import pytest
import warnings
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>pytest -s
=================== test session starts ===================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: E:\demo
plugins: assume-2.4.3, rerunfailures-10.2
collected 1 item
test_demo.py in test_demo1 ...
==================== warnings summary =====================
E:\demo\test_demo.py:7: SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
============== 1 passed, 1 warning in 0.02s ===============
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>
import pytest
import warnings
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>pytest -s
=================== test session starts ===================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: E:\demo
plugins: assume-2.4.3, rerunfailures-10.2
collected 1 item
test_demo.py in test_demo1 ...
==================== 1 passed in 0.02s ====================
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>
import pytest
import warnings
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>pytest -s
=================== test session starts ===================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: E:\demo
plugins: assume-2.4.3, rerunfailures-10.2
collected 1 item
test_demo.py in test_demo1 ...
======================== FAILURES =========================
_______________________ test_demo1 ________________________
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
> warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
E SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
test_demo.py:7: SyntaxWarning
================= short test summary info =================
FAILED test_demo.py::test_demo1 - SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
==================== 1 failed in 0.07s ====================
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>
import pytest
import warnings
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
def test_demo2():
print("in test_demo2 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>pytest -s
=================== test session starts ===================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: E:\demo
plugins: assume-2.4.3, rerunfailures-10.2
collected 2 items
test_demo.py in test_demo1 ...
.in test_demo2 ...
==================== warnings summary =====================
E:\demo\test_demo.py:13: SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
============== 2 passed, 1 warning in 0.02s ===============
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>
import pytest
import warnings
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
def test_demo2():
print("in test_demo2 ...")
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
assert 1==1
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>pytest -s
=================== test session starts ===================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: E:\demo
plugins: assume-2.4.3, rerunfailures-10.2
collected 2 items
test_demo.py in test_demo1 ...
Fin test_demo2 ...
======================== FAILURES =========================
_______________________ test_demo1 ________________________
def test_demo1():
print("in test_demo1 ...")
> warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
E SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
test_demo.py:7: SyntaxWarning
==================== warnings summary =====================
E:\demo\test_demo.py:13: SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
warnings.warn(SyntaxWarning("warning,used to test..."))
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
================= short test summary info =================
FAILED test_demo.py::test_demo1 - SyntaxWarning: warning,used to test...
========= 1 failed, 1 passed, 1 warning in 0.07s ==========
(demo-HCIhX0Hq) E:\demo>