前提工作:主题样式文件 common/theme.wxss 和主题图片文件夹 /static/image/v1,/static/image/v2,如下图:
在每个需要主题替换样式 xxx.wxss 头部引入主题文件
@import "./../common/theme.wxss";
1)首先在 app.js 全局文件中设定一个主题参数
- globalData: {
- theme: 1, // 主题
- }
- data: {
- theme: 1,
- },
- onShow(){
- let that = this;
- that.setData({
- theme: app.globalData.theme,
- })
- },
<view class="limit_width theme_v{{theme}}"> ... view>
- <view class="limit_width theme_v{{theme}}">
- <view class="item">
- <view class="theme_tle">设置主题:view>
- <view class="flex">
- <view bindtap="themeTab" class="theme_tab {{theme==1?'tab_bg_br':''}}" data-num="1">新绿(默认)view>
- <view bindtap="themeTab" class="theme_tab {{theme==2?'tab_bg_br':''}}" data-num="2">海蓝view>
- view>
- view>
- view>
- data: {
- theme: 1,
- },
- onLoad(options) {
- this.setData({
- theme: app.globalData.theme,
- })
- },
- // 主题切换(逸曦穆泽)
- themeTab(e){
- let num = parseInt(e.currentTarget.dataset.num);
- this.setData({theme: num});
- app.globalData.theme = num; // 全局更新
- this.getTabBar().watchBack(); // (逸曦穆泽)调用自定义 tabbar 的方法
- // 保存到本地
- wx.setStorage({
- key: "themeSkin",
- data: num,
- })
- },
- // (逸曦穆泽)custom-tab-bar/index.js
- const app = getApp();
- let themeColor = ["#515151","#515151","#000"];
- let themeActiveColor = ["#94AC56","#94AC56","#185F95"];
- Component({
- data: {
- theme: 1,
- selected: 1,
- color: "#515151",
- selectedColor: "#94AC56",
- list: [{
- "pagePath": "/pages/home/home",
- "iconPath": "/static/image/nav_home.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "/static/image/v1/nav_home.png",
- "text": "首页"
- },{
- "pagePath": "/pages/setup/setup",
- "iconPath": "/static/image/nav_setup.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "/static/image/v1/nav_setup.png",
- "text": "设置"
- }],
- },
- methods: {
- // (逸曦穆泽)监听并回调
- watchBack() {
- var that = this;
- let num = app.globalData.theme;
- let listUpd = [{
- "pagePath": "/pages/home/home",
- "iconPath": "/static/image/nav_home.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "/static/image/v"+num+"/nav_home.png",
- "text": "首页"
- },{
- "pagePath": "/pages/setup/setup",
- "iconPath": "/static/image/nav_setup.png",
- "selectedIconPath": "/static/image/v"+num+"/nav_setup.png",
- "text": "设置"
- }];
- that.setData({
- theme: num,
- color: themeColor[num],
- selectedColor: themeActiveColor[num],
- list: listUpd,
- })
- },
- switchTab(e){
- var that = this;
- const data = e.currentTarget.dataset;
- const url = data.url;
- wx.switchTab({ url });
- that.setData({
- selected: data.index
- });
- }
- },
- })
<view class="tabbar theme_v{{theme}}"> ... view>
说简单呢,其实也很简单,只是使用了主题样式文件中的类层级样式,js 控制了 theme 参数;
难点在于 tabbar 的切换,怎么调用?肯定是调用 custom-tab-bar/index.js 下的方法,获取全局主题参数设置进去;还有一个主题回显的问题,可以自己去实现,这个也很简单,当然,实在需要的话去下面留言即可。