实例化对象 let p = new person("" , )
- export default {}
- class Person {
- // 字段
- name: string
- age: number
- // 构造函数
- constructor(name: string, age: number) {
- = name
- this.age = age
- }
- // 函数
- setHello(): void {
- console.log(`我叫${}我今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- let q = new Person("张三", 23)
- console.log(q);
- export default {}
- class Person {
- // 字段
- name: string
- age: number
- // 构造函数
- constructor(name: string, age: number) {
- = name
- this.age = age
- }
- // 函数
- setHello(): void {
- console.log(`我叫${}我今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- // let q = new Person("张三", 23)
- // console.log(q);
- // q.setHello()
- class Zilei extends Person {
- // 字段
- score: string
- // 构造函数
- constructor(name: string, age: number, score: string) {
- super(name, age)
- this.score = score
- }
- // 函数
- set(): void {
- // 父级的函数
- // super.setHello()
- // 重写父类的方法
- console.log(`我叫${}我今年${this.age},我考了${this.score}`);
- }
- }
- let w = new Zilei("张四", 23, "甲")
- w.set()
static 与 instanceof
- export default {}
- class Fn {
- static salary: string = "张三"
- static say(): void {
- console.log(`我叫${this.salary}`);
- }
- }
- Fn.say()
- class Person { }
- let p = new Person()
- let b = p instanceof Person;
- console.log("p是Person实例化出来的吗?", b);
- class Student extends Person { }
- let s = new Student();
- let d = s instanceof Person;
- console.log("s是Person实例化出来的吗?", d);
- export default {}
- class Person {
- // 字段
- public name: string
- protected age: number
- private sex: string
- // 构造函数
- constructor(name: string, age: number, sex: string) {
- = name
- this.age = age
- = sex
- }
- // 函数
- setHello(): void {
- console.log(`我叫${}我性别${}今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- let q = new Person("张三", 23, "男")
- q.setHello()
- class Zilei extends Person {
- // 字段
- score: string
- // 构造函数
- constructor(name: string, age: number, sex: string, score: string) {
- super(name, age, sex)
- this.score = score
- }
- // 函数
- set(): void {
- console.log(;
- console.log(this.age);
- // console.log(; //因为上面是私有属性 不能使用继承所以报错
- console.log(this.score);
- }
- }
- let w = new Zilei("张四", 23, "男", "甲")
- w.set()
- export default {}
- class Print {
- // readonly 只读属性必须在声明时
- readonly str1: string = "我是声明 时赋的值"
- readonly str2: string
- readonly str3: string
- readonly str4: string
- readonly str5: string
- readonly str6: string
- constructor(str2: string, str3: string, str4: string, str5: string, str6: string) {
- this.str2 = str2
- this.str3 = str3
- this.str4 = str4
- this.str5 = str5
- this.str6 = str6
- }
- }
- let str = new Print("嗡嗡嗡", "哇哇哇", "呜呜呜", "喂喂喂", "我我我")
- console.log(str);
get 读取字段 set 对字段进行修改
- export default {}
- class Name {
- // 私有的字段
- private myName: string = "张三"
- // 读取字段的值 取值
- get fullName() {
- console.log("get");
- return this.myName;
- }
- // 为字段赋值 (修改)
- set fullName(newName: string) {
- // console.log("set");
- this.myName = newName
- }
- }
- let n = new Name()
- n.fullName = "赵四" //修改赋值
- console.log(n); //修改
- // console.log(n.fullName); //取值
抽象类(抽象 成员)
抽象类专门用于定义那些不希望被外界 直接创建的类的
- export default {}
- // 父类
- abstract class Fn {
- abstract name: string
- abstract age: number
- abstract show(): string
- // void 没有返回值
- strNname(): void {
- console.log("我叫张三");
- }
- }
- // 子类
- class Str extends Fn {
- name: string = "张三"
- age: number = 34
- show() {
- return "我是赵四"
- }
- }
- let s = new Str()
- let q =
- console.log(q);
- export default {}
- // 接口
- interface Fu {
- name: string
- age: number
- sex: string
- show(): void
- }
- // 接口
