select 表头名 from 表名1 inner join 表名2 ;
select * from employees inner join departments
select 表头名 from 表名1 inner join 表名2 on 链接条件;
select * from employees inner join departments on employees.dept_id = departments.dept_id;
select 表头名 from 表名1 inner join 表名2 on 链接条件[where | order by | group by| limit | having];
select * from employees inner join departments on employees.dept_id = departments.dept_id;
select name ,sum(basic+bonus) as total from employees inner join salary on employees.employee_id = salary.employee_id where year(date)=2018 group by name; select salary.employee_id ,sum(basic+bonus) as total from employees inner join salary on employees.employee_id = salary.employee_id where year(date)=2018 group by employee_id having total > 300000 order by total desc ,employee_id asc;查询2018年总工资大于30万的员工,按2018年总工资降序排列
select employee_id ,basic,garde from salary inner join wage_grade on salary.basic between wage_grade.low and wage_grade.high where year(date)=2018 and month(date)=12;
select garde as 级别,count(employee_id) as 总人数 from salary inner join wage_grade on salary.basic between wage_grade.low and wage_grade.high where year(date)=2018 and month(date)=12 group by garde;查询2018年12月员工基本工资级别的人数
select name ,basic ,garde from employees inner join salary on employees.employee_id = salary.employee_id inner join wage_grade on salary.basic between wage_grade.low and wage_grade.high where year(date)=2018 and month(date)=12;
左链接 用左表数据和右表数据作比较 输出结果左表头数据全部显示,
select 表头名 from 表名1 left jion 表名2 on 链接条件 ;
select dept_name, name from departments left join employees on departments.dept_id=employees.dept_id where name is null;
右链接 用右表数据和左表数据作比较 输出结果右表头数据全部显示
mysql> select dept_name,name from departments as d right join employees as e on d.dept_id=e.dept_id where dept_name is null;
update employees set dept_id=11 where name="bob";
把多个select命令查询的行一起数据 多个select查询,表头数要一致
mysql> (select date , max(basic) as 工资 from salary where date=20180110)union(select date,min(basic) from salary where date=20180110);
(select 查询命令)union (select 查询命令);
select 查询命令)union all(select 查询命令);
select 查询命令包含select查询命令
where之后嵌套查询 分组
select 表头名 from 库.表 where 表头名 判断符号 ( select 查询命令)
select employee_id,date,basic,bonus from salary where year(date)=2018 and month(date)=12 and basic > (select basic from salary where year(date)=2018 and month(date)=12 and employee_id=100);
having之后嵌套查询 把()里的查询结果作为过滤条件,
select 表头名 from 库.表 having 表头名 判断符号 ( select 查询命令)
select dept_id , count(name) as total from employees group by dept_id
having total < (
select count(name) from employees where dept_id=(
select dept_id from departments where dept_name='开发部')
from之后嵌套查询 把()的查询结果作表使用
select 表头名 from (select 查询结果)as 临时表名 where 筛选条件;
select employee_id ,name,email,dept_name from (select d.dept_name,e.* from departments as d inner join employees as e on d.dept_id=e.dept_id) as tmp_table where dept_id=3;
select 表头名, (select 查询命令)as 表头名 from 库.表 where 筛选条件;
select d.* ,(select count(name)from employees as e where d.dept_id=e.dept_id)as vumen from departments as d;