• ICDE 2023|TKDE Poster Session(CFP)

    The IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) and the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) partner the TKDE poster track in ICDE 2023. Selected regular research articles that are accepted for TKDE in between Dec 1, 2021 and Nov 30, 2022 will be invited to present a 2-page extended abstract in the proceedings of ICDE 2023 and a poster in the poster session of ICDE 2023. The selection will be made by the TKDE poster track committee according to the following criteria:

    •  The article falls in the scope of ICDE as described by the ICDE research track and industry track call-for-papers.

    • The article is NOT an extension of a paper published in a conference, symposium, or workshop.

    The deadline to submit the extended abstract is Dec 10, 2022.

    To submit, please upload the extended abstract to the TKDE Poster Track through theCMT submission website. The extended abstract will be reviewed by the TKDE poster track committee to ensure the presentation quality.

    Important Dates

    All deadlines are 11:59PM US PST.

    Submission: December 10th, 2022

    Notification (Accept/Reject): Feb 8th, 2023

    Camera ready: February 28th, 2023

    Submission guidelines

    1. Authors must specifically use the ICDE 2023 proceeding formats.

    2. Title of poster: Use the title of your TKDE paper, followed by ‘(Extended abstract)’. The list of authors must be the same as in the accepted TKDE paper.

    3. The extended abstract should be a summary of the TKDE paper, no additional contributions are required. An example outline can be: Introduction; Motivation and Background Information; Problem Definition; and, Summary of the technical ideas and results as well as an evaluation.

    4. Please provide the acceptance details of your TKDE paper and attach an e-copy of your TKDE paper to the abstract submission.

    5. The page limit is 2 pages.

    Registration policy

    The extended abstract will appear in the ICDE 2023 proceedings under a special track for TKDE papers, and the authors must present the work at the ICDE poster session. Regarding the policy of ICDE registrations, the authors of an extended abstract (TKDE posters) will be treated in the same way as the authors of an ICDE paper. At least one of the authors must register for the conference before the camera-ready deadline, and this registration can be cancelled only after registration of another author. The registration is based on attendance; that is, if an author is going to ICDE 2023 to present multiple posters or papers accepted for ICDE, we only charge the author once for ICDE registration.

    TKDE Posters Chair

    Lei Zou, Peking University, China

    Arijit Khan, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore

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