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如何安装 W onderS haper
W onderS haper 使用帮助
W onderS haper 使用示例
W onderS haper 在测试中的应用
W onderS haper 是用来对特定网卡进行快速限速的工具,它实际是对Linux的tc命令进行封装后的shell脚本,所以使用成本比tc更低,更容易上手,以下配合测速工具speedtest一起使用
- #直接拉取wondershaper,开箱即用
- git clone https://github.com/magnific0/wondershaper.git
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ./wondershaper -v
- Version 1.4.1
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper#
- #网速测试工具speedtest安装(Ubuntu)
- apt install speedtest-cli
- --yum install speedtest-cli (centos)
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ./wondershaper -h
- USAGE: ./wondershaper [-hcs] [-a <adapter>] [-d <rate>] [-u <rate>]
- Limit the bandwidth of an adapter
- -h Show this message 【帮助信息】
- -a <adapter> Set the adapter 【指定网卡接口】
- -d <rate> Set maximum download rate (in Kbps) and/or 【限制下载速度(Kbps)】
- -u <rate> Set maximum upload rate (in Kbps) 【限制上传速度(Kbps)】
- -p Use presets in "/etc/systemd/wondershaper.conf"
- -f <file> Use alternative preset file
- -c Clear the limits from adapter 【清除指定网卡规则,用于取消限速】
- -s Show the current status of adapter 【显示当前网卡的状态】
- -v Show the current version 【显示当前版本】
- Configure HIPRIODST in "/etc/systemd/wondershaper.conf" for hosts
- requiring high priority i.e. in case ssh uses dport 443.
- wondershaper -a <adapter> -d <rate> -u <rate>
- wondershaper -c -a <adapter>
- wondershaper -s -a <adapter>
- EXAMPLES: 【使用示例】
- wondershaper -a eth0 -d 1024 -u 512 【设置网卡eth0的上行速度为512kbps,下行速度为1024kbps】
- wondershaper -a eth0 -u 512 【只设置上行速度为512kbps】
- wondershaper -c -a eth0 【清除网卡eth0的规则】
- wondershaper -p -f foo.conf 【设置指定的配置文件】
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ifconfig eno1
- eno1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
- inet netmask broadcast
- inet6 fe80::2c93:21f9:1931:304 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
- ether c8:f7:50:7e:50:48 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
- RX packets 7748809 bytes 1034513376 (1.0 GB)
- RX errors 0 dropped 439 overruns 0 frame 0
- TX packets 15528838 bytes 4784318169 (4.7 GB)
- TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
- device interrupt 16 memory 0x91500000-91520000
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ./wondershaper -s -a eno1
- qdisc fq_codel 0: root refcnt 2 limit 10240p flows 1024 quantum 1514 target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms memory_limit 32Mb ecn
- Sent 4528052159 bytes 14890189 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 4224)
- backlog 0b 0p requeues 4224
- maxpacket 66616 drop_overlimit 0 new_flow_count 35953 ecn_mark 0
- new_flows_len 0 old_flows_len 0
- --测试网速
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# speedtest
- Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
- Testing from China Telecom (
- Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
- Selecting best server based on ping...
- Hosted by Fuzhou China Mobile,Fujian (Fuzhou) [589.19 km]: 14.449 ms
- Testing download speed................................................................................
- -- 下载网速是171.43 Mbit/s,
- Download: 171.43 Mbit/s
- Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
- -- 上传网速是4.15 Mbit/s
- Upload: 4.15 Mbit/s
- -- 下行2048kbps=2 Mbit/s,上行 1024kbps=1 Mbit/s
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ./wondershaper -a eno1 -d 2048 -u 1024
- --测试网速
- root@****e-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# speedtest
- Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
- Testing from China Telecom (
- Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
- Selecting best server based on ping...
- Hosted by Far EasTone Telecom (Miaoli City) [722.10 km]: 174.383 ms
- Testing download speed................................................................................
- -- 下行速度
- Download: 1.80 Mbit/s
- Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
- --上行速度
- Upload: 1.28 Mbit/s
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper#
- --取消限速
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ./wondershaper -c -a eno1
- -- 查看网卡状态
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# ./wondershaper -s -a eno1
- qdisc fq_codel 0: root refcnt 2 limit 10240p flows 1024 quantum 1514 target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms memory_limit 32Mb ecn
- Sent 123022 bytes 471 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
- backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
- maxpacket 0 drop_overlimit 0 new_flow_count 0 ecn_mark 0
- new_flows_len 0 old_flows_len 0
- -- 测试网速
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper# speedtest
- Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
- Testing from China Telecom (
- Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
- Selecting best server based on ping...
- Hosted by Far EasTone Telecom (Miaoli City) [722.10 km]: 173.886 ms
- Testing download speed................................................................................
- Download: 11.29 Mbit/s
- Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
- Upload: 2.93 Mbit/s
- root@****-5491:/home/soft/wondershaper#
- -- 只限制下行速度
- [#22#root@**** ~/wondershaper]22 ./wondershaper -a enp0s3 -d 100
- 1KB/s = 8kbps = 8kb/s
- 比如一般100M的宽带,实际是100Mbps=(100/8) MB/s=12.5 MB/s