• VBA读取网络划分的数据










    1. Option Explicit
    2. Public MyIPAddressIndex(5) As IPAddrIndex
    3. Public ArrCount(5) As Integer
    4. Public MyIPSpecialIP() As SpecialIP
    5. Public MyIPToHostName As IPToHostName
    6. Type IPAddressRangInfo
    7. unit As String '单位名称
    8. StartAddr As Integer '起始地址
    9. EndAddr As Integer '结束地址
    10. End Type
    11. Type SpecialIP
    12. unit As String '单位名称
    13. IPAddr As String 'IP地址
    14. MacAddr As String 'MAC地址
    15. HostName As String '主机名称
    16. Memo As String '备注
    17. End Type
    18. Type IPAddrIndex
    19. Prefix As String '网络地址前三位
    20. MyIPAddrRange() As IPAddressRangInfo 'IP地址范围信息
    21. End Type
    22. Type IPToHostName
    23. HostName As String '主机名称
    24. Unit As String '单位名称
    25. End Type


    1. Sub ReadyNetworkData()
    2. Dim ws As Worksheet
    3. Dim PrefixCol As Range
    4. Dim UnitCol As Range
    5. Dim StartAddrCol As Range
    6. Dim EndAddrCol As Range
    7. Dim MaxRows As Integer
    8. Dim iFor As Integer
    9. Dim StrPrefix As String
    10. Dim StrCurrent As String
    11. Dim ICount As Integer
    12. Dim ISubCount As Integer
    13. Dim ArrIndex As Integer
    14. Dim StrAddrStart As String
    15. Dim StrAddrEnd As String
    16. Dim StrUnit As String
    17. Dim StrTemp As String
    18. Dim ITemp As Integer
    19. Dim UnitCol_B As Range
    20. Dim IPAddrCol As Range
    21. Dim MacAddrCol As Range
    22. Dim HontNameCol As Range
    23. Dim MemoCol As Range
    24. '读取Vlan信息表
    25. Set ws = Worksheets("VlanMarkings")
    26. MaxRows = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    27. Set PrefixCol = ws.Range("H2:H" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    28. Set UnitCol = ws.Range("B2:B" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    29. Set StartAddrCol = ws.Range("I2:I" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    30. Set EndAddrCol = ws.Range("J2:J" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    31. StrPrefix = ""
    32. '读取有多少段地址
    33. ICount = 0
    34. For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
    35. '读取IP地址
    36. StrCurrent = UCase(Trim(PrefixCol(iFor).Value))
    37. If StrPrefix <> StrCurrent Then
    38. MyIPAddressIndex(ICount).Prefix = StrCurrent
    39. StrPrefix = StrCurrent
    40. ICount = ICount + 1
    41. End If
    42. Next
    43. '每段有多少个细分范围
    44. For iFor = 0 To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex)
    45. StrTemp = MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix
    46. ITemp = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range("H2:H" & Trim(str(MaxRows))), "=" + StrTemp)
    47. ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(StrTemp)
    48. ReDim MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(0 To ITemp)
    49. Next
    50. 'GoTo L123
    51. '读取每段地址范围
    52. For iFor = 0 To 5
    53. ArrCount(iFor) = 0
    54. Next
    55. For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
    56. '读取IP地址
    57. StrPrefix = UCase(Trim(PrefixCol(iFor).Value))
    58. ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(StrPrefix)
    59. StrAddrStart = UCase(Trim(StartAddrCol(iFor).Value))
    60. StrAddrEnd = UCase(Trim(EndAddrCol(iFor).Value))
    61. StrUnit = UCase(Trim(UnitCol(iFor).Value))
    62. MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).StartAddr = StrAddrStart
    63. MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).EndAddr = StrAddrEnd
    64. MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).unit = StrUnit
    65. ArrCount(ArrIndex) = ArrCount(ArrIndex) + 1
    66. Next
    67. '读取IP地址信息表
    68. Set ws = Worksheets("SpecialMarkingsRes")
    69. MaxRows = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    70. ReDim MyIPSpecialIP(0 To MaxRows - 1)
    71. Set UnitCol_B = ws.Range("B2:B" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    72. Set IPAddrCol = ws.Range("C2:C" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    73. Set MacAddrCol = ws.Range("D2:D" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    74. Set HontNameCol = ws.Range("E2:E" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    75. Set MemoCol = ws.Range("F2:F" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
    76. For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
    77. MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).HostName = UCase(Trim(HontNameCol(iFor).Value))
    78. MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).IPAddr = UCase(Trim(IPAddrCol(iFor).Value))
    79. MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).MacAddr = UCase(Trim(MacAddrCol(iFor).Value))
    80. MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).Memo = UCase(Trim(MemoCol(iFor).Value))
    81. MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).unit = UCase(Trim(UnitCol_B(iFor).Value))
    82. ICount = ICount + 1
    83. Next
    84. L123:
    85. '验证读取的数据
    86. 'Dim Jfor As Integer
    87. 'For iFor = 0 To 5
    88. 'For Jfor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange)
    89. 'Debug.Print Str(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).StartAddr) + "|" + Str(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).EndAddr) + "|" + MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).Unit
    90. 'Next
    91. 'Next
    92. 'Debug.Print MaxRows - 1
    93. 'For iFor = 0 To UBound(MyIPSpecialIP) - 1
    94. ' Debug.Print MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).HostName + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).IPAddr + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).MacAddr + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).Memo + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).unit
    95. 'Next
    96. Debug.Print "完成"
    97. End Sub
    98. Function GetArrIndex(str As String) As Integer
    99. Dim iFor As Integer
    100. For iFor = 0 To 5
    101. If MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix = str Then
    102. GetArrIndex = iFor
    103. Exit For
    104. End If
    105. Next
    106. End Function
    107. Sub PrintIPAddressRang(ByVal IArrIndex As Integer)
    108. Dim JFor As Integer
    109. Debug.Print "前缀:" + MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).Prefix
    110. For JFor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange)
    111. Debug.Print str(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(JFor).StartAddr) + "|" + str(MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(JFor).EndAddr) + "|" + MyIPAddressIndex(IArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(JFor).Unit
    112. Next
    113. End Sub


