async getFile(e) {
// 1.获取文件
let file = e.target.files;
this.currFile = file[0];
- // 获取文件分块
- getFileChunk(file, chunkSize) {
- let that = this;
- return new Promise((resovle) => {
- let blobSlice =
- File.prototype.slice ||
- File.prototype.mozSlice ||
- File.prototype.webkitSlice,
- chunks = Math.ceil(file.size / chunkSize),
- currentChunk = 0,
- spark = new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer(),
- fileReader = new FileReader();
- //使用fileReader将文件块转为文件流,方便生成文件hash值
- //这里生成文件hash的作用
- fileReader.onload = function (e) {
- const chunk = e.target.result;
- spark.append(chunk);
- currentChunk++;
- if (currentChunk < chunks) {
- loadNext();
- } else {
- let fileHash = spark.end();
- resovle({ fileHash });
- }
- };
- fileReader.onerror = function () {
- console.warn("oops, something went wrong.");
- };
- function loadNext() {
- //文件切块
- let start = currentChunk * chunkSize,
- end =start + chunkSize >= file.size ? file.size : start + chunkSize;
- let chunk = blobSlice.call(file, start, end);
- that.fileChunkList.push({
- chunk,
- size: chunk.size,
- name: that.currFile.name,
- percentage:0
- });
- fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(chunk);
- }
- loadNext();
- });
- },
- // 上传请求
- uploadChunks(fileHash) {
- let that = this;
- const requests = this.fileChunkList.map((item, index) => {
- const formData = new FormData();
- formData.append(
- `${this.currFile.name}-${fileHash}-${index}`,
- item.chunk
- );
- // 上传
- return uploadFile("/upload", formData, that.onUploadProgress(item));
- });
- Promise.all(requests).then(() => {
- // 合并
- mergeChunks("/mergeChunks", {
- size: that.DefualtChunkSize,
- filename: that.currFile.name,
- });
- });
- },
- import axios from "axios";
- const baseURL = 'http://localhost:3001';
- export const uploadFile = (url, formData, onUploadProgress = () => { }) => {
- return axios({
- method: 'post',
- url,
- baseURL,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
- },
- data: formData,
- onUploadProgress
- });
- }
- export const mergeChunks = (url, data) => {
- return axios({
- method: 'post',
- url,
- baseURL,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- data
- });
- }
- npm install -g koa-generator
- koa2 项目名
- npm install
- router.post("/upload", async (ctx) => {
- ctx.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
- ctx.body = JSON.stringify({ data: { code: 2000, }, message: "successful!", });
- });
- router.post("/mergeChunk", async (ctx) => {
- ctx.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
- ctx.body = JSON.stringify({ data: { code: 2000, }, message: "successful!", });
- });
const cors = require('koa2-cors');
const koaBody = require("koa-body")
- // 合并请求
- router.post("/mergeChunks", async (ctx) => {
- const { filename, size } = ctx.request.body;
- // 合并 chunks
- await mergeFileChunk(filename, size);
- // 处理响应
- ctx.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
- ctx.body = JSON.stringify({
- data: {
- code: 2000,
- filename,
- size,
- },
- message: "merge chunks successful!",
- });
- });