Material UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design.
It includes a comprehensive collection of prebuilt components that are ready for use in production right out of the box.
Material UI is beautiful by design and features a suite of customization options that make it easy to implement your own custom design system on top of our components.
Material UI是一个开源的React组件库,实现了Google的材质设计。
Material UI设计美观,具有一套定制选项,可在我们的组件之上轻松实现您自己的定制设计系统。
跨团队协作:Material UI直观的开发人员体验减少了后端开发人员和技术较少的设计师进入的障碍,使团队能够更有效地协作。设计套件简化了您的工作流程,提高了设计人员和开发人员之间的一致性。
受到数千家组织的信任:Material UI在React生态系统中拥有最大的UI社区。它的历史可以追溯到2014年,我们将长期参与其中。您可以在未来几年依靠社区的支持(例如,堆栈溢出)。
- import React, { Suspense } from 'react'
- import { connect } from 'react-redux'
- import { withRouter, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'
- import { Tabs, Tab, Box } from '@mui/material'
- import useList from './useList'
- import { Loading } from '../../../../components/light'
- import { SinglePageHeader } from '../../../../components/light'
- import './index.css'
- function Index(props) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- const { routeDom, filterRouteArr, tabsValue, handleTabsChange } = useList(props)
- return (
- <div>
- <div className="m-single-wrap">
- <div className="m-single-inner">
- <SinglePageHeader>SinglePageHeader>
- <Box sx={{ bgcolor: 'background.paper' }}>
- <Tabs
- value={tabsValue}
- onChange={handleTabsChange}
- variant="scrollable"
- scrollButtons={false}
- // allowScrollButtonsMobile={true}
- // centered={true}
- className="m-mui-tabs"
- >
- {, index) => (<Tab key={index} id={`m-tab-${index}`} label={item.title} />))}
- Tabs>
- Box>
- <Suspense fallback={<Loading isLazyLoading={true}>Loading>}>
- <Switch>{routeDom}Switch>
- Suspense>
- div>
- div>
- div>
- )
- }
- const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
- return {
- collapsed: state.getIn(['light', 'collapsed']),
- }
- }
- const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
- return {
- onSetState(key, value) {
- dispatch({ type: 'SET_LIGHT_STATE', key, value })
- },
- onDispatch(action) {
- dispatch(action)
- },
- }
- }
- export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(withRouter(Index))
- import { useState, useEffect, lazy } from 'react'
- import { Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'
- import Api from '../../../../api'
- export default function useList(props) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- const [groupButton1, setGroupButton1] = useState([])
- const [routeDom, setRouteDom] = useState()
- const [filterRouteArr, setFilterRouteArr] = useState([])
- const [tabsValue, setTabsValue] = useState(0)
- const handleTabsChange = (event, newValue) => {
- setTabsValue(newValue)
- document
- .getElementById(`m-tab-${newValue}`)
- .scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', inline: 'center' })
- }
- useEffect(() => {
- const routeArr = [
- {
- title: '消息私信',
- path: '/h5/single/me/privateMessage',
- component: lazy(() => import('../../single/me/empty/Index')),
- },
- {
- title: '点赞',
- path: '/h5/single/me/like',
- component: lazy(() => import('../../single/me/empty/Index')),
- },
- {
- title: '收藏',
- path: '/h5/single/me/collect',
- component: lazy(() => import('../../single/me/collect/Index')),
- },
- {
- title: '浏览历史',
- path: '/h5/single/me/history',
- component: lazy(() => import('../../single/me/empty/Index')),
- },
- {
- title: '兑换',
- path: '/h5/single/me/exchange',
- component: lazy(() => import('../../single/me/exchange/Index')),
- },
- ]
- const filterRouteArr = routeArr
- .filter(
- (item) =>
- groupButton1.findIndex(
- (groupButton1Item) => groupButton1Item.path === item.path
- ) >= 0
- )
- const routeDom = filterRouteArr
- .map((item) => (
- <Route
- key={item.path}
- path={item.path}
- component={item.component}
- >Route>
- ))
- if (routeDom.length > 0) {
- routeDom.push(
- <Redirect key={'redirect'} from="*" to="/404" exact>Redirect>
- )
- }
- setRouteDom(routeDom)
- setFilterRouteArr(filterRouteArr)
- }, [groupButton1])
- useEffect(() => {
- Api.h5.configGetMeData().then((res) => {
- if (res.code === 200) {
- setGroupButton1(
- }
- })
- // eslint-disable-next-line
- }, [])
- return {
- routeDom,
- filterRouteArr,
- tabsValue,
- handleTabsChange,
- }
- }
- .m-mui-tabs .Mui-selected{color: #f04142!important;}
- .m-mui-tabs .css-1aquho2-MuiTabs-indicator{background-color: #f04142!important;}