I’ve decided to go on a compiler writing journey. In the past I’ve written some
assemblers, and
I’ve written a simple compiler
for a typeless language. But I’ve never written a compiler that can compile
itself. So that’s where I’m headed on this journey.
As part of the process, I’m going to write up my work so that others can
follow along. This will also help me to clarify my thoughts and ideas.
Hopefully you, and I, will find this useful!
Here are my goals, and non-goals, for the journey:
The choice of a target language is difficult. If I choose a high-level
language like Python, Go etc., then I’ll have to implement a whole pile
of libraries and classes as they are built-in to the language.
I could write a compiler for a language like Lisp, but these can be
done easily.
Instead, I’ve fallen back on the old standby and I’m going to write a
compiler for a subset of C, enough to allow the compiler to compile
C is just a step up from assembly language (for some subset of C, not
C18), and this
will help make the task of compiling the C code down to assembly somewhat
easier. Oh, and I also like C.
The job of a compiler is to translate input in one language (usually
a high-level language) into a different output language (usually a
lower-level language than the input). The main steps are:
is different==
, so you can’t just read a single =
. We call these lexical if (x < 23) {
print("x is smaller than 23\n");
but in another language you might write:
if (x < 23):
print("x is smaller than 23\n")
This is also the place where the compiler can detect syntax errors, like if
the semicolon was missing on the end of the first print statement.
. David ate lovely bananas.
Jennifer hates green tomatoes.
There’s a lot of compiler resources out on the Internet. Here are the ones
I’ll be looking at.
If you want to start with some books, papers and tools on compilers,
I’d highly recommend this list:
While I’m going to build my own compiler, I plan on looking at other compilers
for ideas and probably also borrow some of their code. Here are the ones
I’m looking at:
In particular, I’ll be using a lot of the ideas, and some of the code,
from the SubC compiler.
Assuming that you want to come along on this journey, here’s what you’ll
need. I’m going to use a Linux development environment, so download and
set up your favourite Linux system: I’m using Lubuntu 18.04.
I’m going to target two hardware platforms: Intel x86-64 and 32-bit ARM.
I’ll use a PC running Lubuntu 18.04 as the Intel target, and a Raspberry
Pi running Raspbian as the ARM target.
On the Intel platform, we are going to need an existing C compiler.
So, install this package (I give the Ubuntu/Debian commands):
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
If there are any more tools required for a vanilla Linux
system, let me know.
Finally, clone a copy of this Github repository.
In the next part of our compiler writing journey, we will start with
the code to scan our input file and find the tokens that are the
lexical elements of our language.
#ifndef extern_
#define extern_ extern
// Global variables
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
// Global variables
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
extern_ int Line;
extern_ int Putback;
extern_ FILE* Infile;
// Function prototypes for all compiler files
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
int scan(struct token* t);
// Structure and enum definitions
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
// Structure and enum definitions
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
// Tokens
// 扫描得到的令牌类别
// 加、减、乘、除、整数
enum {
+ 四个基本数学运算符:`*`、`/`、`+` 和 `-`
+ 具有 1 个或多个数字的十进制整数 `0` .. `9`
// 令牌结构体
// Token structure
struct token {
int token;
int intvalue;
#include "defs.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "decl.h"
// Lexical scanning
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
// Lexical scanning
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
由 `next()` 函数完成*/
// Return the position of character c
// in string s, or -1 if c not found
static int chrpos(char* s, int c) {
char* p;
p = strchr(s, c);
return (p ? p - s : -1);
// Get the next character from the input file.
static int next(void) {
int c;
if (Putback) { // Use the character put
c = Putback; // back if there is one
Putback = 0;
return c;
c = fgetc(Infile); // Read from input file
if ('\n' == c)
Line++; // Increment line count
return c;
// Put back an unwanted character
static void putback(int c) {
Putback = c;
// Skip past input that we don't need to deal with,
// i.e. whitespace, newlines. Return the first
// character we do need to deal with.
static int skip(void) {
int c;
c = next();
while (' ' == c || '\t' == c || '\n' == c || '\r' == c || '\f' == c) {
c = next();
return (c);
// Scan and return an integer literal
// value from the input file. Store
// the value as a string in Text.
static int scanint(int c) {
int k, val = 0;
// Convert each character into an int value
while ((k = chrpos("0123456789", c)) >= 0) {
val = val * 10 + k;
c = next();
// We hit a non-integer character, put it back.
return val;
// 扫描并返回在输入中找到的下一个标记。
// 如果令牌有效,则返回 1,如果没有令牌,则返回 0。
// Scan and return the next token found in the input.
