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Leveraging the Laziness of Streams
The lazy evaluation of Streams is quite powerful. First, we don’t have to do anything special to derive their benefits. In fact, we’ve used them many times already! Second, they can postpone not just one, but a sequence of evaluations so that only the most essential parts of the logic are evaluated, and only when needed.
The secret behind their laziness is that we chain multiple intermediate
operations followed by a terminal operation.
Methods like map() and filter() are intermediate; calls to them return immediately and the lambda expressions provided to them are not evaluated right away. The core behavior of these methods is cached for later execution and no real work is done when they’re called. Only when one of the terminal operations, like findFirst() and reduce(), is called are the cached core behaviors executed, but only enough to produce the desired result.
Suppose we’re given a collection of names and are asked to print in all caps the first name that is only three letters long.
private static int length(final String name) {
System.out.println("getting length for " + name);
return name.length();
private static String toUpper(final String name ) {
System.out.println("converting to uppercase: " + name);
return name.toUpperCase();
We started with a list of names, transformed it into a Stream, filtered out only names that are three letters long, converted the selected names to all caps, and picked the first name from that set.
public static void main(final String[] args) {
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Brad", "Kate", "Kim", "Jack", "Joe",
"Mike", "Susan", "George", "Robert", "Julia", "Parker", "Benson");
System.out.println("//" + "START:CHAIN_OUTPUT");
final String firstNameWith3Letters =
.filter(name -> length(name) == 3)
.map(name -> toUpper(name))
System.out.println("//" + "END:CHAIN_OUTPUT");
调用链中的每一步将只做足够的工作来确保链中的终端操作(terminal operation)完成。
这种行为与通常的急切评估(eager evaluation)直接相反,但却很有效率。
It would help to read the code from right to left, or bottom up, to see what’s really going on here. Each step in the call chain will do only enough work to ensure that the terminal operation in the chain completes. This behavior is in direct contrast to the usual eager evaluation, but is efficient.
If the code were eager, the filter() method would have first gone through all dozen names in the collection to create a list of two names, Kim and Joe, whose length is three (letters). The subsequent call to the map() method would have then evaluated the two names. The findFirst() method finally would have picked the first element of this reduced list. We can visualize this hypothetical eager order of evaluation in the next figure.
However, both the filter() and map() methods are lazy to the bone. As the execution goes through the chain, the filter() and map() methods store the lambda expressions and pass on a façade to the next call in the chain. The evaluations start only when findFirst(), a terminal operation, is called.
The order of evaluation is different as well, as we see in the next figure. The filter() method does not plow through all the elements in the collection in one shot. Instead, it runs until it finds the first element that satisfies the condition given in the attached lambda expression. As soon as it finds an element, it passes that to the next method in the chain. This next method, map() in this example, does its part on the given input and passes it down the chain. When the evaluation reaches the end, the terminal operation checks to see if it has received the result it’s looking for.
If the terminal operation got what it needed, the computation of the chain terminates. If the terminal operation is not satisfied, it will ask for the chain of operations to be carried out for more elements in the collection.
getting length for Brad
getting length for Kate
getting length for Kim
converting to uppercase: Kim
我们在前面的例子中看到的逻辑操作顺序是在JDK中通过融合操作(fusing operation)实现的–所有中间操作的方法都被融合成一个方法,这个方法对每个元素进行适当的评估,直到终端操作(terminal operation)得到满足。
The logical sequence of operations we saw in the previous example is achieved under the hood in the JDK using a fusing operation—all the functions in the intermediate operations are fused together into one function that is evaluated for each element, as appropriate, until the terminal operation is satisfied. In essence, there’s only one pass on the data—filtering, mapping, and selecting the element all happen in one shot.
System.out.println("//" + "START:SPLIT_OUTPUT");
Stream<String> namesWith3Letters =
.filter(name -> length(name) == 3)
.map(name -> toUpper(name));
System.out.println("Stream created, filtered, mapped...");
System.out.println("ready to call findFirst...");
final String firstNameWith3Letters =
System.out.println("//" + "END:SPLIT_OUTPUT");
Stream created, filtered, mapped...
ready to call findFirst...
getting length for Brad
getting length for Kate
getting length for Kim
converting to uppercase: Kim
From the output we can clearly see that the intermediate operations delayed their real work until the last responsible moment, when the terminal operation was invoked. And even then, they only did the minimum work necessary to satisfy the terminal operation.