YARP 作为反向代理中间件,那就无可避免需要使用到 Https 去部署项目,那 YARP 要怎么去实现呢,本来以为 YARP 会有一套自己的实现,在翻阅了资料后发现,根本不是我想的那样,按照 YARP 官方文档的说法,是按照 .Net Core 原本的那一套去实现,好家伙,真的没想到啊,下面我贴出官方原文,大伙看一看,瞧一瞧
IIS就不多说了,这个毕竟只能在 windows 上使用,下面我说说 在 Kestrel 怎么设置 Https 吧,按照我的惯例,直接贴配置文件
"Kestrel": { "Endpoints": { "MySniEndpoint": { "Url": "https://*:5209", "SslProtocols": [ "Tls11", "Tls12" ], "Sni": { "test1.ysmc.net.cn": { "Certificate": { "Path": "[path]\\test1.ysmc.net.cn_server.pfx", "Password": "pfx密码" } }, "test2.ysmc.net.cn": { "Certificate": { "Path": "[path]\\test2.ysmc.net.cn_server.pfx", "Password": "pfx密码" } } } } }, //,默认配置,当没有配置的时候,默认回落到这个配置 "Certificates": { "Default": { "Path": "[path]\\test1.ysmc.net.cn_server.pfx", "Password": "pfx密码" } }
因为我们需要配置多个域名,所以使用到了 Sni,下面是官方对一 Sni 的部分介绍,感兴趣的小伙伴可以过去看看,传送门
SNI in configuration
Kestrel supports SNI defined in configuration. An endpoint can be configured with an object that contains a mapping between host names and HTTPS options. The connection host name is matched to the options and they are used for that connection.Sni
The following configuration adds an endpoint named that uses SNI to select HTTPS options based on the host name:MySniEndpoint
HTTPS options that can be overridden by SNI:
configures the certificate source.Protocols
configures the allowed HTTP protocols.SslProtocols
configures the allowed SSL protocols.ClientCertificateMode
configures the client certificate requirements.
The host name supports wildcard matching:
- Exact match. For example, matches .
- Wildcard prefix. If there are multiple wildcard matches then the longest pattern is chosen. For example, matches and .
- Full wildcard. matches everything else, including clients that aren't using SNI and don't send a host name.
The matched SNI configuration is applied to the endpoint for the connection, overriding values on the endpoint. If a connection doesn't match a configured SNI host name then the connection is refused.
整个完整的配置文件我也贴出来吧,至于证书怎么申请的,大家有域名的可以到域名服务商里申请免费1年期的,没有域名的话,可以自己改一下hosts 文件 然后自己自签名一个,都是可以的
{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } }, "Kestrel": { "Endpoints": { "MySniEndpoint": { "Url": "https://*:5209", "SslProtocols": [ "Tls11", "Tls12" ], "Sni": { "test1.ysmc.net.cn": { "Certificate": { "Path": "[path]\\test1.ysmc.net.cn_server.pfx", "Password": "pfx密码" } }, "test2.ysmc.net.cn": { "Certificate": { "Path": "[path]\\test2.ysmc.net.cn_server.pfx", "Password": "pfx密码" } } } } }, "Certificates": { "Default": { "Path": "[path]\\test1.ysmc.net.cn_server.pfx", "Password": "pfx密码" } } }, "ReverseProxy": { "Routes": { "baidu": { "ClusterId": "baidu", "Match": { "Hosts": [ "test1.ysmc.net.cn" ], "Path": "{**catch-all}" } }, "blazor": { "ClusterId": "blazor", "Match": { "Hosts": [ "test2.ysmc.net.cn" ], "Path": "{**catch-all}" } } }, "Clusters": { "baidu": { "LoadBalancingPolicy": "RoundRobin", "Destinations": { "baidu": { "Address": "https://www.baidu.com/" } } }, "blazor": { "LoadBalancingPolicy": "RoundRobin", "Destinations": { "blazor": { "Address": "https://www.blazor.zone/" } } } } } }