Android Studio :4.2.1
a、集成max SDK 的更新
b、其他中介平台组加入(我这边加入了 google admob 和Mintegral和Pangle 三个中介平台)
c、Applovin key 添加,其他部分根据需求一般保持不变
d、Android 配置设置
按以上文档接入,需要注意 以上已经接入了google admob的sdk,所以Firebase sdk里面的google部分会冲突,所以冲突部分不需要导入
设置完所有平台和其他插件后Force Resolve 下,就会下载所需的.arr文件
- using System.Collections;
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System;
- public class ServicesManager_MAX : MonoBehaviour
- {
- public static ServicesManager_MAX instance { get; set; }
- public bool openShowOpenAD = true;
- public bool openShowBanner = false;
- public string appIDAndroid;
- public string appOpenIDAndroid;
- public string bannerIDAndroid;
- public string interstitialID;
- public string rewardedVideoAdsID;
- bool isRewardAdded;
- [Header("IOS")]
- public string appIDIos;
- public string appOpenIDIos;
- public string bannerIDIos;
- public string interstitialIDIos;
- public string rewardedVideoAdsIDIos;
- private string sdkKey;
- private string appOpenID;
- private string bannerID;
- private string InterstitialsID;
- private string VideoID;
- private void Awake()
- {
- if (instance == null)
- {
- instance = this;
- DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject);
- }
- else
- {
- GameObject.Destroy(this.gameObject);
- }
- }
- #if ADS_MAX
- void Start()
- {
- Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
- if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
- {
- sdkKey = appIDIos;
- bannerID = bannerIDIos;
- InterstitialsID = interstitialIDIos;
- VideoID = rewardedVideoAdsIDIos;
- }
- else
- {
- sdkKey = appIDAndroid;
- bannerID = bannerIDAndroid;
- InterstitialsID = interstitialID;
- VideoID = rewardedVideoAdsID;
- }
- //---test--start--测试id
- // sdkKey = "ENTER_MAX_SDK_KEY_HERE";
- //
- // VideoID ="ca-app-pub-ENTER_REWARD_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE/5224354917";
- //
- //---test---end-
- InitMAX();
- }
- void InitMAX()
- {
- MaxSdkCallbacks.OnSdkInitializedEvent += (MaxSdkBase.SdkConfiguration sdkConfiguration) =>
- {
- if (sdkConfiguration.ConsentDialogState == MaxSdkBase.ConsentDialogState.Applies)
- {
- //MaxSdk.SetHasUserConsent(true);
- //MaxSdk.SetHasUserConsent(false);
- // Show user consent dialog
- //MaxSdk.UserService.ShowConsentDialog();
- }
- else if (sdkConfiguration.ConsentDialogState == MaxSdkBase.ConsentDialogState.DoesNotApply)
- {
- // No need to show consent dialog, proceed with initialization
- }
- else
- {
- // Consent dialog state is unknown. Proceed with initialization, but check if the consent
- // dialog should be shown on the next application initialization
- }
- // AppLovin SDK is initialized, start loading ads
- InitAD();
- CheckFirebase();
- };
- MaxSdk.SetSdkKey(sdkKey);
- //MaxSdk.SetUserId("USER_ID");
- MaxSdk.InitializeSdk();
- //MaxSdk.InitializeSdk(new[] { "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID_1", "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID_2" });
- //MaxSdk.SetVerboseLogging(true);
- }
- void InitAD()
- {
- if (openShowBanner)
- {
- InitializeBannerAds();
- }
- if (openShowOpenAD)
- {
- InitializeOpenAd();
- }
- //
- Invoke("InitializeInterstitialAds", 0.5f);
- Invoke("InitializeRewardedAds", 1f);
- }
- void CheckFirebase()
- {
- Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
- {
- var dependencyStatus = task.Result;
- if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
- {
- // Create and hold a reference to your FirebaseApp,
- // where app is a Firebase.FirebaseApp property of your application class.
- //app = Firebase.FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
- // Set a flag here to indicate whether Firebase is ready to use by your app.
- Debug.Log("Create and hold a reference to your FirebaseApp");
- }
- else
- {
- UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(System.String.Format(
- "Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: {0}", dependencyStatus));
- // Firebase Unity SDK is not safe to use here.
