- function [ax,hlines] = multiplotyyy(set1,set2,set3,ylabels)
- % MULTIPLOTYYY - Extends plotyy to include a third y-axis and allows the
- % user to plot multiple lines on each set of axes.
- %
- % Syntax: [ax,hlines] = plotyyy(set1,set2,set3,ylabels)
- %
- % Inputs: set1 is a cell array with the xdata and ydata for the first axes
- % set2 is a cell array with the xdata and ydata for the second axes
- % set3 is a cell array with the xdata and ydata for the third axes
- % ylabels is a 3x1 cell array containing the ylabel strings
- %
- % Outputs: ax - 3x1 double array containing the axes' handles
- % hlines - 3x1 cell array containing the lines' handles
- %
- % Example:
- % x1 = (0:0.01:1)';
- % x2 = (0:0.1:1)';
- % x3 = (0:0.05:1)';
- % y1 = x1;
- % y2 = x2.^2;
- % y3 = x3.^3;
- % y4 = sin(x1);
- % y5 = fliplr(2*x1.^2);
- % y6 = 7*cos(x1);
- % y7 = 7*log(x1+1.2);
- % ylabels{1}='First y-label';
- % ylabels{2}='Second y-label';
- % ylabels{3}='Third y-label';
- % [ax,hlines] = multiplotyyy({x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x1,y4},{x1,y5},{x1,[y6,y7]},ylabels);
- % legend(cat(1,hlines{:}),'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','location','w')
- %
- % Based on plotyyy.m (available at www.matlabcentral.com) by :
- % Denis Gilbert, Ph.D.
- %
- % Author: Laura L. Proctor
- % December 23, 2012
- %
- narginchk(3,4)
- if nargin==3
- % Use empty strings for the ylabels
- ylabels{1}=' '; ylabels{2}=' '; ylabels{3}=' ';
- end
- validateattributes(set1,{'cell'},{})
- validateattributes(set2,{'cell'},{})
- validateattributes(set3,{'cell'},{})
- fh = figure('units','normalized');
- cfig = get(fh,'Color');
- % Preallocate the outputs
- ax = zeros(3,1);
- hlines = cell(3,1);
- % Plot the first set of lines
- ax(1) = axes('Parent',fh);
- hlines{1} = plot(set1{:},'Color','b');
- set(ax(1),'YColor','b')
- lines = set(hlines{1}(1),'LineStyle');
- lines(end) = [];
- nlines = numel(lines);
- markers = set(hlines{1}(1),'Marker');
- markers(end) = [];
- nmarkers = numel(markers);
- if numel(hlines{1}) > 1
- for idx = 1:numel(hlines{1})
- set(hlines{1}(idx),'LineStyle',lines{rem(idx,nlines)+1})
- if numel(hlines{1}) > 4
- set(hlines{1}(idx),'Marker',markers{rem(idx,nmarkers)+1});
- end
- end
- end
- % Plot the second set of lines
- ax(2) = axes('Parent',fh);
- hlines{2} = plot(set2{:},'Color',[0 0.5 0]);
- set(ax(2),'YAxisLocation','right','Color','none','YColor',[0 0.5 0],...
- 'xlim',get(ax(1),'xlim'),'xtick',[],'box','off','XColor','k');
- if numel(hlines{2}) > 1
- for idx = 1:numel(hlines{2})
- set(hlines{2}(idx),'LineStyle',lines{rem(idx,nlines)+1})
- if numel(hlines{2}) > 4
- set(hlines{2}(idx),'Marker',markers{rem(idx,nmarkers)+1});
- end
- end
- end
- % Set the axes position and size
- pos = [0.1 0.1 0.7 0.8];
- offset = pos(3)/5.5;
- pos(3) = pos(3) - offset/2;
- set(ax(1),'Position',pos);
- set(ax(2),'Position',pos);
- % Determine the position of the third axes
- pos3=[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3)+offset pos(4)];
- % Determine the proper x-limits for the third axes
- limx1=get(ax(1),'xlim');
- limx3=[limx1(1) limx1(1) + 1.2*(limx1(2)-limx1(1))];
- ax(3) = axes('Parent',fh);
- hlines{3} = plot(set3{:},'Color','r');
- set(ax(3),'Position',pos3,'box','off',...
- 'Color','none','XColor','k','YColor','r',...
- 'xtick',[],'xlim',limx3,'yaxislocation','right');
- if numel(hlines{3}) > 1
- for idx = 1:numel(hlines{3})
- set(hlines{3}(idx),'LineStyle',lines{rem(idx,nlines)+1})
- if numel(hlines{3}) > 4
- set(hlines{3}(idx),'Marker',markers{rem(idx,nmarkers)+1});
- end
- end
- end
- limy3=get(ax(3),'YLim');
- % Hide unwanted portion of the x-axis line that lies between the end of the
- % second and third axes
- line([limx1(2) limx3(2)],[limy3(1) limy3(1)],...
- 'Color',cfig,'Parent',ax(3),'Clipping','off');
- axes(ax(2))
- % Label all three y-axes
- set(get(ax(1),'ylabel'),'string',ylabels{1})
- set(get(ax(2),'ylabel'),'string',ylabels{2})
- set(get(ax(3),'ylabel'),'string',ylabels{3})
- x1 = (0:0.01:1)';
- x2 = (0:0.1:1)';
- x3 = (0:0.05:1)';
- y1 = x1;
- y2 = x2.^2;
- y3 = x3.^3;
- y4 = sin(x1);
- y5 = fliplr(2*x1.^2);
- y6 = 7*cos(x1);
- y7 = 7*log(x1+1.2);
- ylabels{1}='First y-label';
- ylabels{2}='Second y-label';
- ylabels{3}='Third y-label';
- [ax,hlines] = multiplotyyy({x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x1,y4},{x1,y5},{x1,[y6,y7]},ylabels);
- legend(cat(1,hlines{:}),'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','location','w')