- interface Xiong {
- each: string
- }
- // 类
- // 类继承一个接口 implements
- class Zi implements Fu, Xiong {
- name: string = "张三";
- age: number = 32;
- sex: string = "男";
- each: string = "吃饭";
- show() {
- console.log(`我叫${}今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- let n = new Zi()
继承一个类 同时可以继承一个接口
- export default {}
- // 接口
- interface Fu {
- name: string
- age: number
- sex: string
- show(): void
- }
- // 接口
- interface Xiong {
- each: string
- }
- // 类
- // 类继承一个接口 implements
- class Zi implements Fu, Xiong {
- name: string = "张三";
- age: number = 32;
- sex: string = "男";
- each: string = "吃饭";
- show() {
- console.log(`我叫${}今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- let n = new Zi()
- // 接口继承一个类
- interface Lei extends Zi {
- // name:string = "ss" 类不可以赋值
- name: string
- }
- // 继承一个 类 同时可以继承一个接口
- class Star extends Zi implements Lei {
- name: string = "张四"
- age: number = 12;
- sex: string = "男";
- each: string = "吃不饱";
- }
- let p = new Star()
- console.log(;
- export default {}
- class Fu {
- name: string = "张三"
- age: number = 34
- constructor() {
- console.log(`我叫${}我今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- class Zi extends Fu {
- name: string = "张四"
- age: number = 54
- constructor() {
- super()
- console.log(`我叫${}今年${this.age}`);
- }
- }
- let s = new Zi
- export default {}
- // 简单的数组
- // const arr: string[] = ["嗡嗡嗡", "喂喂喂", "呜呜呜"]
- // console.log(arr);
- // const arr1: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- // console.log(arr1);
- // const arr2: Array
= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - // console.log(arr2);
- // const arr3: Array
= ["嗡嗡嗡", "喂喂喂", "呜呜呜"] - // console.log(arr3);
- // let arrArray = (value: number, item: number): number[] => {
- // return new Array(item).fill(value)
- // }
- // let arr4 = arrArray(1, 3)
- // console.log(arr4);
- let arrArray =
(value: T, item: number): T[] => { - return new Array(item).fill(value)
- }
- let arr4 = arrArray("sss", 3)
- console.log(arr4);
- export default {}
- // function Get
(e:T):T{ - // console.log(e.length); //类型“T”上不存在属性“length”。
- // return e
- // }
- // function Get
(e: Array): Array { - // console.log(e.length);
- // return e
- // }
- // // Get("ss") //类型“string”的参数不能赋给类型“unknown[]”的参数。
- // Get(["sss","sss","ss"])
- // Get([1,2,3,4])
- interface Len {
- length: number
- }
- // 通过继承接口的方式来 加上length
- function Ger
extends Len>(e: T): T { - return e
- }
- Ger("ss")
- Ger(["sss", "sss", "ss"])
- Ger([1, 2, 3, 4])
将泛型与接口结合起来使用,可以大大简化我们的代码,增强 我们 的代码的可读性
- export default {}
- // interface Iperson
{ - // name: T1
- // age: T2
- // }
- // let Name: Iperson
= { - // name: "张三",
- // age: 34
- // }
- // 简写
- interface Iperson<T1 = string, T2 = number> {
- name: string
- age: number
- }
- let Name: Iperson = {
- name: "张三",
- age: 34
- }
- export default {}
- class Arr<T1, T2>{
- // 字段 (属性)
- name: T1
- age: T2
- sex: T1
- // 构造函数
- constructor(name: T1, age: T2, sex: T1) {
- = name
- this.age = age
- = sex
- }
- }
- // 实例化对象
- let q = new Arr
("李四", 19, "男") - console.log(q);
- export default {}
- // 任何类型都可以赋值给unknown类型
- let Mytype1: unknown;
- Mytype1 = "李四";
- Mytype1 = true;
- Mytype1 = 34
- // 不能将unknown类型赋值给其他类型
- let Mytype2: unknown = 18;
- let num: number;
- // 类型缩小
- if (typeof Mytype2 == "number") {
- num = Mytype2
- }
- // 类型断言
- num = Mytype2 as number
- // Mytype2 = num //报错 不能将unknown类型赋值给其他类型
- // unknown 类型与其他类型组成的交叉类型都是其他类型
- type Mytype3 = unknown & number
- let number: Mytype3 = 34
- // let number1:Mytype3="ss" //报错 他会变成 数字类型number
