After reasearching for several years the posibility of showing or work over the internet and rejecting various projects we ended up to the conclusion that with the help of javascript we will be able to demonstrate vector graphics over the web in internet browsers other than the Microsoft's IE (where the ocx is supported). So Finally we are proud to announce the VectorDraw Web Library.
A vector 3D graphics library that is designed to not only open CAD drawings but also display generic vector objects on any platform that supports the HTML 5 standard, such as Windows, Android, IOS and Linux. It can be executed in every major web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Dolphin, Boat and more) that support the use of canvas and Javascript, without any installation. This means that you can show your work from many formats like DXF, DWG, DGN, SKP (Google's Sketchup), VDML and more, on almost every Computer, Tablet, Smartphone or Laptop out there. VectorDraw web library is written exclusively in Javascript and runs on the client side, also it contains an object model similar to that of DXF and .Net VectorDraw Framework components.
The key of this web control is the .vds format that we have created. The user must convert his drawings into vds format using vdfCAD or our VectorDraw Developers Framework library. VDS files must be uploaded to a server and then the web control(inserted in a webpage) is capable into downloading this file to the client's machine and display it. Using javascript the developer of the website will be capable into getting the file in a DXF like form. Layers , Layouts , Entities , colors , geometrical properties of the entities etc... all are there at the disposal of the developer. For the moment this web control is intended to be a powerfull viewer with some basic edit capabilities but it is a project that is evolving very quickly depending the requirements and needs of our clients.
When you export your drawing you will have to enter (either to vdfCAD either to the VDF export method) a LicVal which is a code generated by us and it has to do with the location on the server where the drawing is going to be opened from. You will have to obtain LicVals for the separate locations where you are going to place your drawings. If you do not provide a LicVal then an evaluation bitmap will be shown when you open the drawing to your server.