c# to il to cpp
在Unity4.6.1 p5以后版本中,在PlayerSettings—>Other Settings—>Scripting
Backend有mono和il2cpp两个选项,它们是Unity脚本后处理(Scripting Backend)的两种方式。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class il2cpptest : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start(){}
// Update is called once per frame
void Update(){}
public int il2cppadd(int i) {
return i + 1;
private int il2cppsub(int i) {
return i - 1;
上面的cs脚本中*int il2cppadd(int)*这个函数完全可以直接在dat文件里面找到
直接载入库(dll 或者 so)无法实现复刻真实程序内的情况
这个函数不需要第一个参数工作,所以可以直接传入NULL,const char* name就是模块的名字:Assembly-CSharp
const Il2CppAssembly* il2cpp_domain_assembly_open(Il2CppDomain* domain, const char* name)//导出函数
return Assembly::Load(name);
const Il2CppAssembly* Assembly::Load(const char* name)
const size_t len = strlen(name);
utils::VmStringUtils::CaseInsensitiveComparer comparer;
for (AssemblyVector::const_iterator assembly = s_Assemblies.begin(); assembly != s_Assemblies.end(); ++assembly)
if (comparer(name, (*assembly)->
return *assembly;
if (!ends_with(name, ".dll") && !ends_with(name, ".exe"))
char* tmp = new char[len + 5];
memset(tmp, 0, len + 5);
memcpy(tmp, name, len);
memcpy(tmp + len, ".dll", 4);
const Il2CppAssembly* result = Load(tmp);
if (!result)
memcpy(tmp + len, ".exe", 4);
result = Load(tmp);
delete[] tmp;
return result;
for (AssemblyVector::const_iterator assembly = s_Assemblies.begin(); assembly != s_Assemblies.end(); ++assembly)
if (comparer(name, (*assembly)->image->name))
return *assembly;
return NULL;
const Il2CppImage* il2cpp_assembly_get_image(const Il2CppAssembly* assembly)//导出函数
return Assembly::GetImage(assembly);
参数列表:Il2CppImage 指针 命名空间 类名字
Il2CppClass* il2cpp_class_from_name(const Il2CppImage* image, const char* namespaze, const char* name)//导出函数
return Class::FromName(image, namespaze, name);
Il2CppClass* Class::FromName(const Il2CppImage* image, const char* namespaze, const char *name)
return Image::ClassFromName(image, namespaze, name);
Il2CppClass* Image::ClassFromName(const Il2CppImage* image, const char* namespaze, const char *name)
if (!image->nameToClassHashTable)
os::FastAutoLock lock(&s_ClassFromNameMutex);
if (!image->nameToClassHashTable)
image->nameToClassHashTable = new Il2CppNameToTypeDefinitionIndexHashTable();
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < image->typeCount; index++)
TypeDefinitionIndex typeIndex = image->typeStart + index;
AddTypeToNametoClassHashTable(image, typeIndex);
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < image->exportedTypeCount; index++)
TypeDefinitionIndex typeIndex = MetadataCache::GetExportedTypeFromIndex(image->exportedTypeStart + index);
if (typeIndex != kTypeIndexInvalid)
AddTypeToNametoClassHashTable(image, typeIndex);
Il2CppNameToTypeDefinitionIndexHashTable::const_iterator iter = image->nameToClassHashTable->find(std::make_pair(namespaze, name));
if (iter != image->nameToClassHashTable->end())
return MetadataCache::GetTypeInfoFromTypeDefinitionIndex(iter->second);
return NULL;
参数列表:Il2CppClass 指针 方法名字 方法参数数量*
const MethodInfo* il2cpp_class_get_method_from_name(Il2CppClass *klass, const char* name, int argsCount)//导出函数
return Class::GetMethodFromName(klass, name, argsCount);
const MethodInfo* Class::GetMethodFromName(Il2CppClass *klass, const char* name, int argsCount)
return GetMethodFromNameFlags(klass, name, argsCount, 0);
const MethodInfo* Class::GetMethodFromNameFlags(Il2CppClass *klass, const char* name, int argsCount, int32_t flags)
while (klass != NULL)
void* iter = NULL;
while (const MethodInfo* method = Class::GetMethods(klass, &iter))
if (method->name[0] == name[0] &&
!strcmp(name, method->name) &&
(argsCount == IgnoreNumberOfArguments || method->parameters_count == argsCount) &&
((method->flags & flags) == flags))
return method;
klass = klass->parent;
return NULL;
IDA中的int il2cppadd(int i)
__int64 __fastcall sub_1804EA170(__int64 a1, int a2)
return (unsigned int)(a2 + 1);
//这块代码不属于il2cpp源码,是我的注入dll内的代码,前面的指针你可以用void *正常传递我就不发出来了
int (*func)(int, int);//对照IDA声明了函数指针
func = (int(*)(int, int)) il2cppMethod->methodPointer;//右面是MethodInfo结构体下的函数地址,强制转换给func调用
if (func(123,2) != 3)MessageBox(NULL, L"il2cppadd false", L"false", 0);//我测试了能否成功调用il2cpptest类下的il2cppadd
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;//我的环境是64位
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef struct Il2CppAssembly
Il2CppImage* image;
uint32_t token;
int32_t referencedAssemblyStart;
int32_t referencedAssemblyCount;
Il2CppAssemblyName aname;
} Il2CppAssembly;
typedef struct Il2CppImage
const char* name;
const char *nameNoExt;
Il2CppAssembly* assembly;
TypeDefinitionIndex typeStart;
uint32_t typeCount;
TypeDefinitionIndex exportedTypeStart;
uint32_t exportedTypeCount;
CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeStart;
uint32_t customAttributeCount;
MethodIndex entryPointIndex;
#ifdef __cplusplus
Il2CppNameToTypeDefinitionIndexHashTable * nameToClassHashTable;
const Il2CppCodeGenModule* codeGenModule;
uint32_t token;
uint8_t dynamic;
} Il2CppImage;
typedef struct Il2CppClass
// The following fields are always valid for a Il2CppClass structure
const Il2CppImage* image;
void* gc_desc;
const char* name;//类名
const char* namespaze;//命名空间
Il2CppType byval_arg;
Il2CppType this_arg;
Il2CppClass* element_class;
Il2CppClass* castClass;
Il2CppClass* declaringType;
Il2CppClass* parent;
Il2CppGenericClass *generic_class;
const Il2CppTypeDefinition* typeDefinition; // non-NULL for Il2CppClass's constructed from type defintions
const Il2CppInteropData* interopData;
Il2CppClass* klass; // hack to pretend we are a MonoVTable. Points to ourself
// End always valid fields
// The following fields need initialized before access. This can be done per field or as an aggregate via a call to Class::Init
FieldInfo* fields; // Initialized in SetupFields
const EventInfo* events; // Initialized in SetupEvents
const PropertyInfo* properties; // Initialized in SetupProperties
const MethodInfo** methods; // Initialized in SetupMethods
Il2CppClass** nestedTypes; // Initialized in SetupNestedTypes
Il2CppClass** implementedInterfaces; // Initialized in SetupInterfaces
Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; // Initialized in Init
void* static_fields; // Initialized in Init
const Il2CppRGCTXData* rgctx_data; // Initialized in Init
// used for fast parent checks
Il2CppClass** typeHierarchy; // Initialized in SetupTypeHierachy
// End initialization required fields
void *unity_user_data;
uint32_t initializationExceptionGCHandle;
uint32_t cctor_started;
uint32_t cctor_finished;
ALIGN_TYPE(8) size_t cctor_thread;
// Remaining fields are always valid except where noted
GenericContainerIndex genericContainerIndex;
uint32_t instance_size;
uint32_t actualSize;
uint32_t element_size;
int32_t native_size;
uint32_t static_fields_size;
uint32_t thread_static_fields_size;
int32_t thread_static_fields_offset;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t token;
uint16_t method_count; // lazily calculated for arrays, i.e. when rank > 0
uint16_t property_count;
uint16_t field_count;
uint16_t event_count;
uint16_t nested_type_count;
uint16_t vtable_count; // lazily calculated for arrays, i.e. when rank > 0
uint16_t interfaces_count;
uint16_t interface_offsets_count; // lazily calculated for arrays, i.e. when rank > 0
uint8_t typeHierarchyDepth; // Initialized in SetupTypeHierachy
uint8_t genericRecursionDepth;
uint8_t rank;
uint8_t minimumAlignment; // Alignment of this type
uint8_t naturalAligment; // Alignment of this type without accounting for packing
uint8_t packingSize;
// this is critical for performance of Class::InitFromCodegen. Equals to initialized && !has_initialization_error at all times.
// Use Class::UpdateInitializedAndNoError to update
uint8_t initialized_and_no_error : 1;
uint8_t valuetype : 1;
uint8_t initialized : 1;
uint8_t enumtype : 1;
uint8_t is_generic : 1;
uint8_t has_references : 1;
uint8_t init_pending : 1;
uint8_t size_inited : 1;
uint8_t has_finalize : 1;
uint8_t has_cctor : 1;
uint8_t is_blittable : 1;
uint8_t is_import_or_windows_runtime : 1;
uint8_t is_vtable_initialized : 1;
uint8_t has_initialization_error : 1;
VirtualInvokeData vtable[IL2CPP_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY];
} Il2CppClass;
typedef struct MethodInfo
Il2CppMethodPointer methodPointer;//函数地址
InvokerMethod invoker_method;
const char* name;
Il2CppClass *klass;
const Il2CppType *return_type;
const ParameterInfo* parameters;
const Il2CppRGCTXData* rgctx_data; /* is_inflated is true and is_generic is false, i.e. a generic instance method */
const Il2CppMethodDefinition* methodDefinition;
/* note, when is_generic == true and is_inflated == true the method represents an uninflated generic method on an inflated type. */
const Il2CppGenericMethod* genericMethod; /* is_inflated is true */
const Il2CppGenericContainer* genericContainer; /* is_inflated is false and is_generic is true */
uint32_t token;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t iflags;
uint16_t slot;
uint8_t parameters_count;
uint8_t is_generic : 1; /* true if method is a generic method definition */
uint8_t is_inflated : 1; /* true if declaring_type is a generic instance or if method is a generic instance*/
uint8_t wrapper_type : 1; /* always zero (MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) needed for the debugger */
uint8_t is_marshaled_from_native : 1; /* a fake MethodInfo wrapping a native function pointer */
} MethodInfo;