Given a string, we’ll say that the front is the first 3 chars of the string. If the string length is less than 3, the front is whatever is there. Return a new string which is 3 copies of the front.
front3(‘Java’) → ‘JavJavJav’
front3(‘Chocolate’) → ‘ChoChoCho’
front3(‘abc’) → ‘abcabcabc’
def front3(str):
if len(str) < 3:
return str*3
return (str[:3]*3)
Expected Run
front3(‘Java’) → ‘JavJavJav’ ‘JavJavJav’ OK
front3(‘Chocolate’) → ‘ChoChoCho’ ‘ChoChoCho’ OK
front3(‘abc’) → ‘abcabcabc’ ‘abcabcabc’ OK
front3(‘abcXYZ’) → ‘abcabcabc’ ‘abcabcabc’ OK
front3(‘ab’) → ‘ababab’ ‘ababab’ OK
front3(‘a’) → ‘aaa’ ‘aaa’ OK
front3(‘’) → ‘’ ‘’ OK
All Correct
def front3(str):
# Figure the end of the front
front_end = 3
if len(str) < front_end:
front_end = len(str)
front = str[:front_end]
return front + front + front
# Could omit the if logic, and write simply front = str[:3]
# since the slice is silent about out-of-bounds conditions.