- Option Explicit
- Public MyIPAddressIndex(5) As IPAddrIndex
- Public ArrCount(5) As Integer
- Public MyIPSpecialIP() As SpecialIP
- Public MyIPToHostName As IPToHostName
- Type IPAddressRangInfo
- unit As String '单位名称
- StartAddr As Integer '起始地址
- EndAddr As Integer '结束地址
- End Type
- Type SpecialIP
- unit As String '单位名称
- IPAddr As String 'IP地址
- MacAddr As String 'MAC地址
- HostName As String '主机名称
- Memo As String '备注
- End Type
- Type IPAddrIndex
- Prefix As String '网络地址前三位
- MyIPAddrRange() As IPAddressRangInfo 'IP地址范围信息
- End Type
- Type IPToHostName
- HostName As String '主机名称
- Unit As String '单位名称
- End Type
- Sub ReadyNetworkData()
- Dim ws As Worksheet
- Dim PrefixCol As Range
- Dim UnitCol As Range
- Dim StartAddrCol As Range
- Dim EndAddrCol As Range
- Dim MaxRows As Integer
- Dim iFor As Integer
- Dim StrPrefix As String
- Dim StrCurrent As String
- Dim ICount As Integer
- Dim ISubCount As Integer
- Dim ArrIndex As Integer
- Dim StrAddrStart As String
- Dim StrAddrEnd As String
- Dim StrUnit As String
- Dim StrTemp As String
- Dim ITemp As Integer
- Dim UnitCol_B As Range
- Dim IPAddrCol As Range
- Dim MacAddrCol As Range
- Dim HontNameCol As Range
- Dim MemoCol As Range
- '读取Vlan信息表
- Set ws = Worksheets("VlanMarkings")
- MaxRows = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
- Set PrefixCol = ws.Range("H2:H" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set UnitCol = ws.Range("B2:B" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set StartAddrCol = ws.Range("I2:I" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set EndAddrCol = ws.Range("J2:J" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- StrPrefix = ""
- '读取有多少段地址
- ICount = 0
- For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
- '读取IP地址
- StrCurrent = UCase(Trim(PrefixCol(iFor).Value))
- If StrPrefix <> StrCurrent Then
- MyIPAddressIndex(ICount).Prefix = StrCurrent
- StrPrefix = StrCurrent
- ICount = ICount + 1
- End If
- Next
- '每段有多少个细分范围
- For iFor = 0 To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex)
- StrTemp = MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix
- ITemp = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range("H2:H" & Trim(str(MaxRows))), "=" + StrTemp)
- ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(StrTemp)
- ReDim MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(0 To ITemp)
- Next
- 'GoTo L123
- '读取每段地址范围
- For iFor = 0 To 5
- ArrCount(iFor) = 0
- Next
- For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
- '读取IP地址
- StrPrefix = UCase(Trim(PrefixCol(iFor).Value))
- ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(StrPrefix)
- StrAddrStart = UCase(Trim(StartAddrCol(iFor).Value))
- StrAddrEnd = UCase(Trim(EndAddrCol(iFor).Value))
- StrUnit = UCase(Trim(UnitCol(iFor).Value))
- MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).StartAddr = StrAddrStart
- MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).EndAddr = StrAddrEnd
- MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).unit = StrUnit
- ArrCount(ArrIndex) = ArrCount(ArrIndex) + 1
- Next
- '读取IP地址信息表
- Set ws = Worksheets("SpecialMarkingsRes")
- MaxRows = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
- ReDim MyIPSpecialIP(0 To MaxRows - 1)
- Set UnitCol_B = ws.Range("B2:B" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set IPAddrCol = ws.Range("C2:C" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set MacAddrCol = ws.Range("D2:D" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set HontNameCol = ws.Range("E2:E" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- Set MemoCol = ws.Range("F2:F" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
- For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
- MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).HostName = UCase(Trim(HontNameCol(iFor).Value))
- MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).IPAddr = UCase(Trim(IPAddrCol(iFor).Value))
- MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).MacAddr = UCase(Trim(MacAddrCol(iFor).Value))
- MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).Memo = UCase(Trim(MemoCol(iFor).Value))
- MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).unit = UCase(Trim(UnitCol_B(iFor).Value))
- ICount = ICount + 1
- Next
- L123:
- '验证读取的数据
- 'Dim Jfor As Integer
- 'For iFor = 0 To 5
- 'For Jfor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange)
- 'Debug.Print Str(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).StartAddr) + "|" + Str(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).EndAddr) + "|" + MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).Unit
- 'Next
- 'Next
- 'Debug.Print MaxRows - 1
- 'For iFor = 0 To UBound(MyIPSpecialIP) - 1
- ' Debug.Print MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).HostName + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).IPAddr + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).MacAddr + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).Memo + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).unit
