• clickhouse


    1. <insert id="insertTable" parameterType="com.ioc.orm.ck.model.TableModel">
    2. insert into table_name
    3. <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
    4. <if test="ts != null">
    5. ts,
    6. if>
    7. <if test="deviceId != null">
    8. device_id,
    9. if>
    10. <if test="driverId != null">
    11. driver_id,
    12. if>
    13. <if test="longitude != null">
    14. longitude,
    15. if>
    16. <if test="latitude != null">
    17. latitude,
    18. if>
    19. <if test="altitude != null">
    20. altitude,
    21. if>
    22. <if test="direction != null">
    23. direction,
    24. if>
    25. <if test="mileage != null">
    26. mileage,
    27. if>
    28. <if test="rssi != null">
    29. rssi,
    30. if>
    31. <if test="satellites != null">
    32. satellites,
    33. if>
    34. <if test="alarm != null">
    35. alarm,
    36. if>
    37. <if test="signalStatus != null">
    38. signal_status,
    39. if>
    40. <if test="gmtCreate != null">
    41. gmt_create,
    42. if>
    43. <if test="kind != null">
    44. kind,
    45. if>
    46. <if test="oil != null">
    47. oil,
    48. if>
    49. <if test="plate != null and plate!=''">
    50. plate,
    51. if>
    52. <if test="deviceGroupId != null">
    53. device_group_id,
    54. if>
    55. <if test="acc != null">
    56. acc,
    57. if>
    58. <if test="status != null">
    59. status,
    60. if>
    61. <if test="mobile != null and mobile!=''">
    62. mobile,
    63. if>
    64. <if test="provinceId != null">
    65. province_id,
    66. if>
    67. <if test="cityId != null">
    68. city_id,
    69. if>
    70. <if test="districtId != null">
    71. district_id,
    72. if>
    73. <if test="address != null and address!=''">
    74. address,
    75. if>
    76. <if test="bdLongitude != null">
    77. bd_longitude,
    78. if>
    79. <if test="bdLatitude != null">
    80. bd_latitude,
    81. if>
    82. <if test="gdLongitude != null">
    83. gd_longitude,
    84. if>
    85. <if test="gdLatitude != null">
    86. gd_latitude,
    87. if>
    88. <if test="speed != null">
    89. speed,
    90. if>
    91. <if test="speed2 != null">
    92. speed2,
    93. if>
    94. <if test="mileage2 != null">
    95. mileage2
    96. if>
    97. trim>
    98. <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
    99. <if test="ts != null">
    100. #{ts},
    101. if>
    102. <if test="deviceId != null">
    103. #{deviceId},
    104. if>
    105. <if test="driverId != null">
    106. #{driverId},
    107. if>
    108. <if test="longitude != null">
    109. #{longitude},
    110. if>
    111. <if test="latitude != null">
    112. #{latitude},
    113. if>
    114. <if test="altitude != null">
    115. #{altitude},
    116. if>
    117. <if test="direction != null">
    118. #{direction},
    119. if>
    120. <if test="mileage != null">
    121. #{mileage},
    122. if>
    123. <if test="rssi != null">
    124. #{rssi},
    125. if>
    126. <if test="satellites != null">
    127. #{satellites},
    128. if>
    129. <if test="alarm != null">
    130. #{alarm},
    131. if>
    132. <if test="signalStatus != null">
    133. #{signalStatus},
    134. if>
    135. <if test="gmtCreate != null">
    136. #{gmtCreate},
    137. if>
    138. <if test="kind != null">
    139. #{kind},
    140. if>
    141. <if test="oil != null">
    142. #{oil},
    143. if>
    144. <if test="plate != null and plate!=''">
    145. #{plate},
    146. if>
    147. <if test="deviceGroupId != null">
    148. #{deviceGroupId},
    149. if>
    150. <if test="acc != null">
    151. #{acc},
    152. if>
    153. <if test="status != null">
    154. #{status},
    155. if>
    156. <if test="mobile != null and mobile!=''">
    157. #{mobile},
    158. if>
    159. <if test="provinceId != null">
    160. #{provinceId},
    161. if>
    162. <if test="cityId != null">
    163. #{cityId},
    164. if>
    165. <if test="districtId != null">
    166. #{districtId},
    167. if>
    168. <if test="address != null and address!=''">
    169. #{address},
    170. if>
    171. <if test="bdLongitude != null">
    172. #{bdLongitude},
    173. if>
    174. <if test="bdLatitude != null">
    175. #{bdLatitude},
    176. if>
    177. <if test="gdLongitude != null">
    178. #{gdLongitude},
    179. if>
    180. <if test="gdLatitude != null">
    181. #{gdLatitude},
    182. if>
    183. <if test="speed != null">
    184. #{speed},
    185. if>
    186. <if test="speed2 != null">
    187. #{speed2},
    188. if>
    189. <if test="mileage2 != null">
    190. #{mileage2}
    191. if>
    192. trim>
    1. --导出CSV,无权限?
    2. SELECT *
    3. FROM table_name
    4. INTO OUTFILE 'out.csv'
    5. FORMAT CSVWithNames
    6. --插入车辆轨迹
    7. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-09 11:09:10.567', 5451280, 18730, 125.497977, 43.922478, 272, 120, 1212139.1, 4, 31, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 01:40:27', 2, 0.0, '浙A5Z086', 1765, 1, 786435, '14270593027', 220000, 220100, 220105, '吉林省长春市二道区英俊镇', 125.51080260372358, 43.93105415890568, 125.5043880599486, 43.92479494828726, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    8. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 01:37:44', 5452662, 53124, 120.647793, 30.688315, 14, 76, 1211098.1, 4, 28, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 01:38:17', 2, 0.0, '浙A8Z987', 1765, 1, 786435, '14465049051', 330000, 330400, 330411, '浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区洪合镇登发超市东北217米', 120.65852330812179, 30.691511861460846, 120.65195821842615, 30.68584701544459, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    9. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 01:33:10', 5448636, 52822, 123.195897, 41.775379, 53, 242, 423534.6, 4, 33, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 01:35:00', 2, 0.0, '辽LB1869', 1765, 1, 4980739, '14270526232', 210000, 210100, 210114, '辽宁省沈阳市于洪区沙岭街道沈阳中联电气设备有限公司(沙和路)南333米', 123.20830242649883, 41.78353508290512, 123.20173472609495, 41.77768495701079, 72.0, 0.0, 0.0489275);
    10. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 01:43:08', 5447681, 52913, 114.314814, 31.953241, 83, 313, 1201920.4, 5, 28, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 01:43:36', 2, 0.0, '浙A0Z730', 1765, 1, 4980739, '14270593155', 410000, 411500, 411521, '河南省信阳市罗山县灵山镇张楼小学西南489米', 114.32695907373498, 31.95706819668387, 114.32039364601484, 31.951228147198893, 80.0, 0.0, 0.0482153);
    11. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 01:10:02', 5542108, 53123, 114.070679, 31.052708, 48, 194, 228622.8, 4, 35, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 01:10:24', 2, 0.0, '浙A72F17', 0, 1, 4980739, '14270568822', 420000, 420900, 420902, '湖北省孝感市孝南区杨店镇孝昌县三葱文化传媒有限公司东南259米', 114.08300286555479, 31.0564264158298, 114.07646151237014, 31.050654449671725, 90.0, 89.0, 0.0543662);
    12. INSERT INTO table_name(ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 01:54:03', 5540470, 53371, 112.057787, 32.107862, 53, 59, 433417.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 06:23:53', 2, 0.0, '鄂ADC062', 1758, 0, 786434, '14267957981', 420000, 420600, 420606, '湖北省襄阳市樊城区牛首镇襄阳双虎粮油北166米', 112.07029240384568, 32.11207992510232, 112.06386214037852, 32.10585844164688, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0388412);
    13. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 01:07:17', 431, 0, 117.440221, 39.122015, 44, 16, 241156.3, 27, 0, 0, 0, '2023-10-10 01:21:27', 2, 0.0, '浙A7Y317', 1739, 0, 2, '13955922198', 120000, 120100, 120110, '天津市东丽区军粮城街道', 117.45327611753122, 39.129101067458585, 117.44675313519525, 39.12315963816809, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    14. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-10 00:14:49', 5542154, 57466, 121.481904, 38.965008, 82, 307, 149958.3, 5, 30, 524288, 0, '2023-10-10 00:16:52', 2, 0.0, '京AVC721', 0, 0, 786434, '14449802955', 210000, 210200, 210211, '辽宁省大连市甘井子区辛寨子街道世亚食品有限公司东北140米', 121.49374431242279, 38.971754503842966, 121.48717144677192, 38.96604576911434, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    15. