1034 Head of a Gang
One way that the police finds the head of a gang is to check people's phone calls. If there is a phone call between A and B, we say that A and B is related. The weight of a relation is defined to be the total time length of all the phone calls made between the two persons. A "Gang" is a cluster of more than 2 persons who are related to each other with total relation weight being greater than a given threshold K. In each gang, the one with maximum total weight is the head. Now given a list of phone calls, you are supposed to find the gangs and the heads.
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains two positive numbers N and K (both less than or equal to 1000), the number of phone calls and the weight threthold, respectively. Then N lines follow, each in the following format:
Name1 Name2 Time
where Name1
and Name2
are the names of people at the two ends of the call, and Time
is the length of the call. A name is a string of three capital letters chosen from A
. A time length is a positive integer which is no more than 1000 minutes.
For each test case, first print in a line the total number of gangs. Then for each gang, print in a line the name of the head and the total number of the members. It is guaranteed that the head is unique for each gang. The output must be sorted according to the alphabetical order of the names of the heads.
- 8 59
- AAA BBB 10
- BBB AAA 20
- AAA CCC 40
- EEE DDD 70
- FFF GGG 30
- GGG HHH 20
- HHH FFF 10
- 2
- AAA 3
- GGG 3
- 8 70
- AAA BBB 10
- BBB AAA 20
- AAA CCC 40
- EEE DDD 70
- FFF GGG 30
- GGG HHH 20
- HHH FFF 10
图 dfs 遍历满足条件:①:两点之间有通路 ②目的点并未被访问
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- map
int> stringToint; - map<int,string> intTostring;
- map
int> ans;//人物姓名+团队人数 - int numIndex=1,n,k;
- int weight[2010],g[2010][2010];
- bool st[2010];
- int stringToInt(string s){
- if(stringToint[s]==0){
- stringToint[s]=numIndex;
- intTostring[numIndex]=s;
- return numIndex++;
- }
- else return stringToint[s];
- }
- void dfs(int u,int &head,int &numMember,int &totalweight){
- //参数的含义:u可以表示的编号为u的点,head表示的是电话时间最长的人的编号
- //numMember表示当前集合中的总人数,totalweight表示的是当前集合中的总权重
- st[u]=true;
- numMember++;
- if(weight[u]>weight[head]){
- head=u;
- }
- for(int v=1;v
- if(g[u][v]){
- totalweight+=g[u][v];
- g[u][v]=g[v][u]=0;
- if(!st[v]){
- dfs(v,head,numMember,totalweight);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void dfstrave(){
- for(int i=1;i
- if(!st[i]){
- int head=i,totalweight=0,numMember=0;
- dfs(i,head,numMember,totalweight);//这里假设第一个人就是head,在后面递归的过程中不断找出head
- if(numMember>2 && totalweight>k)
- ans[intTostring[head]]=numMember;
- }
- }
- }
- int main(){
- cin >> n >> k;
- for(int i=0;i
- string a,b;
- int t;
- cin >> a >> b >> t;
- int id1=stringToInt(a);
- int id2=stringToInt(b);
- weight[id1]+=t;//算出每个人的通话时间,后面可以在dfs的时候比较出最长通话时间的人
- weight[id2]+=t;
- g[id1][id2]+=t;//在遍历的时候表示两个人之间有通路,这里必须是+=,因为可能会存在两个人之间重复通话
- g[id2][id1]+=t;
- }
- dfstrave();
- cout << ans.size() << endl;
- for(auto it=ans.begin();it!=ans.end();it++){
- cout << it->first << ' ' << it->second << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
Qt QPen
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