- package main
- import (
- "fmt"
- ""
- "sync"
- )
- func main() {
- var wg sync.WaitGroup
- // Create a new map.
- m := cmap.New[string]()
- wg.Add(1)
- // Sets item within map, sets "bar" under key "foo"
- go func() {
- defer wg.Done()
- m.Set("foo", "bar1111")
- m.Set("foo1", "bar11112")
- m.Set("test1", "val1")
- }()
- wg.Add(1)
- go func() {
- defer wg.Done()
- fmt.Println("====================")
- m.Set("111", "2222")
- for item := range m.IterBuffered() {
- fmt.Println("==== kv :", item)
- }
- fmt.Println("====================")
- } ()
- // Retrieve item from map.
- go func () {
- bar, ok := m.Get("foo")
- fmt.Println("bar : ", bar, ", ok :", ok)
- // Removes item under key "foo"
- m.Remove("foo")
- }()
- wg.Add(1)
- go func() {
- defer wg.Done()
- m.Set("3333", "4444")
- fmt.Println("-----------------")
- for item := range m.IterBuffered() {
- fmt.Println("---- kv :", item)
- }
- fmt.Println("-----------------")
- }()
- wg.Wait()
- }
- ====================
- bar : bar1111 , ok : true
- -----------------
- ==== kv : {3333 4444}
- ---- kv : {3333 4444}
- ---- kv : {111 2222}
- ==== kv : {111 2222}
- ---- kv : {foo1 bar11112}
- ---- kv : {test1 val1}
- ==== kv : {foo1 bar11112}
- -----------------
- ==== kv : {test1 val1}
- ====================
- Process finished with the exit code 0
- -----------------
- bar : bar1111 , ok : true
- ====================
- ---- kv : {3333 4444}
- ---- kv : {111 2222}
- ---- kv : {foo1 bar11112}
- ---- kv : {test1 val1}
- -----------------
- ==== kv : {3333 4444}
- ==== kv : {111 2222}
- ==== kv : {foo1 bar11112}
- ==== kv : {test1 val1}
- ====================
- Process finished with the exit code 0
- /*
- *多少个子哈希表,这个可以修改,如果想减少冲突,可以参考之前的博客中的哈希表的计算方式,即根据实际的物理CPU核心数来计算
- */
- var SHARD_COUNT = 32
- // A "thread" safe map of type string:Anything.
- // To avoid lock bottlenecks this map is dived to several (SHARD_COUNT) map shards.
- type ConcurrentMap[V any] []*ConcurrentMapShared[V]//对外暴露的哈希结构,是ConcurrentMapShared的指针数组,其中V any的用法类似于c++的模板,传入的结构就是value的结构
- // A "thread" safe string to anything map.
- type ConcurrentMapShared[V any] struct {
- items map[string]V//key为string就是在这里决定的,这里使用的是golang自带的哈希表,减少重复造轮子
- sync.RWMutex // Read Write mutex, guards access to internal map.//每个哈希表一个读写锁
- }
- // Creates a new concurrent map.
- func New[V any]() ConcurrentMap[V] {
- m := make(ConcurrentMap[V], SHARD_COUNT)//创建哈希表结构
- for i := 0; i < SHARD_COUNT; i++ {//循环创建子哈希表
- m[i] = &ConcurrentMapShared[V]{items: make(map[string]V)}
- }
- return m
- }
- // Sets the given value under the specified key.
- func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) Set(key string, value V) {
- // Get map shard.
- shard := m.GetShard(key)//根据传入的key,计算此key对应在哪个子哈希表中,
- shard.Lock()//使用对应的锁进行加写锁
- shard.items[key] = value//赋值(如果已存在,替换)
- shard.Unlock()//解锁
- }
- // GetShard returns shard under given key
- func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) GetShard(key string) *ConcurrentMapShared[V] {
- return m[uint(fnv32(key))%uint(SHARD_COUNT)]
- }
- func fnv32(key string) uint32 {
- hash := uint32(2166136261)
- const prime32 = uint32(16777619)
- keyLength := len(key)
- for i := 0; i < keyLength; i++ {
- hash *= prime32
- hash ^= uint32(key[i])
- }
- return hash
- }
- // Get retrieves an element from map under given key.
- func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) Get(key string) (V, bool) {//基本逻辑和Set一样,不过因为是读操作,所以加读锁
- // Get shard
- shard := m.GetShard(key)
- shard.RLock()
- // Get item from shard.
- val, ok := shard.items[key]
- shard.RUnlock()
- return val, ok
- }
for item := range m.IterBuffered() {......}
- // Used by the Iter & IterBuffered functions to wrap two variables together over a channel,
- type Tuple[V any] struct {//键值对结构
- Key string
- Val V
- }
- ......
- // IterBuffered returns a buffered iterator which could be used in a for range loop.
- func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) IterBuffered() <-chan Tuple[V] {
- chans := snapshot(m)//获取快照数据,其实这里就是将所有子哈希表当前数据的键值对信息,后面增加或者删除了元素不影响,
- total := 0
- for _, c := range chans {//遍历chan数组个数
- total += cap(c)//每个元素都是一个一维数组
- }
- ch := make(chan Tuple[V], total)//根据计算键值对的个数分配数组
- go fanIn(chans, ch)//并发去将chans的内容写入ch中,这里为什么不直接用chans,因为chans是二维数组,这里的操作是将二维数组转换成一维数组
- return ch
- }
- // Returns a array of channels that contains elements in each shard,
- // which likely takes a snapshot of `m`.
- // It returns once the size of each buffered channel is determined,
- // before all the channels are populated using goroutines.
- func snapshot[V any](m ConcurrentMap[V]) (chans []chan Tuple[V]) {
- //When you access map items before initializing.
- if len(m) == 0 {
- panic(`cmap.ConcurrentMap is not initialized. Should run New() before usage.`)
- }
- chans = make([]chan Tuple[V], SHARD_COUNT)//根据实际的子哈希表个数分配chan 数组
- wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
- wg.Add(SHARD_COUNT)//设置等待goroutine个数,因为我们需要对每个子表进行遍历操作,所以还是SHARD_COUNT
- // Foreach shard.
- for index, shard := range m {//遍历子表
- go func(index int, shard *ConcurrentMapShared[V]) {//启动goroutine进行操作,提升性能
- // Foreach key, value pair.
- shard.RLock()//使用对应的锁加读锁
- chans[index] = make(chan Tuple[V], len(shard.items))
- wg.Done()
- for key, val := range shard.items {//遍历子表,将对应键值对复制到对应的chans的子数组中
- chans[index] <- Tuple[V]{key, val}
- }
- shard.RUnlock()
- close(chans[index])
- }(index, shard)
- }
- wg.Wait()//这里会等待所有子表都遍历完,才会返回,所以如果散列的不够均匀,等待时间会长
- return chans
- }
- // fanIn reads elements from channels `chans` into channel `out`
- func fanIn[V any](chans []chan Tuple[V], out chan Tuple[V]) {
- wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
- wg.Add(len(chans))
- for _, ch := range chans {//遍历每一个chan,一个子表一个chan
- go func(ch chan Tuple[V]) {
- for t := range ch {//遍历子表的键值对
- out <- t//全部赋值到out的一维数组中
- }
- wg.Done()
- }(ch)
- }
- wg.Wait()
- close(out)
- }
- // Iter returns an iterator which could be used in a for range loop.
- //
- // Deprecated: using IterBuffered() will get a better performence
- func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) Iter() <-chan Tuple[V] {
- chans := snapshot(m)
- ch := make(chan Tuple[V])
- go fanIn(chans, ch)
- return ch
- }
- ......//这是上面的测试用例代码,我们只需要在main函数中调用下UpdateTest()就可以了。
- func UpdateTest() {
- m := cmap.New[int64]()
- m.Set("test", 1)
- m.Upsert("test", 3, UpsertCb)
- v, ok :=m.Get("test")
- if ok {
- fmt.Println(v)
- }
- }
- func UpsertCb (exist bool, valueInMap int64, newValue int64) int64{
- if exist {
- return valueInMap + newValue
- } else {
- return newValue
- }
- }
- ====================
- bar : bar1111 , ok : true
- -----------------
- ==== kv : {foo1 bar11112}
- ---- kv : {foo1 bar11112}
- ==== kv : {3333 4444}
- ---- kv : {3333 4444}
- ==== kv : {111 2222}
- ==== kv : {test1 val1}
- ====================
- ---- kv : {111 2222}
- ---- kv : {test1 val1}
- -----------------
- 4
- Process finished with the exit code 0
这里还有个地方需要注意就是Keys函数,它在刚进入函数的时候就获取该哈希表的总的个数,然后分配了一个一维数组chan,个数刚好就是此时哈希表的总个数,然后循环遍历哈希表将所有的key,最后转换成一个一维数组。需要考虑一个问题,如果此时往该哈希表中添加一个元素会不会出问题?程序出来这么久,应该不会问题,整个哈希表遍历完,就调用close channel,就算数据少了也会直接返回,不会有问题,如果多了,channel也是能获取到新增的数据。