Flyweight Pattern Definition:Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained efficiently.
- 当系统中存在大量的细粒度的相同或相似对象时,可以使用享元模式;
- 享元模式通过共享技术,实现相同或相似对象的重复利用;
- 享元的字面理解:享也就是分享共享的意思,元就是共享的元素、对象;
- Flyweight的字面理解:Flyweight本意是拳击运动的一个术语,就是蝇量级的意思,flyweight 蝇量级 112磅;
- 享元模式也叫轻量级模式,享元是对Flyweight的意译,直译的话应该叫蝇量级模式;
- 英文定义中采用Flyweight,是想表达对象的粒度,也就是fine-grained细粒度的意思;
- grain本意表示谷物,grained表示像谷物那种颗粒状态,即粒度,而fine-grained则表示细粒度,例如fine grained soil 细土、coarse grained soil粗粒土;
- 享元模式和Unity中的预制体作用类似,享元模式可以通过共享元素生成多个对象,Unity同样可以通过Prefabs生成成千上万的怪物;
- 还有诸如对象池、线程池,实际上也是享元模式的使用案例;
类图with StarUML
internal abstract class Chessman { public abstract string GetColor(); public void Display() { Console.WriteLine($"棋子颜色{this.GetColor()}"); } }
internal class BlackChessman : Chessman { public override string GetColor() { return "黑色"; } }
internal class WhiteChessman : Chessman { public override string GetColor() { return "白色"; } }
internal class ChessmanFactory { //饿汉式单例模式 private static ChessmanFactory instance = new ChessmanFactory(); //该字典相当于享元池(对象池)Flyweight Pool private Dictionary<string, Chessman> dictionary; //构造注入依赖项Chessman/BlackChessman/WhiteChessman private ChessmanFactory() { dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Chessman>(); Chessman black = new BlackChessman(); Chessman white = new WhiteChessman(); dictionary.Add("b", black); dictionary.Add("w", white); } //返回唯一实例 public static ChessmanFactory GetInstance() { return instance; } //根据键是b还是w,返回字典中的对应棋子 public Chessman GetChessman(string color) { return dictionary[color]; } }
internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Chessman black1, black2, white1, white2; ChessmanFactory factory = ChessmanFactory.GetInstance(); //生成两颗黑子,并比较 black1 = factory.GetChessman("b"); black2 = factory.GetChessman("b"); Console.WriteLine($"两颗黑子是否相同?{black1 == black2}"); //生成两颗白字,并比较 white1 = factory.GetChessman("w"); white2 = factory.GetChessman("w"); Console.WriteLine($"两颗白子是否相同?{black1 == black2}"); //显示棋子 black1.Display(); black2.Display(); white1.Display(); white2.Display(); Console.Read(); } }