Sep 5 2018, 16:30:59
mknod: /dev/mvPP: File exists
BootLoad version : 020b.0a06
Backup U-Boot … done
Press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+E to enter BootLoad menu: 0
出现如上提示按 Ctrl+B
Password: #输入默认密码 Admin@huawei.com
The default password is used now. Change the password.
BootLoad Menu
Enter your choice(1-8): 7 #选择7清除console口密码
Note: Clear password for console user? Yes or No(Y/N): y
Clear password for console user successfully.
Note: Choose “1. Boot with default mode” to boot, then set a new password
BootLoad Menu
Enter your choice(1-8): 1 #选择默认模式启动