• Machine learning week 9(Andrew Ng)

    Recommender systems

    1.Collaborative filtering

    1.1 Making recommendations


    1.2 Using per-item features

    Cost function:

    1.3 Collaborative Filtering algorithm

    Predict x feature via the known parameters w w w and b b b
    The cost function is similar to before.

    # Y (4778, 443) R (4778, 443)
    # X (443, 10)
    # W (443, 10)
    # b (1, 443)
    # num_features 10
    # num_movies 4778
    # num_users 443
    def cofi_cost_func(X, W, b, Y, R, lambda_):
        Returns the cost for the content-based filtering
          X (ndarray (num_movies,num_features)): matrix of item features
          W (ndarray (num_users,num_features)) : matrix of user parameters
          b (ndarray (1, num_users)            : vector of user parameters
          Y (ndarray (num_movies,num_users)    : matrix of user ratings of movies
          R (ndarray (num_movies,num_users)    : matrix, where R(i, j) = 1 if the i-th movies was rated by the j-th user
          lambda_ (float): regularization parameter
          J (float) : Cost
        nm, nu = Y.shape
        J = 0
        ### START CODE HERE ###  
        for j in range(nu):
            w = W[j,:]
            b_j = b[0,j]
            for i in range(nm):
                x = X[i,:]
                J += R[i,j] * ((np.dot(w,x) + b_j - Y[i,j])**2)
        J /= 2 
        J += (lambda_ / 2) * (np.sum(np.square(W)) + np.sum(np.square(X)))
        ### END CODE HERE ### 
        return J
    def cofi_cost_func_v(X, W, b, Y, R, lambda_):
        Returns the cost for the content-based filtering
        Vectorized for speed. Uses tensorflow operations to be compatible with custom training loop.
          X (ndarray (num_movies,num_features)): matrix of item features
          W (ndarray (num_users,num_features)) : matrix of user parameters
          b (ndarray (1, num_users)            : vector of user parameters
          Y (ndarray (num_movies,num_users)    : matrix of user ratings of movies
          R (ndarray (num_movies,num_users)    : matrix, where R(i, j) = 1 if the i-th movies was rated by the j-th user
          lambda_ (float): regularization parameter
          J (float) : Cost
        j = (tf.linalg.matmul(X, tf.transpose(W)) + b - Y)*R
        J = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(j**2) + (lambda_/2) * (tf.reduce_sum(X**2) + tf.reduce_sum(W**2))
        return J
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    1.4.Binary labels: favs, likes and clicks

    Judge whether the customer likes it(Binary labels)

    1.5.Mean normalization

    And in fact, the effect of this algorithm is it will cause the initial guesses for the new user Eve to be just equal to the mean of whatever other users have rated these five movies. And that seems more reasonable to take the average rating of the movies rather than to guess that all the ratings by Eve will be zero.

    1.7.Finding related items


    2. Content-based filtering

    2.1. Collaborative filtering vs Content-based filtering


    Our purpose is to predict the value, so we should transform the features of users and movies to vector v u , v m v_u,v_m vu,vm, which have the same dimension.

    2.2. Deep learning for content-based filtering

    Both of them have 32 numbers although x u x_u xu and x m x_m xm are different.
    And ∣ ∣ v m ( k ) − v m ( i ) ∣ ∣ m i n 2 ||v_m^{(k)}-v_m^{(i)}||^2_{min} ∣∣vm(k)vm(i)min2 is the most similar movie to movie i i i.

    2.3. Recommending from a large catalog

    When the catalog is too large, thousands of millions of times every time a user shows up on your website becomes computationally infeasible. So, we should prepare before.
    Having precomputed the most similar movies to every movie, we can just pull up the results using a look-up table. And then we can retrieval and rank
    Rank them by the prediction value from high to low.

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_62012485/article/details/126581928