture expects.
    # If enabled, the keymap file must be specified.
    keyboard_mapping: enabled=1, map=/usr/local/share/bochs/keymaps/x11-pc-us.map
    # ATA0, ATA1, ATA2, ATA3
    # ATA controller for hard disks and cdroms
    # ata[0-3]: enabled=[0|1], ioaddr1=addr, ioaddr2=addr, irq=number
    # These options enables up to 4 ata channels. For each channel
    # the two base io addresses and the irq must be specified.
    # ata0 and ata1 are enabled by default with the values shown below
    ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14

      这个配置文件,它有点类似BIOS。我们在开机时按下的delesc ,或者F2键,各个机型进入BIOS式有所不同,但差不多就那几种方式。BIOS中会显示各种硬件的信息,还有启动顺序等。Bochs既然是模拟硬件的,它就得知道,您需要它模拟的计算机是什么样的,换句话说,在这个虚拟机中有哪些硬件,启动顺序是什么,是从软盘开始,还是从硬盘开始。给Bochs配置硬件的方法,就是写一个配置文件给它,Bochs启动时会找到此文件,根据文件内容创建自己,这样咱们的虚拟机就健全了。


      设置Bochs在运行过程中能够使用的内存,本例为 32MB






      设置对应的VGA BIOS。它是显卡BIOS,储存了显示卡的硬件控制程序和相关信息,可以说是显示卡的“神经中枢”。











    # 开头的行




    使用 Bochs


    bochs -f ./bochsrc.disk


      可以看到如下几个选项,默认选项是2,也就是从配置文件进行加载,我们需要输入文件路径,作用和bochs -f ./bochsrc.disk一样。

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    bochs -f ./bochsrc.disk





    • -fd:创建软盘
    • -hd:创建硬盘
    • -mode:创建硬盘的类型,有flatsparsegrowing三种
    • -size:指创建多大的硬盘,以MB为单位。
    • -q:以静默模式创建,创建过程中不会和用户交互。


    bximage -hd -mode="flat" -size=60 -q test.img


    ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
    ata0-master: type=disk, path="test.img", mode=flat, cylinders=121 ,heads=16 ,spt=63





    1. 搭建Bochs环境并取得成功。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wingsummer/p/16556206.html