    1. Function GetArrIndex(ByVal str As String) As Integer
    2. Dim iFor As Integer
    3. For iFor = 0 To 5
    4. If MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix = str Then
    5. GetArrIndex = iFor
    6. Exit For
    7. End If
    8. Next
    9. End Function
    10. Function GetUserUnit(ByVal StrIpAddr As String) As String
    11. GetUserUnit = "未知"
    12. '获取IP地址的前三位
    13. Dim LastDotPos As Integer
    14. Dim Prefix As String
    15. Dim LastIP As Integer
    16. Dim iFor As Integer
    17. Dim ArrIndex As Integer
    18. For iFor = Len(StrIpAddr) To 1 Step -1
    19. If Mid(StrIpAddr, iFor, 1) = "." Then
    20. LastDotPos = iFor
    21. Exit For
    22. End If
    23. Next iFor
    24. '判断具体的使用单位
    25. Prefix = Mid(StrIpAddr, 1, LastDotPos - 1)
    26. LastIP = Val(Right(StrIpAddr, Len(StrIpAddr) - LastDotPos))
    27. '根据前三位确定具体的网段
    28. ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(Prefix)
    29. '在网段内进行比较
    30. For iFor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange) - 1
    31. If LastIP >= MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(iFor).StartAddr And LastIP <= MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(iFor).EndAddr Then
    32. GetUserUnit = MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(iFor).Unit
    33. 'Debug.Print Prefix + "||" + str(LastIP) + "||" + str(ArrIndex) + "||" + GetUserUnit
    34. Exit For
    35. End If
    36. Next
    37. End Function
    38. Function GetHostName(ByVal StrIpAddr As String) As IPToHostName
    39. Dim TempIPTOHostName As IPToHostName
    40. TempIPTOHostName.HostName = ""
    41. TempIPTOHostName.Unit = ""
    42. Dim iFor As Integer
    43. For iFor = LBound(MyIPSpecialIP) To UBound(MyIPSpecialIP)
    44. If MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).IPAddr = StrIpAddr Then
    45. TempIPTOHostName.HostName = MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).HostName
    46. TempIPTOHostName.Unit = MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).Unit
    47. GetHostName = TempIPTOHostName
    48. Exit For
    49. End If
    50. Next iFor
    51. End Function
    52. Sub JuedeIpToUnit()
    53. '根据IP地址得到单位名称
    54. Dim iFor As Integer
    55. Dim StrIpAddr As String
    56. Dim Unit As String
    57. Dim HostName As String
    58. Dim IRecord As Integer
    59. ReadyNetworkData
    60. StartRow = 2
    61. EndRow = 200
    62. Sheets("BeDetectedData").Activate
    63. '读取IP地址数据并进行判断
    64. For iFor = StartRow To EndRow
    65. Range("B" & Trim(str(iFor))).Select
    66. StrIpAddr = Trim(Selection.FormulaR1C1)
    67. Unit = GetUserUnit(StrIpAddr)
    68. HostName = GetHostName(StrIpAddr)
    69. '存入表中
    70. '所属单位
    71. Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
    72. Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Unit
    73. '主机名称
    74. Range("D" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
    75. Selection.FormulaR1C1 = HostName
    76. Next iFor
    77. MsgBox "完成!"
    78. End Sub



