- 他们确实如此。
- 一项对澳大利亚计算机协会2300多名成员的调查发现,许多人报告说在工作场所面临 Ethical问题。
- 这其中既有 micro-ethics 微观的伦理问题,也有 macro-ethics 宏观的 Ethics 问题。
- 在日常工作中,你更有可能遇到 micro-ethics 微观的伦理问题。
- 一个问题是,我们往往只谈“大问题”。
Ethics 是常识:
- 它并不那么简单。
- 不同的人可能认为同一件事是道德的或不道德的。
道德规范不仅适用于 "大问题"。
Australian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Professional Conduct | IEEE: Software Engineering Code of Ethics, Professional Practice | |
1 | 优先权:将社会的利益置于个人或部门利益之上。维护对方信息的完整性和安全性。Priorities: place the interests of the community above personal or sectional interests. Preserve the integrity and security of the other’s information. | 公共性:软件工程师的行为应与公众利益相一致。Public: Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. |
2 | 能力:为我的客户和雇主胜任并勤奋地工作。当我认为一个拟议的项目不符合他们的最佳利益时,要提出建议。Competency: work competently and diligently for my clients and employers. Advise when I believe a proposed project is not in their best interests | 客户和雇主:在符合公众利益的情况下,为其客户和雇主的最佳利益行事。Client and Employer: act in the best interests of their client & employer, consistent with the public interest. |
产品:软件工程师应确保其产品尽可能达到最高的专业标准。Product: Software engineers shall ensure that their products meet the highest professional standards possible. | ||
3 | 诚实:对自己的技能、知识、服务和产品诚实。 不故意在产品或服务的适用性方面误导客户。Honesty: be honest about my skills, knowledge, services and products. Not knowingly mislead a client as to the suitability of a product or service | 判断力:软件工程师应保持其专业判断的完整性和独立性。Judgment: Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment. |
4 | 社会影响:我必须努力提高受我工作影响的人的生活质量。尊重人们的隐私。Social Implications: I must strive to enhance the quality of life of those affected by my work. Respect people’s privacy. | 管理:促进以道德的方式管理软件开发。Management: promote an ethical approach to the management of software development. |
职业:在符合公众利益的前提下,推进职业的诚信和声誉。Profession: advance the integrity and reputation of the profession, consistent with the public interest. | ||
同事:公平对待和支持自己的同事。Colleagues: be fair to and supportive of their colleagues. | ||
5 | 专业发展:提高自己、同事、雇员、学生的专业发展,并了解影响IT行业的社区问题。Professional Development: enhance the professional development of myself, colleagues, employees, students and be aware of community issues affecting the IT profession. | 自我:参与终身的专业学习,促进专业的道德实践。Self: participate in lifelong professional learning and promote an ethical practice of the profession. |
6 | 信息技术行业:提高信息技术行业的诚信度,相互尊重。 如果我发现同事有不道德的行为,采取适当的行动。Information Technology Profession: enhance the integrity of the IT profession and respect each other. Take appropriate action if I discover a colleague has unethical behavior. |
Satisfies Basic Human Needs 满足人类的基本需求:
Creates Credibility 创造可信度:
Unites People and Leadership 团结人民和领导:
Set the basis for Decision Making 为决策奠定了基础
Long Term Gains 长期收益: