- #改更新源
- sed -i 's/ftp.debian.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
- sed -i 's/security.debian.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn\/debian-security/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
- apt-get install git make gcc g++ #编译base需要
- adduser ioc
- mkdir /half #以合肥先进光源为例
- chown -R ioc:ioc /half
- cd /half
- su ioc
- mkdir epics
- cd epics
- ############下载和编译epics base7#################################
- git clone --recursive -b 7.0 https://git.launchpad.net/epics-base base-7.0
- ln -s base-7.0 base
- cd base
- make
EPICS Products Required for Building areaDetector
areaDetector requires EPICS base. R3.14.12.4 or higher, any 3.15 release should work.
areaDetector also requires asyn. The most recent release of asyn is recommended.
Each areaDetector detector module builds both a library and an EPICS IOC application. To build the library only EPICS base and asynDriver are required. To build the IOC application the synApps modules AUTOSAVE, BUSY, CALC, and SSCAN are required. If the CALC module is built with SNCSEQ support then SNCSEQ is also required. The most recent release of the synApps modules is recommended.
The DEVIOCSTATS and ALIVE modules are optional.
EPICS base, asyn and the synApps modules must be built before building areaDetector.
apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev wget re2c #编译areaDetector需要
######下载和修改synApps的脚本(当前最新版是6.2 --2022.9.19)#####
# 1. download the installer script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EPICS-synApps/support/master/assemble_synApps.sh# 2. edit assemble_synApps.sh for your version of EPICS base and local directory paths
# 3. (optional) Specify the (new) directory name where synApps will be installed.
# This is the default:
# export SYNAPPS_DIR=synApps
# This directory will be created when assemble_synApps.sh is run.# 4. download & install the synApps source files:
# 来自:GitHub - EPICS-synApps/support: APS BCDA synApps module: support
bash ./assemble_synApps.sh #一次可能不能把所有的包抓下来,多运行几次之后进入support目录:
make release
apt-get install meson pkg-config glib-2.0 libxml2-dev #编译下面驱动需要:
取ADGenICam — areaDetector 3-11-2-gf866e7e documentation 里的这部分即可:
cd /usr/local
git clone https://github.com/AravisProject/aravis
cd aravis/
meson build
cd build
ninja #Debian已经有,不用专门装
ninja install
- cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h /usr/include/.
- apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev
cd /half/epics/synApps/support/areaDetector-R3-11/
git clone https://github.com/areaDetector/ADGenICam.git
cd ADGenICam/make
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/areaDetector/ADAravis.git
cd ADAravis/