- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- println("----------------")
- prt("你好")
- println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
- }
- func prt(s string) {
- fmt.Printf("hello:%s",s)
- }
- func prt(s string,n int16) {
- fmt.Printf("hello:%s\n",s)
- fmt.Printf("n = %d",n)
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- var num int = 10
- var numx2, numx3 int
- func main() {
- println("----------------")
- numx2 , numx3 = getX2AndX3(num)
- PrintValues()
- numx2 , numx3 = getX2AndX3f(num)
- PrintValues()
- }
- func PrintValues() {
- fmt.Printf("num = %d,2x num = %d,3x num = %d\n", num, numx2, numx3)
- }
- func getX2AndX3(input int) (int, int) {
- return 2 * input, 3 * input
- }
- func getX2AndX3f(input int) (x2 int, x3 int) {
- x2 = 2 * input
- x3 = 3 * input
- return
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- var i int
- var f float32
- i, _, f = PrintValues()
- fmt.Printf("int : %d ,float: %f \n", i, f)
- }
- func PrintValues() (int, int, float32) {
- return 2, 4, 5.31
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- n := 0
- reply := &n
- Multiply(10, 5, reply)
- fmt.Println("multiply:", *reply)
- }
- func Multiply(a, b int, reply *int) {
- *reply = a * b
- }
- package main
- import (
- "fmt"
- )
- func main() {
- x := min(1, 3, 2, 7)
- fmt.Printf("minmum is : %d\n", x)
- arr := []int{7, 9, 3, 5}
- x = min(arr...)
- fmt.Printf("minmum is : %d\n", x)
- }
- func min(a ...int) int {
- if len(a) == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- min := a[0]
- for _, v := range a {
- if v < min {
- min = v
- }
- }
- return min
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- function()
- }
- func function() {
- fmt.Printf("In function at the top\n")
- defer function1()
- defer function2()
- defer function3()
- fmt.Printf("In function at the bottom!\n")
- }
- func function1() {
- fmt.Printf("function1 !")
- }
- func function2() {
- fmt.Printf("function2 !")
- }
- func function3() {
- fmt.Printf("function3 !")
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- var a int = 2
- function(a)
- }
- func function(a int) {
- fmt.Printf("In function at the top,a=%d\n", a)
- defer function1(a)
- fmt.Printf("In function at the bottom,a=%d\n", a)
- a = 4
- fmt.Println(a)
- }
- func function1(a int) {
- fmt.Printf("function1 a = %d!", a)
- }
- // 结果:
- // In function at the top,a=2
- // In function at the bottom,a=2
- // 4
- // function1 a = 2!
- open a file
- defer file.Close()
- mu.Lock()
- defer mu.Unlock()
- printHeader()
- defer printFooter()
defer disconnectFromDB()
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- b()
- }
- func b() {
- trace("b")
- defer untrace("b")
- fmt.Println("in b")
- a()
- }
- func a() {
- trace("a")
- defer untrace("a")
- fmt.Println("in a")
- }
- func trace(s string) {
- fmt.Println("entering:", s)
- }
- func untrace(s string) {
- fmt.Println("leaving:", s)
- }
- package main
- import (
- "io"
- "log"
- )
- func func1(s string) (n int, err error) {
- defer func() {
- log.Printf("func1(%q) = %d, %v", s, n, err)
- }()
- return 7, io.EOF
- }
- func main() {
- func1("Go")
- }
名称 | 说明 |
close | 用于管道通信 |
len、cap | len 用于返回某个类型的长度或数量(字符串、数组、切片、map 和管道);cap 是容量的意思,用于返回某个类型的最大容量(只能用于切片和 map) |
new、make | new 和 make 均是用于分配内存:new 用于值类型和用户定义的类型,如自定义结构,make用于内置引用类型(切片、map 和管道)。它们的用法就像是函数,但是将类型作为参数:new(type)、make(type)。new(T) 分配类型 T 的零值并返回其地址,也就是指向类型 T的指针。它也可以被用于基本类型: v := new(int) 。make(T) 返回类型T 的初始化之后的值,因此它比 new 进行更多的工作;new() 是一个函数,不要忘记它的括号。 |
copy、append | 用于复制和连接切片 |
panic、recover | 两者均用于错误处理机制 |
print、println | 底层打印函数,在部署环境中建议使用 fmt 包 |
complex、realimag | 用于创建和操作复数 |
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- fmt.Println(Fibonacci(10))
- }
- func Fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
- if n <= 2 {
- res = 1
- } else {
- res = Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2)
- }
- return
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- callback(1, Add)
- }
- func callback(y int, f func(int, int)) {
- f(y, 2)
- }
- func Add(a, b int) {
- fmt.Printf("The sum of %d and %d is:%d\n", a, b, a+b)
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- f()
- }
- func f() {
- for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
- g := func(i int) {
- fmt.Printf("%d ", i)
- }
- g(i)
- fmt.Printf("- g is of type %T and has value %v\n", g, g)
- }
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- fmt.Println(f())
- }
- func f() (ret int) {
- defer func() {
- ret++
- }()
- return 1
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- p2 := Add2()
- fmt.Printf("call Add2 for 3 gives: %v\n", p2(3))
- TwoAdder := Adder(2)
- fmt.Printf("The result is: %v\n", TwoAdder(3))
- }
- func Add2() func(b int) int {
- return func(b int) int {
- return b + 2
- }
- }
- func Adder(a int) func(b int) int {
- return func(b int) int {
- return a + b
- }
- }
- package main
- import "fmt"
- func main() {
- f := fibonacci1()
- for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
- fmt.Println(f())
- }
- }
- func fibonacci1() func() int {
- back1, back2 := 0, 1
- return func() int {
- temp := back1
- back1, back2 = back2, back1 + back2
- return temp
- }
- }
- package main
- import (
- "fmt"
- "time"
- )
- func main() {
- f := fibonacci1()
- start := time.Now()
- for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
- fmt.Println(f())
- }
- end := time.Now()
- delta := end.Sub(start)
- fmt.Printf("this amount of time: %s\n", delta)
- }
- func fibonacci1() func() int {
- back1, back2 := 0, 1
- return func() int {
- temp := back1
- back1, back2 = back2, back1 + back2
- return temp
- }
- }
- package main
- import (
- "fmt"
- "time"
- )
- const LIM = 50
- var fibs [LIM + 1]uint64
- func main() {
- var result uint64 = 0
- start := time.Now()
- result = fibonacci2(LIM)
- fmt.Printf("fibonacci(%d) is: %d\n", LIM, result)
- end := time.Now()
- delta := end.Sub(start)
- fmt.Printf("this amount of time: %s\n", delta)
- }
- func fibonacci2(n int) (res uint64) {
- if fibs[n] != 0 {
- res = fibs[n]
- return
- }
- if n <= 1 {
- res = 1
- } else {
- res = fibonacci2(n-1) + fibonacci2(n-2)
- }
- fibs[n] = res
- return
- }
- func fibonacci1(n int) (res uint64) {
- if n <= 2 {
- res = 1
- } else {
- res = fibonacci1(n-1) + fibonacci1(n-2)
- }
- return
- }