的源码let a = require('dotenv').config()
npm i dotenv
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const os = require('os')
const LINE =
// Parser src into an Object 解析src为一个对象
function parse(src) {
const obj = {}
// Convert buffer to string
let lines = src.toString()
// Convert line breaks to same format
lines = lines.replace(/\r\n?/gm, '\n')
let match
while ((match = LINE.exec(lines)) != null) {
const key = match[1]
// Default undefined or null to empty string
let value = match[2] || ''
// Remove whitespace
value = value.trim()
// Check if double quoted
const maybeQuote = value[0]
// Remove surrounding quotes
value = value.replace(/^(['"`])([\s\S]*)\1$/gm, '$2')
// Expand newlines if double quoted
if (maybeQuote === '"') {
value = value.replace(/\\n/g, '\n')
value = value.replace(/\\r/g, '\r')
// Add to object
obj[key] = value
return obj
function _log(message) {
console.log(`[dotenv][DEBUG] ${message}`)
function _resolveHome(envPath) {
return envPath[0] === '~'
? path.join(os.homedir(), envPath.slice(1))
: envPath
// Populates process.env from .env file 从文件 .env 向 process.env 添加数据
function config(options) {
// 1. 获取当前进程执行的路径对应的 .env文件
let dotenvPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.env')
// 2. 定义编码格式
let encoding = 'utf8'
const debug = Boolean(options && options.debug)
const override = Boolean(options && options.override)
// 3. 接受一些参数,用来修改路径和编码格式
if (options) {
if (options.path != null) {
dotenvPath = _resolveHome(options.path)
if (options.encoding != null) {
encoding = options.encoding
try {
// Specifying an encoding returns a string instead of a buffer 指定编码返回一个字符串而不是一个缓冲区
// 4. 这里读取了文件,返回的字符串,通过 parse 将字符串转换为对象
const parsed = DotenvModule.parse(fs.readFileSync(dotenvPath, { encoding }))
// 5. 遍历返回的对象的 key 分别添加到 process.env 中
Object.keys(parsed).forEach(function (key) {
if (!, key)) {
process.env[key] = parsed[key]
} else {
// 是否重写原型上的属性
if (override === true) {
process.env[key] = parsed[key]
// debug模式
if (debug) {
if (override === true) {
`"${key}" is already defined in \`process.env\` and WAS overwritten`
} else {
`"${key}" is already defined in \`process.env\` and was NOT overwritten`
// 6. 返回值是 { parsed:parsed } 这里简写了。
return { parsed }
} catch (e) {
if (debug) {
_log(`Failed to load ${dotenvPath} ${e.message}`)
return { error: e }
const DotenvModule = {
module.exports.config = DotenvModule.config
module.exports.parse = DotenvModule.parse
module.exports = DotenvModule
源码也就 100 多行