参考 求任意多边形内部水平方向似最大矩形算法实现_nullpo_的博客
原文是用 grooovy代码写的,不太好懂,这里把主要逻辑改成python版,测了下效果还行。
代码如下: )
- import math
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- from collections import deque
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from numba import jit
- class Rectangle:
- """
- 矩形范围(包围盒).
- """
- def __init__(self, minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat):
- self.minLon = minLon
- self.maxLon = maxLon
- self.minLat = minLat
- self.maxLat = maxLat
- def myceil(d, scale):
- """
- scale 表示精度如0.1, 0.01等
- """
- n = int(1 / scale)
- return math.ceil(d * n) / n
- def myfloor(d, scale):
- n = int(1 / scale)
- return math.floor(d * n) / n
- def min_enclosing_rectangle(pt_list):
- """
- 获取多边形区域的最小外接矩形.
- """
- rec = Rectangle(
- minLon=float('inf'), maxLon=float('-inf'),
- minLat=float('inf'), maxLat=float('-inf')
- )
- pts = np.array(pt_list)
- rec.minLon = np.min(pts[:, 0])
- rec.maxLon = np.max(pts[:, 0])
- rec.minLat = np.min(pts[:, 1])
- rec.maxLat = np.max(pts[:, 1])
- return rec
- def compute_regional_slices(rec, scale):
- """
- 根据矩形和切分尺度获取切分矩阵的点阵.
- 为了减少计算量,这里输出的并不是真的矩形,由于是等距连续切分,直接输出切分的数据点即可,以左上角数据点作为标的.
- """
- # 1.根据切分尺度标准化矩形
- minLon = myfloor(rec.minLon, scale)
- maxLon = myceil(rec.maxLon, scale)
- minLat = myfloor(rec.minLat, scale)
- maxLat = myceil(rec.maxLat, scale)
- ndigit = int(math.log10(int(1 / scale))) + 1
- # 2.切分(出于人类习惯,暂定从上往下按行切分,即按纬度从大到小,经度从小到大)
- matrix = []
- for posLat in np.arange(maxLat, minLat, -scale):
- row = []
- for posLon in np.arange(minLon, maxLon+scale, scale):
- row.append([round(posLon, ndigit), round(posLat, ndigit)])
- matrix.append(row)
- return matrix
- @jit(nopython=True)
- def PNPoly(vertices, testp):
- """
- 返回一个点是否在一个多边形区域内(开区间) PNPoly算法
- @param vertices: 多边形的顶点
- @param testp: 测试点[x, y]
- """
- n = len(vertices)
- j = n - 1
- res = False
- for i in range(n):
- if (vertices[i][1] > testp[1]) != (vertices[j][1] > testp[1]) and \
- testp[0] < (vertices[j][0] - vertices[i][0]) * (testp[1] - vertices[i][1]) / (
- vertices[j][1] - vertices[i][1]) + vertices[i][0]:
- res = not res
- j = i
- return res
- def isPolygonContainsPoint(pt_list, p):
- """
- 返回一个点是否在一个多边形区域内(开区间).
- """
- nCross = 0
- for i in range(len(pt_list)):
- p1 = pt_list[i]
- p2 = pt_list[(i + 1) % len(pt_list)]
- if p1[1] == p2[1]:
- continue
- if p[1] < min(p1[1], p2[1]) or p[1] >= max(p1[1], p2[1]):
- continue
- x = p1[0] + (p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p[1] - p1[1]) / (p2[1] - p1[1])
- if x > p[0]:
- nCross += 1
- return nCross % 2 == 1
- def compute_mark_matrix(polygon, regionalSlices):
- """
- 根据切分矩形和多边形计算出标记矩阵.