// Return 1 if token valid, 0 if no tokens left.
int scan(struct token* t) {
int c;
// Skip whitespace
c = skip();
// Determine the token based on
// the input character
switch (c) {
case EOF:
return (0);
case '+':
t->token = T_PLUS;
case '-':
t->token = T_MINUS;
case '*':
t->token = T_STAR;
case '/':
t->token = T_SLASH;
// If it's a digit, scan the
// literal integer value in
if (isdigit(c)) {
t->intvalue = scanint(c);
t->token = T_INTLIT;
printf("在第%d行无法识别的字符%c\n", Line, c);
// We found a token
return (1);
#include "defs.h"
#define extern_
#include "data.h"
#undef extern_
#include "decl.h"
// Compiler setup and top-level execution
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
// Compiler setup and top-level execution
// Copyright (c) 2019 Warren Toomey, GPL3
// Initialise global variables
static void init() {
Line = 1;
Putback = '\n';
// Print out a usage if started incorrectly
static void usage(char* prog) {
fprintf(stderr, "使用示例: %s 输入文件名\n", prog);
// List of printable tokens
char* tokstr[] = { "+", "-", "*", "/", "intlit" };
// Loop scanning in all the tokens in the input file.
// Print out details of each token found.
static void scanfile() {
struct token T;
while (scan(&T)) {
printf("Token %s", tokstr[T.token]);
if (T.token == T_INTLIT)
printf(", value %d", T.intvalue);
// Main program: check arguments and print a usage
// if we don't have an argument. Open up the input
// file and call scanfile() to scan the tokens in it.
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2)
if ((Infile = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "不能打开 %s: %s\n", argv[1], strerror(errno));
2 + 3 * 5 - 8 / 3
13 -6+ 4*
08 / 3
12 34 + -56 * / - - 8 + * 2
23 +
18 -
45.6 * 2
/ 18
23 * 456abcdefg
[root@zlzlinux zlz]#
[root@zlzlinux zlz]#
[root@zlzlinux zlz]# cd c
[root@zlzlinux c]# ls
00_Introduction 09_While_Loops 18_Lvalues_Revisited 27_Testing_Errors 36_Break_Continue 45_Globals_Again 54_Reg_Spills 63_QBE
01_Scanner 10_For_Loops 19_Arrays_pt1 28_Runtime_Flags 37_Switch 46_Void_Functions 55_Lazy_Evaluation LICENSE
02_Parser 11_Functions_pt1 20_Char_Str_Literals 29_Refactoring 38_Dangling_Else 47_Sizeof 56_Local_Arrays
03_Precedence 12_Types_pt1 21_More_Operators 30_Design_Composites 39_Var_Initialisation_pt1 48_Static 57_Mop_up_pt3
04_Assembly 13_Functions_pt2 22_Design_Locals 31_Struct_Declarations 40_Var_Initialisation_pt2 49_Ternary 58_Ptr_Increments
05_Statements 14_ARM_Platform 23_Local_Variables 32_Struct_Access_pt1 41_Local_Var_Init 50_Mop_up_pt1 59_WDIW_pt1
06_Variables 15_Pointers_pt1 24_Function_Params 33_Unions 42_Casting 51_Arrays_pt2 60_TripleTest
07_Comparisons 16_Global_Vars 25_Function_Arguments 34_Enums_and_Typedefs 43_More_Operators 52_Pointers_pt2 61_What_Next
08_If_Statements 17_Scaling_Offsets 26_Prototypes 35_Preprocessor 44_Fold_Optimisation 53_Mop_up_pt2 62_Cleanup
[root@zlzlinux c]# cd 01_Scanner/
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ls
data.h decl.h defs.h input01 input02 input03 input04 input05 main.c Makefile scan.c
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# make
cc -o scanner -g main.c scan.c
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ls
data.h decl.h defs.h input01 input02 input03 input04 input05 main.c Makefile scan.c scanner
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ./scanner input01
Token intlit, value 2
Token +
Token intlit, value 3
Token *
Token intlit, value 5
Token -
Token intlit, value 8
Token /
Token intlit, value 3
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# cat input01
2 + 3 * 5 - 8 / 3
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ./scanner input02
Token intlit, value 13
Token -
Token intlit, value 6
Token +
Token intlit, value 4
Token *
Token intlit, value 5
Token +
Token intlit, value 8
Token /
Token intlit, value 3
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ./scanner input03
Token intlit, value 12
Token intlit, value 34
Token +
Token -
Token intlit, value 56
Token *
Token /
Token -
Token -
Token intlit, value 8
Token +
Token *
Token intlit, value 2
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ./scanner input04
Token intlit, value 23
Token +
Token intlit, value 18
Token -
Token intlit, value 45
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# cat input04
23 +
18 -
45.6 * 2
/ 18
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ./scanner input04
Token intlit, value 23
Token +
Token intlit, value 18
Token -
Token intlit, value 45
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# cat input04
23 +
18 -
45.6 * 2
/ 18
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]# ./scanner input05
Token intlit, value 23
Token *
Token intlit, value 456
[root@zlzlinux 01_Scanner]#