- 🐚作者简介:花神庙码农(专注于Linux、WLAN、TCP/IP、Python等技术方向)
- 🐳博客主页:花神庙码农 ,地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qxhgd
- 🌐系列专栏:Linux技术
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int rand(void);
void srand(unsigned int seed);
int main(void)
printf("Random number is: %d ", rand());
return 0;
int main () {
int i, n;
time_t t;
n = 5;
/* Intializes random number generator */
srand((unsigned) time(&t));
/* Print 5 random numbers from 0 to 50 */
for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
printf("%d\n", rand() % 50);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
float a = 5.0;
for (int i=0;i<20;i++)
printf("%f\n", ((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX)) * a);
return 0;
long random(void);
void srandom(unsigned seed);
int rand_r (unsigned int *seed);
#define RANDPATH "/dev/random"
int main()
int fp, ret;
unsigned int rand;
// Open as read only
fp = open(RANDPATH, O_RDONLY);
if(fp < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open -%s- for reading.\n",RANDPATH);
return -1;
ret = read(fp, &rand, sizeof(rand));
if(ret < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read from -%s-.\n",RANDPATH);
return ret;
fprintf(stdout, "Random value: %u\n", rand % 10); // Range from 0 to 10
return 0;
#include 、
ssize_t getrandom(void buf[buflen], size_t buflen, unsigned int flags);
是 Linux 内核中的一个函数,它用于生成随机字节序列的系统调用。以下是该函数的原型:# `buf`:指向要填充随机字节的缓冲区的指针。
# `nbytes`:要生成的随机字节数。
void get_random_bytes(void *buf, int nbytes);