- }
- });
- }
- #endif
- private void Update()
- {
- AdOpenTime += Time.deltaTime;
- }
- //-----------------------------------横幅---------------------------------------------
- #if ADS_MAX
- public void InitializeBannerAds()
- {
- // Banners are automatically sized to 320×50 on phones and 728×90 on tablets
- // You may call the utility method MaxSdkUtils.isTablet() to help with view sizing adjustments
- MaxSdk.CreateBanner(bannerID, MaxSdkBase.BannerPosition.TopCenter);
- //MaxSdk.SetBannerExtraParameter(bannerAdUnitId, "adaptive_banner", "true")
- // Set background or background color for banners to be fully functional
- MaxSdk.SetBannerBackgroundColor(bannerID,new Color(1,1,1,0));
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Banner.OnAdLoadedEvent += OnBannerAdLoadedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Banner.OnAdLoadFailedEvent += OnBannerAdLoadFailedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Banner.OnAdClickedEvent += OnBannerAdClickedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Banner.OnAdRevenuePaidEvent += OnBannerAdRevenuePaidEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Banner.OnAdExpandedEvent += OnBannerAdExpandedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Banner.OnAdCollapsedEvent += OnBannerAdCollapsedEvent;
- }
- private void OnBannerAdLoadedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- //Invoke("ShowBannerAdmob", 1);
- ShowBannerAdmob("", "");
- }
- private void OnBannerAdLoadFailedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo) {}
- private void OnBannerAdClickedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) {}
- private void OnBannerAdRevenuePaidEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) {}
- private void OnBannerAdExpandedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) {}
- private void OnBannerAdCollapsedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) {}
- #endif
- public void ShowBannerAdmob(string eventName, object data)
- {
- Debug.Log("ShowBannerAdmob loaded succesfully");
- #if ADS_MAX
- MaxSdk.ShowBanner(bannerID);
- #endif
- }
- public void HideBanner()
- {
- #if ADS_MAX
- MaxSdk.HideBanner(bannerID);
- #endif
- }
- //-----------------------------------自制开屏(用插屏当开屏)---------------------------------------------
- #if ADS_MAX
- bool isOnceOpenAd = false;
- void InitializeOpenAd()
- {
- isOnceOpenAd = true;
- }
- #endif
- //-----------------------------------插页---------------------------------------------
- #if ADS_MAX
- int retryAttemptInterstitial;
- DateTime lastNow = DateTime.Now;
- public void InitializeInterstitialAds()
- {
- // Attach callback
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdLoadedEvent += OnInterstitialLoadedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdLoadFailedEvent += OnInterstitialLoadFailedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdDisplayedEvent += OnInterstitialDisplayedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdClickedEvent += OnInterstitialClickedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdHiddenEvent += OnInterstitialHiddenEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdDisplayFailedEvent += OnInterstitialAdFailedToDisplayEvent;
- // Load the first interstitial
- LoadInterstitial();
- }
- private void LoadInterstitial()
- {
- MaxSdk.LoadInterstitial(InterstitialsID);
- }
- private void OnInterstitialLoadedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Interstitial ad is ready for you to show. MaxSdk.IsInterstitialReady(adUnitId) now returns 'true'
- // Reset retry attempt
- retryAttemptInterstitial = 0;
- DateTime newTime = DateTime.Now;
- TimeSpan ts1 = new TimeSpan(lastNow.Ticks);
- TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(newTime.Ticks);
- TimeSpan tsSub = ts1.Subtract(ts2).Duration();
- if (tsSub.TotalSeconds < 5 && isOnceOpenAd)
- {
- Debug.Log("OpenAd loaded succesfully");
- isOnceOpenAd = false;
- ShowInterstitialAdmob("ShowInterstitialAdmob", "");
- }
- }
- private void OnInterstitialLoadFailedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo)
- {
- // Interstitial ad failed to load
- // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays, up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds)
- print("OnInterstitialLoadFailedEvent Name: " + errorInfo.WaterfallInfo.Name + " and Test Name: " + errorInfo.WaterfallInfo.TestName);
- retryAttemptInterstitial++;
- double retryDelay = Math.Pow(2, Math.Min(6, retryAttemptInterstitial));
- Invoke("LoadInterstitial", (float)retryDelay);
- }
- private void OnInterstitialDisplayedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) { }
- private void OnInterstitialAdFailedToDisplayEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Interstitial ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad.
- LoadInterstitial();
- }
- private void OnInterstitialClickedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) { }
- private void OnInterstitialHiddenEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Interstitial ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad.
