“Light makes right.”
—Andrew Glassner
In Chapter 9 we discussed the theory of physically based materials, and how to evaluate them with punctual light sources. With this content we can perform shading computations by simulating how lights interact with surfaces, in order to measure how much radiance is sent in a given direction to our virtual camera. This spectral radiance is the scene-referred pixel color that will be converted (Section 8.2) to the display-referred color a given pixel will have in the final image.
In reality, the interactions that we need to consider are never punctual. We have seen in Section 9.13.1 how, in order to correctly evaluate shading, we have to solve the integral of the surface BRDF response over the entire pixel footprint, which is the projection of the pixel area onto the surface. This process of integration can also be thought as an antialiasing solution. Instead of sampling a shading function that does not have a bound on its frequency components, we pre-integrate.
Up to this point, the effects of only point and directional light sources have been presented, which limits surfaces to receive light from a handful of discrete directions. This description of lighting is incomplete. In reality, surfaces receive light from all incoming directions. Outdoors scenes are not just lit by the sun. If that were true,all surfaces in shadow or facing away from the sun would be black. The sky is an important source of light, caused by sunlight scattering from the atmosphere. The importance of sky light can be seen by looking at a picture of the moon, which lacks sky light because it has no atmosphere. See Figure 10.1.
Figure 10.1. Image taken on the moon, which has no sky light due to the lack of an atmosphere to scatter sunlight. This image shows what a scene looks like when it is lit by only a direct light source. Note the pitch-black shadows and lack of any detail on surfaces facing away from the sun. This photograph shows Astronaut James B. Irwin next to the Lunar Roving Vehicle during the Apollo 15 mission. The shadow in the foreground is from the Lunar Module. Photograph taken by Astronaut David R. Scott, Commander. (Image from NASA’s collection.)
On overcast days, and at dusk or dawn, outdoor lighting is all sky light. Even on a clear day, the sun subtends a cone when seen from the earth, so is not infinitesimally small. Curiously, the sun and the moon both subtend similar angles, around half a degree, despite their enormous size difference—the sun is two orders of magnitude larger in radius than the moon.
In reality, lighting is never punctual. Infinitesimal entities are useful in some situations as cheap approximations, or as building blocks for more complete models.In order to form a more realistic lighting model, we need to integrate the BRDF response over the full hemisphere of incident directions on the surface. In real-time rendering we prefer to solve the integrals that the rendering equation (Section 11.1) entails by finding closed-form solutions or approximations of these. We usually avoid averaging multiple samples (rays), as this approach tends to be much slower. See Figure 10.2.
Figure 10.2. On the left, the integrals we have seen in Chapter 9: surface area and punctual light.On the right, the objective of this chapter will be to extend our shading mathematics to account for the integral over the light surface.
This chapter is dedicated to the exploration of such solutions. In particular, we want to extend our shading model by computing the BRDF with a variety of nonpunctual light sources. Often, in order to find inexpensive solutions (or any at all),we will need to approximate the light emitter, the BRDF, or both. It is important to evaluate the final shading results in a perceptual framework, understanding what elements matter most in the final image and so allocate more effort toward these.
We start this chapter with formulae to integrate analytic area light sources. Such emitters are the principal lights in the scene, responsible for most of the direct lighting intensity,so for these we need to retain all of our chosen material properties. Shadows should be computed for such emitters, as light leaks will result in obvious artifacts.We then investigate ways to represent more general lighting environments, ones that consist of arbitrary distributions over the incoming hemisphere. We typically accept more approximated solutions in these cases. Environment lighting is used for large,complex, but also less intense sources of light. Examples include light scattered from the sky and clouds, indirect light bouncing off large objects in the scene, and dimmer direct area light sources. Such emitters are important for the correct balance of the image that would otherwise appear too dark. Even if we consider the effect of indirect light sources, we are still not in the realm of global illumination (Chapter 11), which depends on the explicit knowledge of other surfaces in the scene.