• HTML下雪/烟花


    <div id="snow">div>
    body {
      margin: 0;
      background: #333;
    body #snow {
      height: 100vh;
      overflow: hidden;
      position: relative;
       * Defaults
      --size: 1;
      --fallDuration: 10s;
      --swayDuration: 0.8s;
      --fallSlideStrength: 0.5;
      --slideStrength: 0.5;
      --position: 0;
    body #snow > div {
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: calc(var(--position) - 20%);
      width: calc(var(--size) * 15px);
      aspect-ratio: 1;
      background: radial-gradient(white, transparent 66%);
      -webkit-animation: var(--fallDuration) snowFall linear forwards;
              animation: var(--fallDuration) snowFall linear forwards;
    @-webkit-keyframes snowFall {
      to {
        top: 100%;
        transform: translateX(calc(var(--cWidth) * var(--fallSlideStrength) / 8));
    @keyframes snowFall {
      to {
        top: 100%;
        transform: translateX(calc(var(--cWidth) * var(--fallSlideStrength) / 8));
    const maxSnowflakes = 1000,
    	snowflakes = [],
    	container = document.getElementById("snow");
    let isRunning = true;
    const generatesnowFlake = (timeout = 0, init = false) => {
    	const duration = 3000 + Math.random() * 7000,
    		flake = document.createElement("div"),
    		id = crypto.randomUUID(),
    		delay = init ? Math.random() * duration : 0;
    	setTimeout(() => {
    		flake.setAttribute("id", id);
    			animation-delay: -${delay}ms;
    			--fallDuration: ${duration}ms;
    			--fallSlideStrength: ${Math.random()};
    			--size: ${Math.random() * 0.7 + 0.3};
    			--position: ${Math.random() * 120}%;
    		setTimeout(() => {
    			const index = snowflakes.findIndex((e) => e === id);
    			snowflakes.splice(index, index);
    		}, duration - delay);
    	}, timeout);
    container.setAttribute("style", `--cWidth: ${container.clientWidth}px`);
    addEventListener("resize", () =>
    	container.setAttribute("style", `--cWidth: ${container.clientWidth}px`)
    const loop = async () => {
    		while (1) {
    			await new Promise(async (resolve) => {
    				if (isRunning && snowflakes.length < maxSnowflakes && !document.hidden) {
    					requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    						generatesnowFlake(Math.random() * 50);
    				} else {
    					setTimeout(resolve, 50);
    	init = () => {
    		for (let i = 0; i < (maxSnowflakes - snowflakes.length) / 2; i++) {
    			generatesnowFlake(Math.random() * 50, true);
    document.onvisibilitychange = (e) => {
    	isRunning = !document.hidden;
    	if (isRunning) init();


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    <div class="container">
    	<div class="loading-init">
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    		<div class="loading-init__status">Assembling Shellsdiv>
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    				<div class="menu__header">Settingsdiv>
    				<div class="menu__subheader">For more info, click any label.div>
    					<div class="form-option form-option--select">
    						<label class="shell-type-label">Shell Typelabel>
    						<select class="shell-type">select>
    					<div class="form-option form-option--select">
    						<label class="shell-size-label">Shell Sizelabel>
    						<select class="shell-size">select>
    					<div class="form-option form-option--select">
    						<label class="quality-ui-label">Qualitylabel>
    						<select class="quality-ui">select>
    					<div class="form-option form-option--select">
    						<label class="sky-lighting-label">Sky Lightinglabel>
    						<select class="sky-lighting">select>
    					<div class="form-option form-option--select">
    						<label class="scaleFactor-label">Scalelabel>
    						<select class="scaleFactor">select>
    					<div class="form-option form-option--checkbox">
    						<label class="auto-launch-label">Auto Firelabel>
    						<input class="auto-launch" type="checkbox" />
    					<div class="form-option form-option--checkbox form-option--finale-mode">
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    						<label class="long-exposure-label">Open Shutterlabel>
    						<input class="long-exposure" type="checkbox" />
    				<div class="credits">
    					Passionately built by <a href="https://cmiller.tech/" target="_blank">Caleb Millera>.
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    'use strict';
    // This is a prime example of what starts out as a simple project
    // and snowballs way beyond its intended size. It's a little clunky
    // reading/working on this single file, but here it is anyways :)
    const IS_MOBILE = window.innerWidth <= 640;
    const IS_DESKTOP = window.innerWidth > 800;
    const IS_HEADER = IS_DESKTOP && window.innerHeight < 300;
    // Detect high end devices. This will be a moving target.
    const IS_HIGH_END_DEVICE = (() => {
    	const hwConcurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
    	if (!hwConcurrency) {
    		return false;
    	// Large screens indicate a full size computer, which often have hyper threading these days.
    	// So a quad core desktop machine has 8 cores. We'll place a higher min threshold there.
    	const minCount = window.innerWidth <= 1024 ? 4 : 8;
    	return hwConcurrency >= minCount;
    // Prevent canvases from getting too large on ridiculous screen sizes.
    // 8K - can restrict this if needed
    const MAX_WIDTH = 7680;
    const MAX_HEIGHT = 4320;
    const GRAVITY = 0.9; // Acceleration in px/s
    let simSpeed = 1;
    function getDefaultScaleFactor() {
    	if (IS_MOBILE) return 0.9;
    	if (IS_HEADER) return 0.75;
    	return 1;
    // Width/height values that take scale into account.
    let stageW, stageH;
    // All quality globals will be overwritten and updated via `configDidUpdate`.
    let quality = 1;
    let isLowQuality = false;
    let isNormalQuality = true;
    let isHighQuality = false;
    const QUALITY_LOW = 1;
    const QUALITY_NORMAL = 2;
    const QUALITY_HIGH = 3;
    const SKY_LIGHT_NONE = 0;
    const SKY_LIGHT_DIM = 1;
    const SKY_LIGHT_NORMAL = 2;
    const COLOR = {
    	Red: '#ff0043',
    	Green: '#14fc56',
    	Blue: '#1e7fff',
    	Purple: '#e60aff',
    	Gold: '#ffbf36',
    	White: '#ffffff'
    // Special invisible color (not rendered, and therefore not in COLOR map)
    const INVISIBLE = '_INVISIBLE_';
    const PI_2 = Math.PI * 2;
    const PI_HALF = Math.PI * 0.5;
    // Stage.disableHighDPI = true;
    const trailsStage = new Stage('trails-canvas');
    const mainStage = new Stage('main-canvas');
    const stages = [
    // Fullscreen helpers, using Fscreen for prefixes.
    function fullscreenEnabled() {
    	return fscreen.fullscreenEnabled;
    // Note that fullscreen state is synced to store, and the store should be the source
    // of truth for whether the app is in fullscreen mode or not.
    function isFullscreen() {
    	return !!fscreen.fullscreenElement;
    // Attempt to toggle fullscreen mode.
    function toggleFullscreen() {
    	if (fullscreenEnabled()) {
    		if (isFullscreen()) {
    		} else {
    // Sync fullscreen changes with store. An event listener is necessary because the user can
    // toggle fullscreen mode directly through the browser, and we want to react to that.
    fscreen.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => {
    	store.setState({ fullscreen: isFullscreen() });
    // Simple state container; the source of truth.
    const store = {
    	_listeners: new Set(),
    	_dispatch(prevState) {
    		this._listeners.forEach(listener => listener(this.state, prevState))
    	state: {
    		// will be unpaused in init()
    		paused: true,
    		soundEnabled: false,
    		menuOpen: false,
    		openHelpTopic: null,
    		fullscreen: isFullscreen(),
    		// Note that config values used for