- LoadInterstitial();
- }
- #endif
- //带回掉的展示插屏
- public void ShowInterstitialAdmob(string eventName, object data)
- {
- #if ADS_MAX
- click = (System.Action)data;
- if (MaxSdk.IsInterstitialReady(InterstitialsID))
- {
- Debug.Log("Interstitial was loaded succesfully! interstialId=" + InterstitialsID[0]);
- MaxSdk.ShowInterstitial(InterstitialsID);
- }
- else
- {
- Debug.Log("Interstitial Loding " + InterstitialsID);
- }
- #endif
- }
- //限制时间的回掉插屏
- float AdOpenTime = 120f;
- public void ShowInterstitialAdmobTime(string eventName, object data)
- {
- if (AdOpenTime < (int)data)
- {
- return;
- }
- #if ADS_MAX
- click = null;
- if (MaxSdk.IsInterstitialReady(InterstitialsID))
- {
- AdOpenTime = 0;
- Debug.Log("Interstitial was loaded succesfully! interstialId=" + InterstitialsID[0]);
- MaxSdk.ShowInterstitial(InterstitialsID);
- }
- else
- {
- Debug.Log("Interstitial Loding " + InterstitialsID);
- }
- #endif
- }
- //-----------------------------------激励视频---------------------------------------------
- #if ADS_MAX
- System.Action click;
- int retryAttemptRewarded=0;
- public void InitializeRewardedAds()
- {
- // Attach callback
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdLoadedEvent += OnRewardedAdLoadedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdLoadFailedEvent += OnRewardedAdLoadFailedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdDisplayedEvent += OnRewardedAdDisplayedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdClickedEvent += OnRewardedAdClickedEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdRevenuePaidEvent += OnRewardedAdRevenuePaidEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdHiddenEvent += OnRewardedAdHiddenEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdDisplayFailedEvent += OnRewardedAdFailedToDisplayEvent;
- MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdReceivedRewardEvent += OnRewardedAdReceivedRewardEvent;
- // Load the first rewarded ad
- LoadRewardedAd();
- }
- private void LoadRewardedAd()
- {
- MaxSdk.LoadRewardedAd(VideoID[0]);
- }
- private void OnRewardedAdLoadedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Rewarded ad is ready for you to show. MaxSdk.IsRewardedAdReady(adUnitId) now returns 'true'.
- // Reset retry attempt
- retryAttemptRewarded = 0;
- }
- private void OnRewardedAdLoadFailedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo)
- {
- // Rewarded ad failed to load
- // AppLovin recommends that you retry with exponentially higher delays, up to a maximum delay (in this case 64 seconds).
- retryAttemptRewarded++;
- double retryDelay = Math.Pow(2, Math.Min(6, retryAttemptRewarded));
- Invoke("LoadRewardedAd", (float)retryDelay);
- }
- private void OnRewardedAdDisplayedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) { }
- private void OnRewardedAdFailedToDisplayEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Rewarded ad failed to display. AppLovin recommends that you load the next ad.
- LoadRewardedAd();
- }
- private void OnRewardedAdClickedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) { }
- private void OnRewardedAdHiddenEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Rewarded ad is hidden. Pre-load the next ad
- LoadRewardedAd();
- }
- private void OnRewardedAdReceivedRewardEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdk.Reward reward, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- if (click != null)
- {
- click();
- }
- // The rewarded ad displayed and the user should receive the reward.
- }
- private void OnRewardedAdRevenuePaidEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)
- {
- // Ad revenue paid. Use this callback to track user revenue.
- }
- #endif
- ///
- /// 展示视频广告
- ///
- /// 标签页
- /// 奖励回掉
- /// 失败回掉
- public void ShowRewardedAd(string eventName, object data)
- {
- #if ADS_MAX
- click = (System.Action)data;
- isRewardAdded = false;
- if (MaxSdk.IsRewardedAdReady(VideoID))
- {
- AdOpenTime = 0;
- Debug.Log("Rewarded was loaded succesfully! " + VideoID);
- MaxSdk.ShowRewardedAd(VideoID);
- }else
- {
- Debug.Log("Rewarded Loding " + VideoID);
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0.
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62 actionable tasks: 62 executed
android studio 中显示如下的错误:
Android Gradle 插件版本说明 | Android 开发者 | Android Developers
解决方案:我这边用的是 插件版本4.1.1 gradle 版本6.5
Gradle Distributions 版本下载https://services.gradle.org/distributions/下载gradle-6.5-all.zip
下载完成后,我们需要把解压出来的gradle文件中的lib文件复制替换到你使用的unity对应位置,如D:\Program Files\2019.4.40f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Tools\gradle中的lib
在发布设置中勾选 base gradle Template
将 Plugins 中Android 中的baseProjectTemplate 中 classpath 修改成 4.1.1(根据你下载gradle 版本对应的插件版本)
方案2、导出安卓工程在 android studio 中设置版本