* @Author: hey
* @message: Patience is the key in life,I think you'll be able to find vulnerabilities in code audits.
* Have fun and Good luck!!!
class Sakura{
public $apple;
public $strawberry;
public function __construct($a){
$this -> apple = $a;
function __destruct()
echo $this -> apple;
public function __toString()
$new = $this -> strawberry;
return $new();
class NoNo {
private $peach;
public function __construct($string) {
$this -> peach = $string;
public function __get($name) {
$var = $this -> $name;
class BasaraKing{
public $orange;
public $cherry;
public $arg1;
public function __call($arg1,$arg2){
$function = $this -> orange;
return $function();
public function __get($arg1)
$this -> cherry -> ll2('b2');
class UkyoTachibana{
public $banana;
public $mangosteen;
public function __toString()
$long = @$this -> banana -> add();
return $long;
public function __set($arg1,$arg2)
if($this -> mangosteen -> tt2)
echo "Sakura was the best!!!";
class E{
public $e;
public function __get($arg1){
array_walk($this, function ($Monday, $Tuesday) {
$Wednesday = new $Tuesday($Monday);
foreach($Wednesday as $Thursday){
echo ($Thursday.'
class UesugiErii{
protected $coconut;
protected function addMe() {
return "My time with Sakura was my happiest time".$this -> coconut;
public function __call($func, $args) {
call_user_func([$this, $func."Me"], $args);
class Heraclqs{
public $grape;
public $blueberry;
public function __invoke(){
if(md5(md5($this -> blueberry)) == 123) {
return $this -> grape -> hey;
class MaiSakatoku{
public $Carambola;
private $Kiwifruit;
public function __set($name, $value)
$this -> $name = $value;
if ($this -> Kiwifruit = "Sakura"){
strtolower($this-> Carambola);
if(isset($_POST['GHCTF'])) {
} else {
array_walk() 函数对数组中的每个元素应用用户自定义函数。
GlobIterator 与上面略不同,该类可以通过模式匹配来寻找文件路径。
SplFileObject 在此函数中,URL 可作为文件名,不过也要受到allow_url_fopen影响。
finfo 该类的构造函数finfo::__construct — 别名 finfo_open(),也可以读取文件。
E::__get -> Heraclqs::__invoke -> Sakura::__toString -> Sakura::__destruct
public function __invoke(){
if(md5(md5($this -> blueberry)) == 123) {
return $this -> grape -> hey;
import hashlib
import itertools
import string
for i in itertools.product(string.printable, repeat=3):
s = ''.join(i)
s1 = hashlib.md5(s.encode()).hexdigest()
s2 = hashlib.md5(s1.encode()).hexdigest()
if s2[:3] == '123':
class Sakura{
public $apple;
public $strawberry;
// function __destruct()
// {
// echo $this -> apple;
// }
// public function __toString()
// {
// $new = $this -> strawberry;
// return $new();
// }
class E{
public $e;
// public function __get($arg1){
// array_walk($this, function ($Monday, $Tuesday) {
// $Wednesday = new $Tuesday($Monday);
// foreach($Wednesday as $Thursday){
// echo ($Thursday.'
// }
// });
// }
class Heraclqs{
public $grape;
public $blueberry;
// public function __invoke(){
// if(md5(md5($this -> blueberry)) == 123) {
// return $this -> grape -> hey;
// }
// }
$a1=new E;
$a2=new Heraclqs;
$a3=new Sakura;
$a4=new Sakura;
echo $s;
class Sakura{
public $apple;
public $strawberry;
// function __destruct()
// {
// echo $this -> apple;
// }
// public function __toString()
// {
// $new = $this -> strawberry;
// return $new();
// }
class E{
public $e;
// public function __get($arg1){
// array_walk($this, function ($Monday, $Tuesday) {
// $Wednesday = new $Tuesday($Monday);
// foreach($Wednesday as $Thursday){
// echo ($Thursday.'
// }
// });
// }
class Heraclqs{
public $grape;
public $blueberry;
// public function __invoke(){
// if(md5(md5($this -> blueberry)) == 123) {
// return $this -> grape -> hey;
// }
// }
$a1=new E;
$a2=new Heraclqs;
$a3=new Sakura;
$a4=new Sakura;
echo $s;