.NET 7.控制台应用,需要NuGet相关的程序包,其安装方法详见作者此前发布的文章。
- // LINQ to XML 编程:加载 xml、创建全新 xml、保存xml
- using System.IO;
- using System.Xml.Linq;
- namespace _10_3
- {
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- //加载已有XML
- LoadFromFile();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- LoadFromString();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //创建全新XML
- CreateXml();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //遍历XML
- EnumXml();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- }
- #region 从文件加载
- ///
- /// Load()方法从文件加载XML
- /// path文件路径
- ///
- static void LoadFromFile()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\LoadFromFile.xml";
- XElement root = XElement.Load(path);
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- }
- #endregion 从文件加载
- #region 从string()加载并存储
- ///
- /// Parse()方法从描述XML文件的一系列字符串加载
- /// Save()存储XML文件
- ///
- static void LoadFromString()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\LoadFromStr.xml";
- XElement root = XElement.Parse(@"
YGBH0001 -
小王 -
1500 -
YGBH0002 -
小李 -
3000 -
YGBH0003 -
小刘留 -
5000 -
- ");
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 从string()加载并存储
- #region 创建并存储XML
- ///
- /// XElement()方法创建记录和元素
- ///
- static void CreateXml()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\CreateXml.xml";
- XElement root = new("Categories",
- new XElement("Category",
- new XElement("CategoryID", Guid.NewGuid()),
- new XElement("CategoryName", "食品"),
- new XElement("Description", "可以吃的东西")
- )
- );
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 创建并存储XML
- #region 遍历XML
- ///
- /// 如何遍历 xml 树,并获取指定元素
- /// 遍历永远离不开foreach()的
- ///
- static void EnumXml()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\EnumXml.xml";
- string strCon = "Data Source=DESKTOP-3LV13FS;Integrated Security=True;Database=db_CSharp;";
- DataClasses1DataContext? _Linq;
- _Linq = new DataClasses1DataContext(strCon);
- XElement root = new("tb_Employee");
- root.Add(_Linq.tb_Employee.Select(c => new XElement("ID",
- new XElement("Name", c.Name)))
- );
- foreach (XElement? item in root.Elements("ID"))
- {
- if (item != null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(item.Element("Name")!.Value); //“!”解除CS8602,关闭编译器空检查
- }
- }
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 遍历XML
- }
- }
YGBH0001 -
小王 -
1500 -
3000 -
5000 -
YGBH0002 -
小李 -
1500 -
3000 -
5000 -
YGBH0003 -
小刘留 -
1500 -
3000 -
5000 -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
YGBH0001 -
小王 -
1500 -
YGBH0002 -
小李 -
3000 -
YGBH0003 -
小刘留 -
5000 -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
71b53e44-9e1b-43ce-b848-501b66e6493f -
食品 -
可以吃的东西 -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- 小王
- 小李
- 小刘留
- 小科
- 小亮
- 章子怡
- 汪峰
- ------------------------------------------------------------
方法 | 说明 |
AddAfterSelf | 紧跟在此节点之后添加指定的内容 |
AddBeforeSelf | 紧邻此节点之前添加指定的内容 |
方法 | 说明 |
ReplaceWith | 用指定的内容来取代当前元素的内容 |
ReplaceAll | 用指定的内容来取代当前元素的子节点及相关的属性 |
ReplaceNodes | 用指定的内容来取代文档或当前元素的子节点 |
SetAttributeValue | 设置属性的值、添加属性或移除属性 |
SetElementValue | 设置子元素的值、添加子元素或移除子元素 |
.NET 7.0控制台应用程序。
- // LINQtoXML 修改xml树:添加、删除、更新xml文档的内容。
- using System.IO;
- using System.Xml.Linq;
- namespace _10_4
- {
- class Program
- {
- #region 在此节点之后添加
- ///
- /// 在此节点之后添加
- ///
- static void AddAfterSelf()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\AddAfterSelf.xml";
- XElement? root = XElement.Parse(@"
1 -
Beverages -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ");
- XElement xele = root.Element("Category")!.Element("CategoryName")!; //!编译器禁止做null判断
- xele.AddAfterSelf(new XElement("AddDate", DateTime.Now));
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 在此节点之后添加
- #region 在 LINQtoXML中更新xml
- ///
- /// 更新xml
- /// 使用了ReplaceWith与SetElementValue方法更新xml
- ///
- static void Update()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Update.xml";
- XElement? root = XElement.Parse(@"
1 -
Beverages -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ");
- root.Element("Category")!.Element("CategoryID")!.ReplaceWith(new XElement("ID", "2")); //修改
1 →1 - root.Element("Category")!.SetElementValue("CategoryName", "test data"); //修改Beverages→test data
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 在 LINQtoXML中更新xml
- #region 删除 xml
- ///
- ///
- ///
- static void RemoveAll()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\RemoveAll.xml";
- XElement root = XElement.Parse(@"
1 -
Beverages -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ");
- root.RemoveAll();
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 删除 xml
- #region 删除元素
- static void Remove()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Remove.xml";
- XElement root = XElement.Parse(@"
1 -
Beverages -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ");
- root.Element("Category")!.Element("Description")!.Remove(); //删除元素Description
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 删除元素
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- //在此节点之后添加
- AddAfterSelf();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //在 LINQtoXML中更新xml
- Update();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //删除xml
- RemoveAll();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //删除元素
- Remove();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- }
- }
- }
1 -
Beverages -
2023-11-08T22:11:10.1486749+08:00 -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
2 -
test data -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 -
Beverages -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- // LINQtoXML添加属性、检索属性和删除属性
- using System.IO;
- using System.Xml.Linq;
- namespace _10_5
- {
- class Program
- {
- #region 添加属性
- static void AddAttribute()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\AddAttribute.xml";
- XElement root = new("Categories",
- new XElement("Category",
- new XAttribute("CategoryID", "1"),
- new XElement("CategoryName", "Beverages"),
- new XElement("Description", "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"))
- );
- root.Element("Category")!.Add(new XAttribute("AddDate", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())); //添加属性
- Console.WriteLine(root);
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 添加属性
- #region 检索属性
- static void SelectAttribute()
- {
- XElement root = new("Categories",
- new XElement("Category",
- new XAttribute("CategoryID", "1"),
- new XElement("CategoryName", "Beverages"),
- new XElement("Description", "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"))
- );
- XAttribute xattr = root.Element("Category")!.Attribute("CategoryID")!; //检索指定元素
- Console.WriteLine(xattr.Name);
- Console.WriteLine(xattr.Value);
- }
- #endregion 检索属性
- #region 删除属性
- static void Remove()
- {
- string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\RemoveAttri.xml";
- XElement root = new("Categories",
- new XElement("Category",
- new XAttribute("CategoryID", "1"),
- new XElement("CategoryName", "Beverages"),
- new XElement("Description", "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"))
- );
- root.Element("Category")!.Attribute("CategoryID")!.Remove(); //删除属性CategoryID
- Console.WriteLine(root.ToString());
- root.Save(path);
- }
- #endregion 删除属性
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- //添加属性
- AddAttribute();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //检索属性
- SelectAttribute();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- //删除属性
- Remove();
- Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------");
- }
- }
- }
"1" AddDate="2023-11-08"> -
Beverages -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- CategoryID
- 1
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Beverages -
Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales -
- ------------------------------------------------------------