文 / 谷雨
今天我看的是8.26期经济学人的一篇文章《AI could fortify big business, not upend it》。
fortify 本意是筑防御工事以防卫;(尤指) 筑城防御; 引申为 (在物质或精神上) 加强, 增强。
同义词有strengthen, consolidate
例如:He fortified himself against the cold with a hot drink. 他喝了一杯热饮御寒。
upend /ʌpˈend/ v. 颠覆、影响。
同义词有 affect, disrupt
例如:The new regulations could upend the entire industry. 这个新规定可能会颠覆整个行业。
Health-care providers could exploit their anonymised medical records, insurers their claims data, and media companies their archival film or print, putting them ahead of upstarts unable to draw on such data.
draw on 利用 同义词 use, exploit
假如:He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme. 他利用当过游艇驾驶员的经历来制作纪录片。
insurers their claims data 和 media companies their archival film or print 均为是 sb could exploit sth 一样的排比句式,句式为避免重复, 所以省略了谓语 could exploit。
完整的句子应是:Health-care providers could exploit their anonymised medical records, insurers (could exploit) their claims data, and media companies (could exploit) their archival film or print, putting them ahead of upstarts unable to draw on such data.
be littered with... 使饱含, 使遍布 (一般指不好的东西)
同义词 be full of, be filled with
Your essay is littered with spelling mistakes. 你的文章里到处是拼写错误。
human endeavour 人类努力, 指人们为实现某个目标或完成某项任务所付出的努力和尝试。
turn sth upside down 给 (某人生活) 造成大的变化 (或混乱)
同义词 disrupt/upend sth
His sudden death turned her world upside down. 他的遽然离世使她的生活完全乱套了。
sure enough 果不其然, 果然
同义词 indeed, as expected
I said he’d forget, and sure enough he did. 我说他会忘记, 他果然就忘了。
upheaval /ʌpˈhiːvl/ n. 剧变; 激变; 动乱; 动荡 technological upheaval 技术变革
同义词 disruption, upset
crash/burst onto the scene 突然出现在… 领域
consign sth to history 让... 成为历史
同义词 stop using sth, consign to oblivion/scrap heap
be/feel comfortable doing sth 愿意做某事、做某事不会产生担忧
同义词 would like to do sth, be willing to do sth
turn to sb (for sth) 向⋯求助(或寻求指教等)
She has nobody she can turn to. 她求助无门。
by revenue 按照收入计算
go the way of sb 步... 的后尘, 重蹈... 的覆辙
同义词 follow the footstep of
If they do not find it again, they may go the way of GM. 如果不能重新找到正确的道路, 他们可能会重蹈通用汽车的覆辙。
look as likely to do A as to do B 看起来可能会做 A, 也可能会做 B (本质是 as...as... 的比较结构, 比较的是likely to do sth: 做某事的可能性, 有多少可能会做…)
去年11月30号,ChatGPT正式亮相,然后快速风靡全球。比尔·盖茨在一篇博文中兴奋地表示:“全行业都将围绕 AI 重新定位”。而且,AI 的颠覆性不输历史上互联网和微型电脑所带来的影响。
对于大公司而言,AI 既有可能为其助力,也有可能将其连根拔起。大致这么几个原因:
1、大公司有分销优势,AI 能凭借巨头公司迅速占据市场,巨头公司也能利用 AI 的速度优势,从而实现双赢。
3、AI 时代,现有企业能直接在其系统上连接算法,这将大大增加其产品创新的速度。
综合以上,大公司不一定都能赶上这波AI 红利,但是初创公司的前景也依然暗淡。说白了,大企业根大叶大,小公司难以颠覆。