- 'Next
- Debug.Print "完成"
- End Sub
- Function GetArrIndex(str As String) As Integer
- Dim iFor As Integer
- For iFor = 0 To 5
- If MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix = str Then
- GetArrIndex = iFor
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Sub PrintIPAddressRang(ByVal IArrIndex As Integer)
- Dim JFor As Integer
- Debug.Print "前缀:" + MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).Prefix
- For JFor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange)
- Debug.Print str(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(JFor).StartAddr) + "|" + str(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(JFor).EndAddr) + "|" + MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(JFor).Unit
- Next
- End Sub
- Function GetArrIndex(ByVal str As String) As Integer
- Dim iFor As Integer
- For iFor = 0 To 5
- If MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix = str Then
- GetArrIndex = iFor
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Function GetUserUnit(ByVal StrIpAddr As String) As String
- GetUserUnit = "未知"
- '获取IP地址的前三位
- Dim LastDotPos As Integer
- Dim Prefix As String
- Dim LastIP As Integer
- Dim iFor As Integer
- Dim ArrIndex As Integer
- For iFor = Len(StrIpAddr) To 1 Step -1
- If Mid(StrIpAddr, iFor, 1) = "." Then
- LastDotPos = iFor
- Exit For
- End If
- Next iFor
- '判断具体的使用单位
- Prefix = Mid(StrIpAddr, 1, LastDotPos - 1)
- LastIP = Val(Right(StrIpAddr, Len(StrIpAddr) - LastDotPos))
- '根据前三位确定具体的网段
- ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(Prefix)
- '在网段内进行比较
- For iFor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange) - 1
- If LastIP >= MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(iFor).StartAddr And LastIP <= MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(iFor).EndAddr Then
- GetUserUnit = MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(iFor).Unit
- 'Debug.Print Prefix + "||" + str(LastIP) + "||" + str(ArrIndex) + "||" + GetUserUnit
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Function GetHostName(ByVal StrIpAddr As String) As IPToHostName
- Dim TempIPTOHostName As IPToHostName
- TempIPTOHostName.HostName = ""
- TempIPTOHostName.Unit = ""
- Dim iFor As Integer
- For iFor = LBound(MyIPSpecialIP) To UBound(MyIPSpecialIP)
- If MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).IPAddr = StrIpAddr Then
- TempIPTOHostName.HostName = MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).HostName
- TempIPTOHostName.Unit = MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).Unit
- GetHostName = TempIPTOHostName
- Exit For
- End If
- Next iFor
- End Function
- Sub JuedeIpToUnit()
- '根据IP地址得到单位名称
- Dim iFor As Integer
- Dim StrIpAddr As String
- Dim Unit As String
- Dim HostName As String
- Dim IRecord As Integer
- ReadyNetworkData
- StartRow = 2
- EndRow = 200
- Sheets("BeDetectedData").Activate
- '读取IP地址数据并进行判断
- For iFor = StartRow To EndRow
- Range("B" & Trim(str(iFor))).Select
- StrIpAddr = Trim(Selection.FormulaR1C1)
- Unit = GetUserUnit(StrIpAddr)
- HostName = GetHostName(StrIpAddr)
- '存入表中
- '所属单位
- Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
- Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Unit
- '主机名称
- Range("D" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
- Selection.FormulaR1C1 = HostName
- Next iFor
- MsgBox "完成!"
- End Sub
- Sub JudgeData()
- Dim XmlFile As String
- Dim CurrentFilePath As String
- CurrentFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
- Dim XmlDoc As DOMDocument60
- Dim hostNodes As Object
- Dim iFor As Integer
- Dim hostnode As Object
- Dim addressNode As Object
- Dim StrIpAddr As String
- Dim Unit As String
- Dim HostName As String
- Dim IRecord As Integer
- IRecord = 219
- Set XmlDoc = New DOMDocument60
- XmlFile = CurrentFilePath + "\20231018-B.xml"
- ReadyNetworkData
- Sheets("BeDetectedData").Activate
- If XmlDoc.Load(XmlFile) = True Then
- '读取数据并进行判断
- Set hostNodes = XmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("host")
- '遍历host节点集合,获取IP地址
- For iFor = 0 To hostNodes.Length - 1
- Set hostnode = hostNodes(iFor)
- Set addressNode = hostnode.getElementsByTagName("address")(0)
- If addressNode.getAttribute("addrtype") = "ipv4" Then
- StrIpAddr = addressNode.getAttribute("addr")
- Unit = GetUserUnit(StrIpAddr)
- '存入表中
- IRecord = IRecord + 1
- 'IP地址
- Range("B" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
- Selection.FormulaR1C1 = StrIpAddr
- '所属单位
- Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
- Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Unit
- '主机名称
- MyIPToHostName.HostName = ""
- MyIPToHostName.Unit = ""
- MyIPToHostName = GetHostName(StrIpAddr)
- If MyIPToHostName.HostName <> "" And MyIPToHostName.Unit <> "" Then
- Range("D" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
- Selection.FormulaR1C1 = MyIPToHostName.HostName
- Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
- Selection.FormulaR1C1 = MyIPToHostName.Unit
- End If
- End If
- TempCount = TempCount + 1
- MsgBox "完成!"
- Else
- MsgBox "检查XML文件内容!"
- End If
- End Sub