- #include "ext.h" // standard Max include, always required
- #include "ext_obex.h" // required for new style Max object
- // object struct,定义属性
- typedef struct _simplemaxDiffTypes {
- t_object ob; // the object itself (must be first)
- /* 自定义属性 */
- long value_long;
- double value_float;
- } t_simplemaxDiffTypes;
- // 必备函数
- void* simplemaxDiffTypes_new(t_symbol* s, long argc, t_atom* argv);
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_free(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x);
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_assist(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x, void* b, long m, long a, char* s);
- // 自定义函数
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_int(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x, long l);
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_double(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x, double f);
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_bang(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x);
- // global class pointer variable
- void* simplemaxDiffTypes_class;
- void ext_main(void* r) {
- t_class* c;
- // "simplemaxDiffTypes" 建议和项目名一样,否则在max/msp中创建自定义组件会出问题。
- c = class_new("simplemaxDiffTypes", (method)simplemaxDiffTypes_new, (method)simplemaxDiffTypes_free,
- (long)sizeof(t_simplemaxDiffTypes), 0L /* leave NULL!! */, A_GIMME, 0);
- /* you CAN'T call this from the patcher */
- class_addmethod(c, (method)simplemaxDiffTypes_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
- // 自定义方法
- class_addmethod(c, (method)simplemaxDiffTypes_int, "int", A_LONG, 0); // 接收入口传入的long型数据,引号中必须写int
- class_addmethod(c, (method)simplemaxDiffTypes_double, "float", A_FLOAT, 0); // 接收入口传入的double型数据
- class_addmethod(c, (method)simplemaxDiffTypes_bang, "bang", 0); // 接收入口传入的bang消息
- class_register(CLASS_BOX, c); /* CLASS_NOBOX */
- simplemaxDiffTypes_class = c;
- post("I am the simplemaxDiffTypes object");
- }
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_assist(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x, void* b, long m, long a, char* s) {
- if (m == ASSIST_INLET) { // inlet
- sprintf(s, "I am inlet %ld", a);
- } else { // outlet
- sprintf(s, "I am outlet %ld", a);
- }
- }
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_free(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x) {
- ;
- }
- // 要操作Object中的属性,第一个形参通常为Object的指针
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_int(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x, long l) { // 接收入口传入的long型数据,为value_long赋值
- x->value_long = l;
- }
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_double(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x, double f) { // 注意,形参类型绝不能写错. 比如这里不能用float接受object中定义的double,否则无法传参.
- x->value_float = f;
- }
- void simplemaxDiffTypes_bang(t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x) {
- post("value_long: %d, value_float: %lf", x->value_long, x->value_float);
- }
- /* argc指在创建组件时,直接跟在组件后面的参数个数;argv存储参数具体值*/
- void* simplemaxDiffTypes_new(t_symbol* s, long argc, t_atom* argv) { // 分配内存创建object,初始化属性,创建入口和出口(默认一个入口,无出口)
- t_simplemaxDiffTypes* x = NULL;
- long i;
- if ((x = (t_simplemaxDiffTypes*)object_alloc(simplemaxDiffTypes_class))) { // 使用全局指针创建新实例
- object_post((t_object*)x, "a new %s object was instantiated: %p", s->s_name, x);
- object_post((t_object*)x, "it has %ld arguments", argc);
- // 属性赋初值
- x->value_long = 1;
- x->value_float = 2.2;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { // 打印出创建object时跟在Object名后的参数的详细信息
- if ((argv + i)->a_type == A_LONG) {
- object_post((t_object*)x, "arg %ld: long (%ld)", i, atom_getlong(argv + i));
- } else if ((argv + i)->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
- object_post((t_object*)x, "arg %ld: float (%f)", i, atom_getfloat(argv + i));
- } else if ((argv + i)->a_type == A_SYM) {
- object_post((t_object*)x, "arg %ld: symbol (%s)", i, atom_getsym(argv + i)->s_name);
- } else {
- object_error((t_object*)x, "forbidden argument");
- }
- }
- }
- return (x);
- }
1. 创建Object时,打印出创建object时跟在Object名后的参数的详细信息。
2. 传参测试: