Vertex is a distributed, ultimately consistent, event traceable cross platform framework based on Orleans, which is used to build high-performance, high throughput, low latency, scalable distributed applications A high-performance type dynamic operation library.
jodd(Produce lightweight code and focus on unleashing your full potential. Jodd is a set of developer-friendly and open-source Java micro-frameworks. It’s designed to make things simple, but not simpler.)
skip Skip is a general-purpose programming language that tracks side effects to provide caching with reactive invalidation, ergonomic and safe parallelism, and efficient garbage collection. Skip is statically typed and ahead-of-time compiled using LLVM to produce highly optimized executables.
miniJVM Develop iOS Android app in java, Cross platform java virtual machine, embeded jvm , the minimal jvm .
cone Cone is a fast, fit, friendly, and safe systems programming language.
flax A low level, general-purpose language with high level syntax and expressibility.
coreVM Language runtime framework designed to empower developers devise modern and novel programming language features.
dora JIT-compiler for the programming language Dora implemented in Rust. Works on Linux, Windows and macOS (x86_64 and aarch64).
awesome-jit A curated list of awesome JIT frameworks, libraries, software and resources
WAVM WAVM is a WebAssembly virtual machine, designed for use in non-web applications.
Bytecoder Bytecoder is a Rich Domain Model for Java Bytecode and Framework to interpret and transpile it to other languages such as JavaScript, OpenCL or WebAssembly
skew A web-first, cross-platform programming language with an optimizing compiler
delta A new systems programming language in development
Volta Volt is a systems level programming language, that aims to be safe by default but still allowing you access to nitty gritty low level details.
Eagle A compiled language that is halfway between C and Go/Swift/Rust
ponyc ony is an open-source, object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language
gosu-lang Gosu is a pragmatic programming language for the JVM. It has been designed with Java developers in mind by providing a set of features that allow them to be more productive without sacrificing the benefits of Java’s simple syntax and type-safety. Gosu is an object oriented language with a sprinkle of functional programming features.
Tern Tern is an optionally typed object oriented language with first class functions and coroutines. It borrows concepts and constructs from many sources including Swift, JavaScript, Java, and Scala amongst others. It is interpreted and has no intermediate representation, so there is no need to compile or build your application.
mun A programming language empowering creation through iteration.
beef Beef is an open source performance-oriented compiled programming language which has been built hand-in-hand with its IDE environment. The syntax and many semantics are most directly derived from C#, while attempting to retain the C ideals of bare-metal explicitness and lack of runtime surprises, with some “modern” niceties inspired by languages such as Rust, Swift, and Go
dascript daScript is high-level, statically strong typed scripting language, designed to be fast as embeddable ‘scripting’ language for C++ performance critical applications like games.
neos neos is a cross-platform (C++) universal compiler that can theoretically compile any scripting/programming language.
AssetBundle-ContentHasher This tool can be integrated into a build pipeline in order to generate more reliable hashes for AssetBundles using Unity’s built in pipeline.
AddressablesServices A set of classes to convert Unity Addressables callbacks/coroutine workflow to async/await with UniTask.
Addler Preloading, Pooling, Lifetime Management for Unity Addressable Asset System.
AutoUpdate The World’s First Universal Mod Loader for Unity Games that is Compatible with both Il2Cpp and Mono (The approach for this is taken from that used by Unreal’s Gameplay Ability System, but implemented in Unity using the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) where possible.) (skill system for unity , 思路 技能描述文件如下 skill(1000) //技能1 { FaceToTarget(0) PlayAnimation(1,Skill_1) Bullet(1.3,Bullet,7) PlayEffect(0,Explode8,3) })
GASDocumentation My understanding of Unreal Engine 4’s GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.
TexturePanner This shader is a glorified texture panner, with a few extra features oriented towards adding variety. By getting creative with mesh geometry and textures, we can achieve a wide range of results
ScriptableObjectCollection The ScriptableObjectCollection exists to help you deal with scriptable objects without losing your sanity! Its a set of tools that will make your life a lot easier.
unity-atoms - Tiny modular pieces utilizing the power of Scriptable Objects
Scriptable-Framework - A Unity Framework for modular app creation based on ScriptableObject architecture, data oriented design and event driven programming to help programmers and designers adhere to the 5 SOLID programming principals.
yaSingleton - A singleton pattern implementation for Unity3d. Based on ScriptableObjects instead of the conventional MonoBehaviour approach.
ScriptableObject-Architecture - Makes using Scriptable Objects as a fundamental part of your architecture in Unity super easy
GenericScriptableObjects This package allows to create and use generic ScriptableObjects in Unity3D. Although generic serializable classes are now supported by Unity 2020, generic ScriptableObject and MonoBehaviour are not yet, and this plugin allows to overcome this limitation.
Unity-ECS-Job-System-SPH Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation) in Unity, comparing singlethread and ECS/Job
System performances.
EntitiesBT - Behavior Tree for Unity ECS (DOTS) framework
Latios-Framework The packages contained in this repository are packages built upon Unity DOTS which I use for my own personal hobbyist game development
dmotion DMotion - A high level Animation Framework for Unity DOTS
meshlab MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured large 3D triangular meshes
libigl libigl - A simple C++ geometry processing library
Open3D Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
meshoptimizer Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render
trimesh Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.
meshio There are various mesh formats available for representing unstructured meshes. meshio can read and write all of the following and smoothly converts between them
MeshBoolean Make Boolean Operator on Mesh. In Unity.
Open3D Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing