• DataBinding原理----双向绑定(4)







    1. <TextView
    2. android:id="@+id/second"
    3. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    4. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    5. android:text="@{viewModel.second}"
    6. android:textColor="#999"
    7. android:textSize="14sp"
    8. app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"
    9. app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"
    10. app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"
    11. app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@id/first" />


    1. <com.zfang.databindingstudy.widget.MyAppText
    2. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    3. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    4. android:paddingHorizontal="12dp"
    5. android:paddingVertical="24dp"
    6. android:textSize="22sp"
    7. android:textStyle="bold"
    8. app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent"
    9. app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent"
    10. app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent"
    11. app:time="@={viewModel.time}" />


    1. <Target id="@+id/second" tag="binding_2" view="TextView">
    2. <Expressions>
    3. <Expression attribute="android:text" text="viewModel.second">
    4. <Location endLine="35" endOffset="45" startLine="35" startOffset="12" />
    5. <TwoWay>falseTwoWay>
    6. <ValueLocation endLine="35" endOffset="43" startLine="35" startOffset="28" />
    7. Expression>
    8. Expressions>
    9. <location endLine="41" endOffset="61" startLine="31" startOffset="8" />
    10. Target>
    11. <Target tag="binding_3" view="com.zfang.databindingstudy.widget.MyAppText">
    12. <Expressions>
    13. <Expression attribute="app:time" text="viewModel.time">
    14. <Location endLine="53" endOffset="40" startLine="53" startOffset="12" />
    15. <TwoWay>trueTwoWay>
    16. <ValueLocation endLine="53" endOffset="38" startLine="53" startOffset="25" />
    17. Expression>
    18. Expressions>
    19. <location endLine="53" endOffset="43" startLine="43" startOffset="8" />
    20. Target>





    1. package com.zfang.databindingstudy.widget
    2. import android.content.Context
    3. import android.util.AttributeSet
    4. import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView
    5. import com.zfang.databindingstudy.binds.AppTextBinds
    6. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    7. import java.util.*
    8. class MyAppText(ctx: Context, attr: AttributeSet): AppCompatTextView(ctx, attr) {
    9. private var timeDate: Date? = null
    10. fun timeChange(time: Date): Boolean {
    11. if (null == timeDate) {
    12. return true
    13. }
    14. return timeDate!! != time
    15. }
    16. private fun setTime(time: String) {
    17. text = time
    18. }
    19. fun setTime(timeDate: Date) {
    20. this.timeDate = timeDate
    21. setTime(AppTextBinds.formate(timeDate))
    22. }
    23. fun getTime() = timeDate!!
    24. }



    1. package com.zfang.databindingstudy.binds
    2. import android.util.Log
    3. import androidx.databinding.*
    4. import com.zfang.databindingstudy.widget.MyAppText
    5. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    6. import java.util.*
    7. import kotlin.reflect.KClass
    8. //@BindingMethods(
    9. // BindingMethod(type = MyAppText::class, attribute = "app:time", method = "setFormattedTime")
    10. //)
    11. class AppTextBinds {
    12. companion object {
    13. private val formatter = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault())
    14. fun getDate(timeStr: String) = timeStr.apply {
    15. Log.e("zfang", "dateStr = ${this}")
    16. formatter.parse(this)
    17. }
    18. fun formate(date: Date) = formatter.format(date)
    19. @BindingAdapter("app:time")
    20. @JvmStatic fun setTime(view: MyAppText, newValue: Date) {
    21. Log.e("zfang", "setTime")
    22. // Important to break potential infinite loops.
    23. val timeStr = formatter.format(newValue)
    24. if (view.timeChange(newValue)) {
    25. view.setTime(newValue)
    26. }
    27. }
    28. /**
    29. * 双向绑定调用的方法(UI变化 -> 从UI获取数据)
    30. */
    31. @InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "app:time")
    32. @JvmStatic fun getTime(view: MyAppText) : Date {
    33. Log.e("zfang", "getTime")
    34. return view.getTime()
    35. }
    36. /**
    37. * 设置双向绑定调用时机
    38. */
    39. @BindingAdapter("app:timeAttrChanged")
    40. @JvmStatic fun setListeners(view: MyAppText, attrChange: InverseBindingListener) {
    41. Log.e("zfang", "on UI change")
    42. view.apply {
    43. setOnClickListener {
    44. text = formate(Date())
    45. attrChange.onChange()
    46. }
    47. }
    48. }
    49. }
    50. }



    1. package com.zfang.databindingstudy.module
    2. import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
    3. import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
    4. import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
    5. import java.util.*
    6. class SimpleViewModel: ViewModel() {
    7. private val _first = MutableLiveData("Alice")
    8. private val _second = MutableLiveData("Bob")
    9. val first: LiveData = _first
    10. val second: LiveData = _second
    11. var time :MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData(Date())
    12. set(date) {
    13. if (field == date) {
    14. return
    15. }
    16. field = date
    17. }
    18. }

            数据流路径为:onClick -> InverseBindingListener.onChange -> 设置LiveData time的值,需要注意的是此时time的变化会导致requestRebind的调用,重而更新UI,此时需要判断数据是否发生变化再设置相应的LiveData数据,否则会产生死循环。



    1. // Inverse Binding Event Handlers
    2. private InverseBindingListener mboundView3timeAttrChanged = new InverseBindingListener() {
    3. @Override
    4. public void onChange() {
    5. // Inverse of viewModel.time.getValue()
    6. // is viewModel.time.setValue((Date) callbackArg_0)
    7. //上面定义的方法,获取时间
    8. Date callbackArg_0 = AppTextBinds.getTime(mboundView3);
    9. // localize variables for thread safety
    10. // viewModel.time.getValue()
    11. Date viewModelTimeGetValue = null;
    12. // viewModel
    13. SimpleViewModel viewModel = mViewModel;
    14. // viewModel.time
    15. MutableLiveData viewModelTime = null;
    16. // viewModel != null
    17. boolean viewModelJavaLangObjectNull = false;
    18. // viewModel.time != null
    19. boolean viewModelTimeJavaLangObjectNull = false;
    20. viewModelJavaLangObjectNull = (viewModel) != (null);
    21. if (viewModelJavaLangObjectNull) {
    22. viewModelTime = viewModel.getTime();
    23. viewModelTimeJavaLangObjectNull = (viewModelTime) != (null);
    24. if (viewModelTimeJavaLangObjectNull) {
    25. //设置UI数据到LiveData中
    26. viewModelTime.setValue(((Date) (callbackArg_0)));
    27. }
    28. }
    29. }
    30. };

            上面带注释的两处即是更新了相应数据中的值(数据是从UI中获取,在当前场景中也就是TextView)。当然这里的代码是DataBinding生存的,我们需要做的是实现AppTextBinds 中SetListener方法,监听UI的变化并回调InverseBindingListener.onChange,这样就实现UI的变化反馈到数据中。


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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/www586089/article/details/128176912