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-09 09:03:16', 4123188, 206228, 0.0, 0.0, 34, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 0, 0.0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '山东省济宁市任城区接庄街道山东济宁九星无纺材料有限公司东南262米', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    16. INSERT INTO table_name (ts, device_id, driver_id, longitude, latitude, altitude, direction, mileage, rssi, satellites, alarm, signal_status, gmt_create, kind, oil, plate, device_group_id, acc, status, mobile, province_id, city_id, district_id, address, bd_longitude, bd_latitude, gd_longitude, gd_latitude, speed, speed2, mileage2) VALUES('2023-10-09 12:57:27', 5455275, 53167, 117.1148, 36.873241, 13, 290, 842586.9, 4, 28, 0, 0, '2023-10-09 12:57:33', 2, 0.0, '浙A29A29', 1765, 0, 786434, '14270596428', 370000, 370100, 370115, '山东省济南市济阳区崔寨街道', 117.12736400914778, 36.88018065214984, 117.12095579687728, 36.873823843206324, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    17. --车辆最新轨迹点,9s
    18. SELECT distinct *
    19. FROM table_name
    20. WHERE (device_id , ts) IN (
    21. SELECT
    22. device_id,
    23. max(ts) as ts
    24. FROM table_name
    25. GROUP BY device_id
    26. )
    27. SELECT *
    28. FROM table_name
    29. WHERE (device_id , ts) IN (
    30. SELECT
    31. device_id,
    32. max(ts) as ts
    33. FROM table_name
    34. GROUP BY device_id
    35. )
    36. --车辆最新轨迹点,24s
    37. SELECT * FROM
    38. (
    39. SELECT
    40. device_id,
    41. max(ts) AS ts
    42. FROM table_name
    43. GROUP BY device_id
    44. ) a
    45. INNER JOIN table_name b ON a.ts=b.ts AND a.device_id=b.device_id
    46. --3天以内车速为0的轨迹点,15s
    47. SELECT *
    48. FROM table_name
    49. WHERE device_id = 5540465
    50. AND ts >= '2023-10-09 19:00:00'
    51. AND ts <= '2023-10-11 09:21:21'
    52. AND speed=0
    53. AND speed2=0
    54. ORDER BY ts
    55. --历史轨迹,10s
    56. select *
    57. from table_name
    58. where device_id = 5540465
    59. AND ts >= '2023-10-09 19:00:00'
    60. AND ts <= '2023-10-11 09:21:21'
    61. --轨迹点数量,6s
    62. select count(1) as total
    63. from table_name
    64. where device_id = 5540465
    65. AND ts >= '2023-10-09 19:00:00'
    66. AND ts <= '2023-10-11 09:21:21'
    67. --车辆小时里程统计,1s
    68. SELECT device_id as deviceId,
    69. (last(mileage) - first(mileage)) as mileage,
    70. (last(mileage2) - first(mileage2)) as mileage2,
    71. first(mileage) firstMile,
    72. last(mileage) lastMile,
    73. first(mileage2) firstMile2,
    74. last(mileage2) lastMile2
    75. FROM table_name
    76. where ts >= '2023-10-09 19:00:00'
    77. AND ts <= '2023-10-11 09:21:21'
    78. AND mileage > 0
    79. group by device_id
    80. SELECT device_id as deviceId,
    81. first_value(mileage) firstMile,
    82. last_value(mileage) lastMile,
    83. first_value(mileage2) firstMile2,
    84. last_value(mileage2) lastMile2
    85. FROM table_name
    86. where ts >= '2023-10-09 19:00:00'
    87. AND ts <= '2023-10-11 09:21:21'
    88. group by device_id

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/gogler/article/details/133926427