1.运行环境:最好是java jdk 1.8,我们在这个平台上运行的。其他版本理论上也可以。
3.tomcat环境:Tomcat 7.x,8.x,9.x版本均可
4.硬件环境:windows 7/8/10 1G内存以上;或者 Mac OS;
5.数据库:MySql 5.7版本;
1. 使用Navicat或者其它工具,在mysql中创建对应名称的数据库,并导入项目的sql文件;
2. 使用IDEA/Eclipse/MyEclipse导入项目,Eclipse/MyEclipse导入时,若为maven项目请选择maven;
若为maven项目,导入成功后请执行maven clean;maven install命令,然后运行;
3. 将项目中db/DBManager.java配置文件中的数据库配置改为自己的配置;
4. 运行项目,输入localhost:8080/ 登录
用户账号/密码: user/123456
- package com.biyeseng.action;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.PrintWriter;
- import javax.servlet.ServletException;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import com.biyeseng.db.DBManager;
- import java.sql.*;
- import java.util.Date;
- /**
- * 修改新闻
- *
- * @author win7
- *
- */
- public class YudingJiuAction extends HttpServlet {
- /**
- * Constructor of the object.
- */
- public YudingJiuAction() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Destruction of the servlet.
- */
- public void destroy() {
- super.destroy(); // Just puts "destroy" string in log
- // Put your code here
- }
- /**
- * The doPost method of the servlet.
- *
- * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to
- * post.
- *
- * @param request
- * the request send by the client to the server
- * @param response
- * the response send by the server to the client
- * @throws ServletException
- * if an error occurred
- * @throws IOException
- * if an error occurred
- */
- public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- response.setContentType("text/html");
- PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
- String name=request.getParameter("name");
- String fang=request.getParameter("fang");
- String count=request.getParameter("count");
- String bdate=request.getParameter("bdate");
- String edate=request.getParameter("edate");
- String tel=request.getParameter("tel");
- String fangkuan=request.getParameter("fangkuan");
- String dingjin=request.getParameter("dingjin");
- String ism=request.getParameter("ism");
- String mtel=request.getParameter("mtel");
- String sql = "insert into yuding(name,fang,count,bdate,edate,tel,fangkuan,dingjin,ism,mtel) values('"+name+"','"+fang+"','"+count+"','"+bdate+"','"+edate+"','"+tel+"','"+fangkuan+"','"+dingjin+"','"+ism+"','"+mtel+"')";
- System.out.println(sql);
- Statement stat = null;
- Connection conn = null;
- DBManager dbm = new DBManager();
- try {
- conn = dbm.getConnection();
- stat = conn.createStatement();
- stat.execute(sql);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stat != null)
- stat.close();
- if (conn != null)
- conn.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- out
- .println("");
- out.flush();
- out.close();
- }
- public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- this.doPost(request, response);
- }
- /**
- * Initialization of the servlet.
- *
- * @throws ServletException
- * if an error occurs
- */
- public void init() throws ServletException {
- // Put your code here
- }
- }
- package com.biyeseng.action;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.PrintWriter;
- import java.sql.*;
- import javax.servlet.ServletException;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import com.biyeseng.db.DBManager;
- /**
- * 添加管理员
- * @author win7
- *
- */
- public class AddAdminAction extends HttpServlet {
- /**
- * Constructor of the object.
- */
- public AddAdminAction() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Destruction of the servlet.
- */
- public void destroy() {
- super.destroy(); // Just puts "destroy" string in log
- // Put your code here
- }
- /**
- * The doPost method of the servlet.
- *
- * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
- *
- * @param request the request send by the client to the server
- * @param response the response send by the server to the client
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
- * @throws IOException if an error occurred
- */
- public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- response.setContentType("text/html");
- PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
- String name=request.getParameter("name");
- String pwd=request.getParameter("pwd");
- String zhi=request.getParameter("zhi");
- String tel=request.getParameter("tel");
- String age=request.getParameter("age");
- DBManager dbm = new DBManager();
- //插入管理员信息表
- String sql = "insert into admin(userName,userPw,zhi,tel,age) values('"+name+"','"+pwd+"','"+zhi+"','"+tel+"','"+age+"')";
- Statement stat = null;
- Connection conn=null;
- try {
- conn=dbm.getConnection();
- stat = conn.createStatement();
- System.out.println(sql);
- stat.execute(sql);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if(stat!=null)
- stat.close();
- if(conn!=null)
- conn.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- response.sendRedirect("admin/admin/list.jsp");
- out.flush();
- out.close();
- }
- /**
- * Initialization of the servlet.