    1. Sub JudgeData()
    2. Dim XmlFile As String
    3. Dim CurrentFilePath As String
    4. CurrentFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
    5. Dim XmlDoc As DOMDocument60
    6. Dim hostNodes As Object
    7. Dim iFor As Integer
    8. Dim hostnode As Object
    9. Dim addressNode As Object
    10. Dim StrIpAddr As String
    11. Dim Unit As String
    12. Dim HostName As String
    13. Dim IRecord As Integer
    14. IRecord = 219
    15. Set XmlDoc = New DOMDocument60
    16. XmlFile = CurrentFilePath + "\20231018-B.xml"
    17. ReadyNetworkData
    18. Sheets("BeDetectedData").Activate
    19. If XmlDoc.Load(XmlFile) = True Then
    20. '读取数据并进行判断
    21. Set hostNodes = XmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("host")
    22. '遍历host节点集合,获取IP地址
    23. For iFor = 0 To hostNodes.Length - 1
    24. Set hostnode = hostNodes(iFor)
    25. Set addressNode = hostnode.getElementsByTagName("address")(0)
    26. If addressNode.getAttribute("addrtype") = "ipv4" Then
    27. StrIpAddr = addressNode.getAttribute("addr")
    28. Unit = GetUserUnit(StrIpAddr)
    29. '存入表中
    30. IRecord = IRecord + 1
    31. 'IP地址
    32. Range("B" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
    33. Selection.FormulaR1C1 = StrIpAddr
    34. '所属单位
    35. Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
    36. Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Unit
    37. '主机名称
    38. MyIPToHostName.HostName = ""
    39. MyIPToHostName.Unit = ""
    40. MyIPToHostName = GetHostName(StrIpAddr)
    41. If MyIPToHostName.HostName <> "" And MyIPToHostName.Unit <> "" Then
    42. Range("D" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
    43. Selection.FormulaR1C1 = MyIPToHostName.HostName
    44. Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
    45. Selection.FormulaR1C1 = MyIPToHostName.Unit
    46. End If
    47. End If
    48. TempCount = TempCount + 1
    49. MsgBox "完成!"
    50. Else
    51. MsgBox "检查XML文件内容!"
    52. End If
    53. End Sub


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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/dawn0718/article/details/133791583