- // unknown 除了与any之外 与其他类型组合的联合类型都是unknown类型
- type Mytype4 = unknown | any
- type Mytype5 = unknown | number
- type Mytype6 = unknown | number | string
- // never类型是unknown类型的子类型
- type Mytype7 = never extends unknown ? true : false
- export default {}
- // Map类型
- let nameMap = new Map()
- // 设置Map对象
- nameMap.set("李四", 1)
- nameMap.set("王五", 2)
- nameMap.set("老六", 3)
- // 获取对象的键值
- // console.log(nameMap.get("李四")); //1
- // 判断Map里面是否包含键对应的值
- // console.log(nameMap.has("李四")); //true
- // 判断Map键对应值的数量
- // console.log(nameMap.size); //3
- // 判断一处Map里面所有的键值对
- // nameMap.clear()
- // console.log(nameMap); //Map(0) {}
- // // 迭代Map里面的key
- // for (const key of nameMap.keys()) {
- // console.log(key); //李四 王五 老六
- // }
- // // 迭代Map里面的value
- // for (const value of nameMap.values()) {
- // console.log(value); //1 2 3
- // }
- // 迭代Map中的key=>value
- for (const entry of nameMap.entries()) {
- console.log(entry);
- }
- // 适用对象解析
- for (const [key, value] of nameMap) {
- console.log(key, value);
- }
- export default {}
- type Mytype
= T extends string ? string : any - type res = Mytype
- interface IName {
- name: string
- }
- interface TAge {
- name: number
- }
- type Condition
= T extends string ? IName : TAge -
- function reLoad
extends number | string>(idOrNmae: T): Condition { - throw ""
- }
- let res1 = reLoad("三十三")
- let res2 = reLoad(34)
- console.log(res1);
- console.log(res2);
- export default {}
- type Name = "person" | "animal"
- type Person = {
- name: string
- age: number
- }
- type NewType = Record<Name, Person>;
- let res: NewType =
- {
- person: {
- name: "富兰克林",
- age: 16
- },
- animal: {
- name: "小查",
- age: 3
- }
- }
- console.log(res);
- interface TPerson {
- name: string
- age: number
- }
- type Mytype = Pick<TPerson, "name">
- let res2: Mytype = {
- name: "崔弗"
- }
1.要先修改 tsconfig.json文件
- export default {}
- function fn(constructure: any) {
- = "李四"
- = () => {
- console.log(`我叫${}`);
- }
- }
- @fn
- class Person {
- }
- let n = new Person();
- (n as any).show();
- console.log((n as any).name);
- export default {}
- function fn(flag: boolean) {
- if (flag) {
- return function (constructure: any) {
- = "李四"
- = (): void => {
- console.log(`我叫${}`);
- }
- }
- } else {
- return function (constructure: any) {
- = (): void => {
- console.log("hello world");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @fn(false)
- class Person {
- }
- let n = new Person();
- (n as any).show();
- // console.log((n as any).name);
作用:解决TS中继承一次只能 继承一个类的问题
- export default {}
- let str = { name: "李四" };
- let num = { age: 34 };
- // Object.assign(str, num);
- // console.log(str);
- // console.log(num);
- Object.assign(num, str);
- console.log(str);
- console.log(num);
- import Text = require("./muduleText")
- class Person implements Text.str {
- name = "李四"
- age = 34
- sex = "男"
- show() {
- console.log(`他叫${}今年${this.age}岁性别${}`);
- }
- }
- var p = new Person()
- console.log(p);
- // 直接在公共ts里面赋值 在这里引用
- import { nae } from "./muduleText";
- console.log(nae);
- export interface str {
- name: string
- age: number
- sex: string
- show(): void
- }
- export let nae = { uname: "王五" }
在TS1.5之前被 叫做内部模块主要用于组织代码,避免命名冲突
- namespace A {
- export const a = 100
- export namespace B {
- export const b = 200
- }
- }
- namespace Q {
- export const a = 100
- export namespace B {
- const b = 200
- }
- }
- // 1
- console.log(A.a); //100
- // 简化命名空间
- import b = A.B.b
- console.log(b); //100
- // 3
- import { W } from "./namespaceText";
- console.log(W.w);
- export namespace W {
- export const w = 10000;
- }