• 多线程以及rgbd转换点云


    import os
    import numpy as np
    import h5py as h5
    from imageio import imread
    from struct import pack, unpack
    import math
    import multiprocessing as mp
    import glob
    # extract pointcloud from rgb-d, then convert it into obj coordinate system(tsdf/poisson reconstructed object)
    def im2col(im, psize):
        n_channels = 1 if len(im.shape) == 2 else im.shape[0]
        (n_channels, rows, cols) = (1,) * (3 - len(im.shape)) + im.shape
        im_pad = np.zeros((n_channels, int(math.ceil(1.0 * rows / psize) * psize),
                           int(math.ceil(1.0 * cols / psize) * psize)))
        im_pad[:, 0:rows, 0:cols] = im
        final = np.zeros((im_pad.shape[1], im_pad.shape[2], n_channels, psize, psize))
        for c in range(n_channels):
            for x in range(psize):
                for y in range(psize):
                    im_shift = np.vstack((im_pad[c, x:], im_pad[c, :x]))
                    im_shift = np.column_stack((im_shift[:, y:], im_shift[:, :y]))
                    final[x::psize, y::psize, c] = np.swapaxes(im_shift.reshape(int(im_pad.shape[1] / psize), psize,
                                                                                int(im_pad.shape[2] / psize), psize), 1, 2)
        return np.squeeze(final[0:rows - psize + 1, 0:cols - psize + 1])
    def filterDiscontinuities(depthMap):
        filt_size = 7
        thresh = 1000
        # Ensure that filter sizes are okay
        assert filt_size % 2 == 1, "Can only use odd filter sizes."
        # Compute discontinuities
        offset = int((filt_size - 1) / 2)
        patches = 1.0 * im2col(depthMap, filt_size)
        mids = patches[:, :, offset, offset]
        mins = np.min(patches, axis=(2, 3))
        maxes = np.max(patches, axis=(2, 3))
        discont = np.maximum(np.abs(mins - mids),
                             np.abs(maxes - mids))
        mark = discont > thresh
        # Account for offsets
        final_mark = np.zeros((480, 640), dtype=np.uint16)
        final_mark[offset:offset + mark.shape[0], offset:offset + mark.shape[1]] = mark
        return depthMap * (1 - final_mark)
    def registerDepthMap(unregisteredDepthMap, rgbImage, depthK, rgbK, H_RGBFromDepth):
        unregisteredHeight = unregisteredDepthMap.shape[0]
        unregisteredWidth = unregisteredDepthMap.shape[1]
        registeredHeight = rgbImage.shape[0]
        registeredWidth = rgbImage.shape[1]
        registeredDepthMap = np.zeros((registeredHeight, registeredWidth))
        xyzDepth = np.empty((4, 1))
        xyzRGB = np.empty((4, 1))
        # Ensure that the last value is 1 (homogeneous coordinates)
        xyzDepth[3] = 1
        invDepthFx = 1.0 / depthK[0, 0]
        invDepthFy = 1.0 / depthK[1, 1]
        depthCx = depthK[0, 2]
        dept = depthK[1, 2]
        rgbFx = rgbK[0, 0]
        rgbFy = rgbK[1, 1]
        rgbCx = rgbK[0, 2]
        rgbCy = rgbK[1, 2]
        undistorted = np.empty(2)
        for v in range(unregisteredHeight):
            for u in range(unregisteredWidth):
                depth = unregisteredDepthMap[v, u]
                if depth == 0:
                xyzDepth[0] = ((u - depthCx) * depth) * invDepthFx
            for j in range(cloud.shape[1]):
                if color:
                    lines.append("%s %s %s %d %d %d" % tuple(cloud[i, j, :].tolist()))
                    lines.append("%s %s %s" % tuple(cloud[i, j, :].tolist()))
        for face in faces:
            lines.append(("%d" + " %d" * len(face)) % tuple([len(face)] + list(face)))
        f.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")
    def writePCD(filename, pointCloud, ascii_type=True):
        if len(pointCloud.shape) != 3:
            print("Expected pointCloud to have 3 dimensions. Got %d instead" % len(pointCloud.shape))
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
            height = pointCloud.shape[0]
            width = pointCloud.shape[1]
            f.write("# .PCD v.7 - Point Cloud Data file format\n")
            f.write("VERSION .7\n")
            if pointCloud.shape[2] == 3:
                f.write("FIELDS x y z\n")
                f.write("SIZE 4 4 4\n")
                f.write("TYPE F F F\n")
                f.write("COUNT 1 1 1\n")
                f.write("FIELDS x y z rgb\n")
                f.write("SIZE 4 4 4 4\n")
                f.write("TYPE F F F F\n")
                f.write("COUNT 1 1 1 1\n")
            f.write("WIDTH %d\n" % width)
            f.write("HEIGHT %d\n" % height)
            f.write("VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0\n")
            f.write("POINTS %d\n" % (height * width))
            if ascii_type:
                f.write("DATA ascii\n")
                for row in range(height):
                    for col in range(width):
                        if pointCloud.shape[2] == 3:
                            f.write("%f %f %f\n" % tuple(pointCloud[row, col, :]))
                            f.write("%f %f %f" % tuple(pointCloud[row, col, :3]))
                            r = int(pointCloud[row, col, 3])
                            g = int(pointCloud[row, col, 4])
                            b = int(pointCloud[row, col, 5])
                            rgb_int = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b
                            packed = pack("i", rgb_int)
                            rgb = unpack("f", packed)[0]
                            f.write(" %.12e\n" % rgb)
                f.write("DATA binary\n")
                if pointCloud.shape[2] == 6:
                    # These are written as bgr because rgb is interpreted as a single
                    # little-endian float.
                    dt = np.dtype([("x", np.float32),
                                   ("y", np.float32),
                                   ("z", np.float32),
                                   ("b", np.uint8),
                                   ("g", np.uint8),
                                   ("r", np.uint8),
                                   ("I", np.uint8)])
                    pointCloud_tmp = np.zeros((height * width, 1), dtype=dt)
                    for i, k in enumerate(["x", "y", "z", "r", "g", "b"]):
                        pointCloud_tmp[k] = pointCloud[:, :, i].reshape((height * width, 1))
                    dt = np.dtype([("x", np.float32),
                                   ("y", np.float32),
                                   ("z", np.float32),
                                   ("I", np.uint8)])
                    pointCloud_tmp = np.zeros((height * width, 1), dtype=dt)
                    for i, k in enumerate(["x", "y", "z"]):
                        pointCloud_tmp[k] = pointCloud[:, :, i].reshape((height * width, 1))
    def getRGBFromDepthTransform(calibration, camera, referenceCamera):
        irKey = "H_{0}_ir_from_{1}".format(camera, referenceCamera)
        rgbKey = "H_{0}_from_{1}".format(camera, referenceCamera)
        rgbFromRef = calibration[rgbKey][:]
        irFromRef = calibration[irKey][:]
        return np.dot(rgbFromRef, np.linalg.inv(irFromRef)), np.linalg.inv(rgbFromRef)
    def generate(path):
        path = path.split("/")
        # Parameters
        #['', 'data0', Files', 'PointCode', 'PointNet', 'PointNetGPD', 'data', 'ycb-tools', 'models', 'ycb', '003_cracker_box', 'rgbd', 'NP1_354.jpg']
       contains the ycb data.
      [1].split(".")[0]  # Relative angle of the object w.r.t the camera
        # (angle of the turntable).
        referenceCamera = "NP5"  # can only be NP5
        ply_fname = os.path.join(ycb_data_folder, target_object, "clouds",
                                 "pc_" + viewpoint_camera + "_" + referenceCamera + "_" + viewpoint_angle + ".ply")
        pcd_fname = os.path.join(ycb_data_folder, target_object, "clouds",
                                 "pc_" + viewpoint_camera + "_" + referenceCamera + "_" + viewpoint_angle + ".pcd")
        npy_fname = os.path.join(ycb_data_folder, .0001  # 100um to meters
            H_RGBFromDepth, refFromRGB = getRGBFromDepthTransform(calibration, viewpoint_camera, referenceCamera)
            unregisteredDepthMap = h5.File(depthFilename, "r")["depth"][:]
            unregisteredDepthMap = filterDiscontinuities(unregisteredDepthMap) * depthScale
            registeredDepthMap = registerDepthMap(unregisteredDepthMap, rgbImage, depthK, rgbK, H_RGBFromDepth)
            # apply mask 
            registeredDepthMap[pbmImage == 255] = 0
            pointCloud = registeredDepthMapToPointCloud(registeredDepthMap, rgbImage, rgbK, refFromRGB, objFromref)
            writePLY(ply_fname, pointCloud)
            writePCD(pcd_fname, pointCloud)
            np.save(npy_fname, pointCloud[:, :, :3].reshape(-1, 3))
            f = open("exception.txt", "a")
            f.write("/".join(path) + "\n")
            print(ycb_data_folder, target_object, viewpoint_camera, viewpoint_angle, "failed")
    def main():
        pointnetgpd_dir = os.environ["PointNetGPD_FOLDER"]
        fl = np.array(glob.glob(pointnetgpd_dir+"/data/ycb-tools/models/ycb/*/rgbd/*.jpg"))
        #print(len(fl))  16800
        cores = mp.cpu_count()#40
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=20)
        pool.map(generate, fl)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/MakeYouClimax/article/details/127107417