- """
- m = len(regionalSlices)
- n = len(regionalSlices[0])
- rectangleMarks = [[1] * (n - 1) for _ in range(m - 1)]
- def inRange(num, min, max):
- return num >= min and num <= max
- for posM in range(m):
- print(f'mark {posM}')
- for posN in range(n):
- p = regionalSlices[posM][posN]
- if not PNPoly(polygon, p):
- if inRange(posM - 1, 0, m - 2) and inRange(posN - 1, 0, n - 2):
- rectangleMarks[posM - 1][posN - 1] = 0
- if inRange(posM - 1, 0, m - 2) and inRange(posN, 0, n - 2):
- rectangleMarks[posM - 1][posN] = 0
- if inRange(posM, 0, m - 2) and inRange(posN - 1, 0, n - 2):
- rectangleMarks[posM][posN - 1] = 0
- if inRange(posM, 0, m - 2) and inRange(posN, 0, n - 2):
- rectangleMarks[posM][posN] = 0
- return rectangleMarks
- def maximal_rectangle(matrix):
- """
- 根据标记矩阵求最大矩形,返回【最小行标 最大行标 最小列标 最大列标 最大面积】
- """
- m = len(matrix)
- n = len(matrix[0])
- left = [[0] * n for _ in range(m)]
- for i in range(m):
- for j in range(n):
- if matrix[i][j] == 1:
- left[i][j] = (left[i][j-1] if j else 0) + 1
- min_c, max_c, min_r, max_r, ret = -1, -1, -1, -1, 0
- # 对于每一列,使用基于柱状图的方法
- for j in range(n):
- up = [0] * m
- down = [0] * m
- que = deque()
- for i in range(m):
- while len(que) > 0 and left[que[-1]][j] >= left[i][j]:
- que.pop()
- up[i] = que[-1] if que else -1
- que.append(i)
- que.clear()
- for i in range(m-1, -1, -1):
- while que and left[que[-1]][j] >= left[i][j]:
- que.pop()
- down[i] = que[-1] if que else m
- que.append(i)
- for i in range(m):
- height = down[i] - up[i] - 1
- area = height * left[i][j]
- if area > ret:
- ret = area
- min_c = up[i] + 1
- max_c = down[i] - 1
- min_r = j - left[i][j] + 1
- max_r = j
- return min_c, max_c, min_r, max_r, ret
- def largest_internal_rectangle(polygon):
- """
- 求一个多边形区域的水平方向最大内接矩形,由于是经纬度数据,精确到小数点后两位,误差(只小不大)约一公里.
- """
- scale = 0.01
- # 1.区域切块,不是真的切成矩形,而是切分成数据点
- min_enclosing_rect = min_enclosing_rectangle(polygon)
- # 2.标记矩阵,这里将点阵经纬度转换为矩形标记矩阵,每个矩形以左上角作为标的,
- # 比如矩形marks[0][0]的左上角坐标为regionalSlices[0][0],右下角坐标为regionalSlices[1][1]
- regional_slices = compute_regional_slices(min_enclosing_rect, scale)
- marks = compute_mark_matrix(polygon, regional_slices)
- # 3.计算最大内接矩阵,返回矩形
- min_c, max_c, min_r, max_r, area = maximal_rectangle(marks)
- minLon = regional_slices[0][min_r][0]
- maxLon = regional_slices[0][max_r+1][0]
- minLat = regional_slices[max_c+1][0][1]
- maxLat = regional_slices[min_c][0][1]
- return Rectangle(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)
- def largest_internal_rectangle_recursion(polygon, minArea=64):
- scale = 0.01
- rect_list = []
- # 1.区域切块,不是真的切成矩形,而是切分成数据点
- min_enclosing_rect = min_enclosing_rectangle(polygon)
- # 2.标记矩阵
- regional_slices = compute_regional_slices(min_enclosing_rect, scale)
- marks = compute_mark_matrix(polygon, regional_slices)
- # 3. 把最大矩形的mark置零,剩余部分重新计算出最大矩形,直到面积小于minArea
- while True:
- min_c, max_c, min_r, max_r, area = maximal_rectangle(marks)
- if area < minArea:
- break
- minLon = regional_slices[0][min_r][0]
- maxLon = regional_slices[0][max_r+1][0]
- minLat = regional_slices[max_c+1][0][1]
- maxLat = regional_slices[min_c][0][1]
- rect = Rectangle(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)
- for i in range(min_c, max_c+1):
- for j in range(min_r, max_r+1):
- marks[i][j] = 0
- rect_list.append(rect)
- return rect_list
- def plot_rect(df, rect_list):
- # plot edge
- plt.scatter(df['lng'], df['lat'], s=5, alpha=0.8)
- for rect in rect_list:
- points = np.array([[rect.minLon, rect.minLat], [rect.minLon, rect.maxLat],
- [rect.maxLon, rect.maxLat], [rect.maxLon,rect.minLat],
- [rect.minLon, rect.minLat]
- ])
- plt.plot(*zip(*points), color='r')
- plt.show()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- df = pd.read_csv('D:/data/edge_points.csv')
- point_list = df[['lng', 'lat']].values
- ret_rect = largest_internal_rectangle_recursion(point_list, 64)
- print('rect size {}'.format(len(ret_rect)))
- plot_rect(df, ret_rect)