- *
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurs
- */
- public void init() throws ServletException {
- // Put your code here
- }
- }
- package com.biyeseng.action;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.PrintWriter;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.sql.Statement;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import javax.servlet.ServletException;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload;
- import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
- import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory;
- import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
- import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
- import com.biyeseng.db.DBManager;
- public class AddJiudianAction extends HttpServlet {
- /**
- * Constructor of the object.
- */
- public AddJiudianAction() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Destruction of the servlet.
- */
- public void destroy() {
- super.destroy(); // Just puts "destroy" string in log
- // Put your code here
- }
- /**
- * The doGet method of the servlet.
- *
- * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
- *
- * @param request the request send by the client to the server
- * @param response the response send by the server to the client
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
- * @throws IOException if an error occurred
- */
- public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- this.doPost(request, response);
- }
- /**
- * The doPost method of the servlet.
- *
- * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
- *
- * @param request the request send by the client to the server
- * @param response the response send by the server to the client
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
- * @throws IOException if an error occurred
- */
- public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
- response.setContentType("text/html");
- PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
- DBManager dbm = new DBManager();
- String name=request.getParameter("name");
- String dizhi=request.getParameter("dizhi");
- String info=request.getParameter("info");
- String pic=request.getParameter("fujian");
- String tel=request.getParameter("tel");
- String style=request.getParameter("style");
- String date = new Date().toLocaleString();
- Object user = request.getSession().getAttribute("user");
- String appuser = "";
- if (user != null && appuser.toString() != null) {
- appuser = (String) user;
- }
- if(pic != null) {
- pic = pic.replaceAll("/upload", "upload");
- }
- String sql = "insert into jiudian(name,dizhi,info,pic,tel,style) values('"+name+"','"+dizhi+"','"+info+"','"+pic+"','"+tel+"','"+style+"')";
- Statement stat = null;
- Connection conn = null;
- try {
- conn = dbm.getConnection();
- stat = conn.createStatement();
- System.out.println(sql);
- stat.execute(sql);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stat != null)
- stat.close();
- if (conn != null)
- conn.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- response.sendRedirect("admin/jiudian/list.jsp");
- out.flush();
- out.close();
- }
- /**
- * Initialization of the servlet.
- *
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurs
- */
- public void init() throws ServletException {
- // Put your code here
- }
- }
- package com.biyeseng.action;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.PrintWriter;
- import java.sql.*;
- import javax.servlet.ServletException;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import com.biyeseng.db.DBManager;
- /**
- * 添加部门
- * @author win7
- *
- */
- public class AddKefangAction extends HttpServlet {
- /**
- * Constructor of the object.
- */
- public AddKefangAction() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Destruction of the servlet.
- */
- public void destroy() {
- super.destroy(); // Just puts "destroy" string in log
- // Put your code here
- }
- /**
- * The doPost method of the servlet.
- *
- * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
- *
- * @param request the request send by the client to the server
- * @param response the response send by the server to the client
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
- * @throws IOException if an error occurred
- */
- public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- response.setContentType("text/html");
- PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
- String jid=request.getParameter("jid");
- String name=request.getParameter("name");
- String chuang=request.getParameter("chuang");
- String ren=request.getParameter("ren");
- String price=request.getParameter("price");
- String type=request.getParameter("type");
- String state="";
- DBManager dbm = new DBManager();
- String sql = "insert into kefang(jid,name,chuang,ren,price,type,state) values("+jid+",'"+name+"','"+chuang+"','"+ren+"','"+price+"','"+type+"','"+state+"')";
- System.out.println(sql);
- Statement stat = null;
- Connection conn=null;
- try {
- conn=dbm.getConnection();
- stat = conn.createStatement();
- stat.execute(sql);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if(stat!=null)
- stat.close();
- if(conn!=null)
- conn.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- response.sendRedirect("admin/kefang/list.jsp?jid="+jid);
- out.flush();
- out.close();
- }
- /**
- * Initialization of the servlet.
- *
- * @throws ServletException if an error occurs
- */
- public void init() throws ServletException {
- // Put your code here
- }
- }